Theo and Sadde in Cardcaptorverse
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"Do you mean just now or earlier?" he asks, shrinking the staff into the Key and trying it on the door. "Because just now, I wanted to shout that we're okay, and because earlier, the front door didn't work."


Nope. Key doesn't work.

"Earlier, but it's very inconvenient that it didn't work. Why did it work on the window?"


"Because the Lock is there. So the front door didn't work last time. And this door didn't work, again, because obviously the Lock isn't in this door, still, it's in the window. Ugh."


"Hmm, and your wind card doesn't work. But needing to be in an actual keyhole sounds like something we could exploit."


"Any idea how? I mean, slicing it off with the Sword might work โ€“ I don't remember if Kero vetoed that idea โ€“ but that's not a great first option."


"What idea?" Kero calls from the other side of the door.


"Slicing off the lock that the Lock's in with the Sword. Or slicing around the window. Somehow removing it from the building by disconnecting it with the sword."


"I would prefer not having my apartment destroyed."


"Well, it would work."


"Yeah, like I said, not a great first option."


"Anyway, suppose you displaced the Lock and prevented it from entering the keyhole again?"


"That would force it to reveal its true form and allow it to be captured."


"Okay, but does it count as displacing it enough if I just use the key on the it? And then how do I stop it? Got an object I can try to stick against the keyhole while it tries to knock me back with wind? It's not like it's shown its true form yet."


"When you use the key there that magical wind is the Lock."


"We could try using the window's actual key. Speaking of which, how did you even manage to use yours on the outside?"


"It changed into a different key when I put it near the lock, and then it clicked it open." He rolls his eyes and continues, "It just felt like it'd be okay with me opening it from the outside."


"Let's try that, then. After we've made sure it can cause the least amount of destruction when it's revealed."


"What, try the regular key for the window?"

He looks around but doesn't really know what to move to prevent destruction. Maybe some loose items on the sink?


"Try your magical key, and then use the regular key to block its way back in." She wheels back to the window and looks around, hmming thoughtfully. There are in fact loose items on the sink. "How strong was the wind? Could it move the table or chairs?"


"Yeah, it probably could. We should probably move the stuff off the sink? I don't know where to, though, so..."


"Can you move the chairs and the table closer to the walls? And leave the vases in another room and close the doors. I'll deal with the sink." And she goes on to do that.


"Yeah, sure," he says, and then he goes and does that.


When he's back, she's waiting for him. "I think this wheelchair and the injury are not very awful magic friendly. Do you need any help?"


"Uh. No, don't worry, I can do it. You might want to get out of the way, though, since it's probably going to be dangerous."


"Okay." She hands him the key to the window and wheels herself away.

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