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wen ning is the erogamer
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"I-I'm holding a very" hot "cute person?"


"Oh, yeah, probably your dick has no idea that this is platonic friend cuddling and kissing time. Dicks are just kind of like that."


Wen Ning scootches away out of politeness, and is thankful he is still wearing his work clothes. (Even if he may regret this tomorrow.) "I-it's not that good at social niceties. Unfortunately." (Not that he is against platonic cuddling and kissing, but-- he is having to be careful not to look too disappointed. He really does appreciate their friendship. He's happy with not having more, he just... wants it.)


"Mine either," Wei Wuxian says. "See?" He grabs Wen Ning's hand and puts it on his dick.


He is holding his best friend's cock.

...he has no clue what to do in this situation.

He holds very, very still. Like he's trying not to scare off a frightened animal, except he's the animal in this situation. Probably.


"Cocks are so rude. I'm glad we know it doesn't mean anything," Wei Wuxian says, and goes back to talking about magic. 


...he has way more of a clue about how to handle talking about magic than about genitals, so it works out.


Eventually Wei Wuxian falls asleep using Wen Ning as a pillow.


...he never realised that Wei Wuxian using him as a pillow was a life goal.

But he found out and fulfilled it at the same time, which is a very good way for life goals to be. He could probably even convince him to do it regularly, for the 'do things you like' quest.


The next morning:

+40 XP for Online Presence!
You have leveled up!

...four people seems kind of many, seeing as it's only been one night?  Or maybe it's one person four times, but still?

He has ten stat points, and should probably do something with them. If he puts four of them into SED, he can finally be above average. ART and NOV can get three each, so they aren't lagging behind.

Quest available: Not In Your Wildest Dreams

Fulfill ten people's wildest sexual fantasies.

Success: 1000xp, ????
Failure: ????
Accept Y/N

...he's not going to decline the quest. But he has no clue how he is meant to a) find ten people to tell him their wildest sexual fantasies and b) somehow fulfill them.

-- what the hell, this one is very unlikely to have a time limit. He can accept and just... work on it in the background.




"Good morning. --Do you want me to make breakfast?" Is this the etiquette?


"Nah. I'll make breakfast. You're a guest."

'Breakfast' is inedibly spicy congee. 


He does at least have practice eating Wei Wuxian's food. He is braced for the ridiculous spiciness.


"Nie Huaisang's in town with no plans so they can go clothes shopping with you! Magic clothes shopping!"


"I don't really have plans either, so that works out."


"What plan is more important than MAGIC. --Really, Nie Huaisang is the sort of person you'd expect to be a joy wizard."


"...I can put them on the list?"


"They're a furry porn artist and they make costumes and they travel the world bouncing from couch to couch making people happy instead of having to pay rent."


"They do sound more qualified." The One why did you make him the first wizard?


"Maybe like. Being incredibly repressed and bad at having preferences makes your magic stronger. Because of all the cooped-up joy."


"That does. Match a bit with what the manual told me."

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