Theo and Sadde in Cardcaptorverse
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"Uh, yyyeah? Like, I know where two of them live, or if we're doing messages, three of them would be fine with it but I don't really know the fourth too well?"


"I think if they have found they're Suddenly Twins! they won't mind it if they don't know you well enough when you show up with an explanation for it all. Also, what are we going to tell them? What are we going to do with the copies?"


"I mean, I don't think the copies are going to agree to this, but they could pretend they have amnesia and go get into some sort of system. That's almost certainly not the best idea, though, since probably two or three are past the age of sixteen." He looks down. "But I don't know what we're gonna tell them."


"Is there a good reason not to tell them the truth?"


"… I don't know? I don't know how they'll react to 'oh, magic actually exists and look, here's a handy altered duplicate of you, have fun'."


Tyler snorts.


"I mean, it'll be obvious that something's going on, but it sounds like this isn't a decision we should make for them."


"Yeah," says Theo, shrugging.


"So, I think that's a reasonable next step, yes? Going after the people cloned by the Twin before capturing it?"


"Yeah, I think so," he says, then sighs a bit. "Woo, we already got one."


" are you two feeling? Tyler, I'm not going to let you die, you do realise this, I hope?"


"I'm just… confused and not sure how to handle things, really."


"Yeah," says Tyler. "Anyway, you already mentioned that."


"My mentioning it and you believing it are two different things," he points out. "Anyway, let's find more twins. Also, either of you wanna text your dad and explain how Theo's not an only child anymore?"


Tyler snorts. "Sure," he says, and then he does exactly that.

Hey, dad. This is Tyler here. The Twin copied Theo. That's me. Yes.


"Er, right. How's he reacting?"


"No response y—" he starts, when he's interrupted by a ping.


"— Actually, he seems to be taking it rather well. He just responded 'Oh. Hi there.'"


"...okay, I guess. So, you two know where those other people live, might you want to message them and ask if they've seen any magical twins yet?"


"Yeah, and sound mad in the process, but oh well."

So he does indeed message all the people. Even the two that Theo wasn't sure would be willing to receive messages from him. Hopefully they are in fact willing.


None of them reply immediately.


"No response yet," he reports.


"Er, okay, what do we do while we wait? Maybe Theo meditates and we find the Twin?"


Theo shrugs. "I guess that works."

… He will go into the living room and do it there. Fortunately he has the cards and staff on him.

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