Meng Yao is sleep-deprived enough from his new baby that when the cry wakes him up he's halfway through the first verse of Northeastern Cradle Song before he goes from "why can't I find his bottle?" to "because I am standing on a street corner and not in my house."
Newspaper guy does not remotely notice that a donut has gone unpaid for. One person looks suspicious but relaxes immediately when Meng Yao clarifies aloud that he paid for his donut.
"I'm really annoyed that you can't keep your baby quiet," someone tells Lan Xichen. "I'm kind of fantasizing about strangling it."
The safety announcement goes like this:
"Hey everybody! The pilots are not drunk so we're almost certainly going to be totally fine, but just in case, please raise your hand if you have any questions about the safety features of this aircraft that aren't answered to your satisfaction on the little card in front of you!" (No hands go up.) "Great, I hate having to go over all that again when we have newbie flyers. Last time we had a middle school field trip and they wanted the entire spiel! It was awful! If you want something that a flight attendant can reasonably provide and you're too dang impatient to wait for us to come around with beverage service, you can press your call button! You can also do it under other circumstances but it won't help. I hope you enjoy your flight because surly nauseated passengers are way less pleasant to deal with!"
"I'm very sorry. If I had access to my family wealth I would be taking a private jet instead."
He is going to rise to a position of tremendous power by being the only person in politics who can lie and then he will have his OWN private jet with NO people making obnoxious comments.
Honestly that's very courteous of them.
Is there someone here to pick them up at the airport?