Theo and Sadde in Cardcaptorverse
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He takes a deep breath, mentally readying himself. Which sounds kinda stupid, since he's just got to face some wind and unlock a bloody window, but still.

He uses the Key to unlock the window, bracing himself against the wind.


Yep, that sure is a lot of wind!


He tries to swap the keys over, so he's holding on to the magical one and the one for the window is in the window.


It's a lot of wind. That task won't be easy, and the closer he is to succeeding, the stronger the wind pushing against him and at everything in the room.

(Good thinking, Laura, things aren't being destroyed!)


Stupid wind, he doesn't care that you're getting stronger. It's just going to make him try harder.

He makes steady progress, blurring a little, though it would be difficult to distinguish from the wind, were anyone watching him.


And eventually he manages to stick the key in there, blocking the Lock's access and causing the wind to take on a greenish colour as it coalesces into the shape of a padlock (much like the little keychain he had bought Sadde).


Oof. Sudden lack of wind: not conducive to maintaining his balance. Luckily he just fell against the window.

He extends the Key into a staff โ€“ he seems to be doing this a lot, woo โ€“ and tries to strike the padlock with it, commanding it to return to its 'power confined'.


And so it does, becoming a card again.


There's a noise from the front door as it finally opens.


Theo will put the card in his everpresent bag, walk out of the kitchen, and try to stay out of the way but still present.

... Where's Kero?


Floating over there!


"Are you alright, Mum? Did you get hurt?"


"I'm fine, dear. I'll just need to change my bandages."


Theo will stand here out of the way, doing very little, looking vaguely guilty.

He's not really sure why he feels guilty, but guilty he feels.


"You're sure?"


"I am." She eyes Theo. "You should probably go talk to your boyfriend, he looks a bit lost over there."


She raises an eyebrow but nods, then scoots over to him.


"No, I'm fine. I've not been locked in a house by a magical key; I'm fine, honest."

He's just looking guiltier now.


"I didn't actually notice I was locked here until about an hour before Sadde arrived."


Well, he's at least not getting any guiltier, but he still says, "Sorry."


"Well, I'm going to go change my bandages," she says, and wheels out of their way.


She wraps her arms around Theo. "Thank you for helping us."


He looks a bit confused. "No problem? ... What else would I do?"


"Probably nothing, but it's still nice."


Theo smiles and hugs her back.

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