Theo and Sadde in Cardcaptorverse
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"No, it doesn't really sound much like it is."


"Yah," says Theo, sounding super cheerful.

He finishes off his pasta, then gets up to put his dish away – has Sadde finished his too?


Not quite yet.

"We also need to disable each half of it simultaneously. D'you have any great ideas for how to do that?"


Theo will just sit back down then.


"Uh." He thinks for a few seconds. "I wouldn't usually suggest this, on account of being in England, and it also being a bit lethal, but… maybe something quick like a gun? Or a pool of water and putting electricity through it?"


"...would the gun work? Would that kill the card?"


"It... probably wouldn't kill the card."


"Okay, so probably not the gun, then. … How alive are these cards, if they can die?"


"I don't think they can die, like that. It would take magic as strong as what was used to create them to destroy them."


"So, they're totally immortal to everything you could possibly do to them that's not magical? I have no idea how I'd get one, but a taser comes to mind. Or some sort of sonic weapon, if you have ear protection, or even a BB gun or rifle or something if you get two people with good timing?"


"Do you have two people with good timing lying around? Now would be a grand time to mention it if you do."


"If you have a gun, I'd expect counting down from three to give such little margin of error when you both pull the trigger, especially if you repeat it several times, that it wouldn't need super good timing, just regular timing?"


Sadde looks at Kero.


Who shrugs.


William looks at Cerberus, frowning. Such a helpful bear.

"Okay, so do you have any proper ideas for how, yet, or are you just brainstorming a basic set and trying to pick the best one?"


"Both? I suggested using the Shadow with two light sources to attack both halves at the same time with something like the Sword, maybe, but I'm open to better ideas."


"Would it work to use a high-velocity weapon with the Shadow, to make it have more impact, or would it just strain its abilities? As in, I doubt I can get you an actual gun, and I'm not really sure how I'd get these other things, but maybe a crossbow or an air rifle…?"


"The Shadow is as fast as what it's shadowing."


"And… could it shadow an arrow being shot from a bow? Could it shadow, I don't know, electricity somehow?"


"It could shadow an arrow, but electricity doesn't produce shadows, I think."


"What does it require to actually act like a projectile? Could you just have different flickering sources of light, one person, and have it bounce between their different shadows really quickly and deal a lot of damage to something between them?"


"The Shadow has a maximum size, and it acts like whatever it's shadowing."


"Okay, but how does it move from one shadow to the next if the shadow suddenly moves? Does it get damaged because it can't move between them that quickly, or what?"




He raises his eyebrows and looks like he's going to say something, then just sighs.

It's not fair of him to expect the bear to know everything about these cards, he supposes, though that would be nice.

"Anyway, do any of those sound like they could work as ideas?"

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