Cam emerges in time - if not really plenty of time - to safely land the shuttle.
"Gah, that feels weird, I've gotten used to them by now..."
"If you want me to leave yours you'll probably have to wait in the shuttle."
"Nah, nah, take 'em, the tail too, I can replace them later, but I'll probably fall over constantly, they help a lot with balance. At least it's lunar gravity."
"Oh, very nice. But I think I will go back to my preferred number of appendages after this visit anyway."
And then poof. Bye, wings. The tail follows, shortly after.
"Euagh," says Cam. "All right. Look how human we are. Get your brother and we can all go."
"Hey, we're here."
"I won the swordfight."
"... We are all so proud that you beat up a - how old are you, Max?"
"An eighteen year old girl with zero experience in swordfighting."
Cam applauds lightly. "Zane, say goodbye to your wings, we're gonna go say hi to your dad and the neighbors would be suspicious. Come to think of it are your dad's neighbors going to recognize you two?"
"... Nyeh, that's weird now. I mean, we can be sneaky and stuff?"
"I can do invisibility," says Max, raising his hand. "If that seems like the smart thing to do?"
"That'd make it kind of hard for those of us the neighbors won't recognize to follow them to the place," Cam points out.
"So - you hold Adana's hand, she leads you there while invisible, and the rest of us follow you."