Theo and Sadde in Cardcaptorverse
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Until lunch, which also begins as usual until Theo sees some movement over there where no one is from the corner of his eyes and some sense he's not sure he actually has says that's interesting.


And… what?

That is… um. Curious?

He says he'll be back in a bit to his friends, then heads over… to the place… where no-one is, and the thing that he might think is interesting is.

This is confusing.


There is a little... person, there. Short, with blue hair and a bright yellow harlequin costume. They grin at him and jump—through a wall.


Okay, what.

He walks up to the wall, speeding up a bit, and sees if they reappear or if he'll have to go 'round to try to chase them.



He also feels a tug on the back of his head, or—something, it's hard to describe, and it seems to be coming from the populated part of the cafeteria.


He snaps around to look that way – is it the little person? He bets there's a little person over that way.


Nope! It's another little person, with pink hair, standing on the head of a student!

...the student doesn't seem to notice the little person.


… Okay, well, he will tentatively walk over that way, not actually up to the student because that would be creepy, and will see if anything changes.


The little person sees him, giggles (it's a weird, echo-y giggle), boops the forehead of the person they're standing on, and starts jumping away.


Theo is going to try to nonchalantly follow the little person, because he doesn't want to seem weird, but if it gets too far away he might jog over to it.


It doesn't, it stops on the head of another student.

And Theo feels another pull from behind.


Of course he does, and is it the other little person standing on someone else's head?


No! They're running directly towards him and now they have booped his forehead, and Theo feels another boop on his back, and now both are running away, giggling.


He flinches away from their touch, but apparently that doesn't stop them from tapping him anyway.

For fuck's sake he hopes they haven't done anything. Little pixies.

And where are they running away to? Can he follow them?


They boop a couple of other people and then run through the cafeteria's doors.


Well then, he'll follow them out the cafeteria and try to catch them while nobody's looking.

He doubts it'll work, but it's not like he can just leave them to do whatever.


They're not anywhere in sight when he leaves the cafeteria.


Well, he'll still look around for them anyway. Hopefully they're just hiding around a corner or in a nearby classroom?


'Parently not.


In that case, he'll return to the cafeteria, slightly frustrated, and get some food.


Food is successfully gotten.

No hint of the weird twins.


He texts Sadde about it anyway, and then it would seem the rest of the day will continue.


And a copy of you didn't suddenly appear beside you?


Nor of anyone else they touched, no.


Okay, that's weird... but it was probably the Twin, right?

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