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in which danni learns what it means to be a sith (she's pretty sure it's friendship)
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"If you don't mind?"


"Anything in particular?"


She has a few requests...


Elesse will keep those in mind as she heads of in search of the galley.


Which fortunately appeared on the tour earlier. 

Many of the handmaidens seem to be sleeping right now - and Elesse doesn't encounter anyone else on her way to and from the galley - and Lylí thanks Elesse quietly when she returns with the food. 


"You're welcome."


Smile. "And thank you for talking to me."


"No problem."


"You're welcome to stay up here, if you want."


"Sure." She takes a seat.


She settles back, apparently intending to just eat and watch hyperspace in silence. She feels calmer, though, less broody. (Still a little broody, of course, but a lot of the edge has been taken off.)


She hasn't been offworld much yet.

Hyperspace is... interesting, for a while.


She'll answer questions if asked, but - well, in the meantime, the focus that falls over her emotions very nearly resembles meditation, if a rather more intense one than Elesse's used to feeling from Jedi.


(One more piece of weirdness on the pile.)

After a while of that Elesse will go to try to catch some sleep herself.


The rest of the trip is fairly similar - the handmaidens aren't maintaining anyone as the Senator right now, so Elesse is able to talk to Ravrí more and get to know the others, but Lylí is still the only one who shows her face during the journey. 

She's curious about the Jedi and the Force and about Elesse's studies and impression of the Senate - but when she's not brooding she turns out to be very easy to bait into tangents of her own, and Elesse usually finds her reading.

She knows everything about the construction of this ship and every droid on it - expresses curiosity about lightsaber design in the middle of one info dump on modifying engines for different tasks. She knows a lot of history, too, of Naboo and the Republic and a massive spread of different groups, some of them relevant to her work as a Senator but many just interesting. She can cite fairly old laws from memory, and has clearly studied philosophy quite widely. (There's a lot of indications Elesse hasn't found out even a small fraction of the fields Lylí could go into a sizeable info dump on; she keeps referring offhandedly to connections to apparently entirely unrelated fields.)


She's a good conversationalist. Her knowledge base is impressively wide. It's kind of like talking with the Council members, in some ways.


She clearly enjoys talking to Elesse in turn, too.


(Even if she is evil, maybe she's not all bad.)




Their arrival to Naboo is private - though the handmaidens still place one of them as the Senator and still mask up when leaving the ship. Palpatine's estate is large and remote, with a good view of mountain valleys and lakes and Theed in the distance.

Shaní has been distant on the trip, but she's brusque and efficient and deeply knowledgable, and she takes Elesse with her to sweep the estate for any problems ahead of the Senator's party - there's security that stays here, including two handmaidens who work in Theed on the Senator's behalf, but that of course doesn't satisfy Shaní.


Maybe she can get Shani to explain some of what she's doing as they go? Elesse had a bit of a crash course in personal security before they left, but an expert's inside view is always welcome.


"Of course," she says. 

Shaní is more talkative about security than most things, and she's good at explaining things succinctly - though someone slower on the uptake than Elesse might struggle to keep up. They're looking for gaps or signs of tampering in the automated protective systems, and looking for things that might have slipped in and hidden such as spy droids or bugs they might have left. They're speaking to the staff, too, getting a thorough idea of what everyone has seen and making sure security protocols are still being followed. 


Elesse is less help with the automated systems, she doesn't know them well enough. But getting the reports from the staff is something she's good at.


And familiarity will come with training. 


It usually does, yeah.

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