She can! Some of the stones twitch into a line, then levitate, in a pattern that the more mechanically inclined councilors might recognize as binary numbers, right to left, 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 - and then Kina, a little bit bored of counting, starts describing patterns, picking up more stones to do triangles and squares and rectangles, rotating and translating and scaling and multiple shapes rotating in opposite directions and she can do cubes and prisms and some of the weirdly shaped dice she's seen - she's having fun with this - but, eventually, she's worked all the stones into her choreography, with an expression of absolute glee on her face, before finally pulling them into an orbit around herself, just slightly askew from the direction of gravity's pull, and then piling them up neatly, one by one, in a towering stack.
She grins, and can't help herself from letting out an exhilarated giggle. "Did I do good?"