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anakin's dream come true
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Ani is fortunately too tired right now to be very blatant about her smug wiggling.


Also fortunately, the woman doesn't notice.

She does, however, hold up her hands placatingly. "Suit yourself, then. But if any future girls you've trained are more broadly available..." She winks.


Elesse settles herself back down.

"I will, of course, keep you in mind."


"And I'll keep you in mind," she says with a laugh. "I'm very happy with this - I've got a more general meeting tomorrow evening, I can do introductions then."


"I look forward to it. Is it to be here or elsewhere?"


"Not too far," she gives an address and time to meet her at.


She'll be there.

And she and her Ani depart.


Ani needs a few moments to recover, now. Not too long, but - she'd very much like it if her Master wants to take her somewhere private and dote on her.


Back to their room for a short while, then.


She shivers back into Anakin - immediately processes the thought that Elesse is extremely hot when she's being protective/ possessive of Anakin - she really appreciates that for reasons other than the hotness and the warm glow it set off in Anakin's chest, but. It was in fact hot.

Then she moves her thoughts on because yeah um. And they're on a timeline, though - she opens herself to the Force, tracks the position of that woman and her boy, but she seems to be going to bed, not immediately torturing him - he's a bit separate from her...


That's good. They have a little time.

When Anakin feels ready, they can move downstairs.


She is soon enough - and she doesn't want to hide or heal the injuries, it'd be suspicious (and she likes them), so... A quick hug and some mental reassurance - a moment to orient their plans around the woman's actual current position and actions -

And: downstairs.



Elesse stretches out with the Force, lightly taking note of everyone in the area, positions and dispositions, ready to nudge where necessary.


The main thrust of the actual sabotage is all Anakin, though. 

She preps the scene first.

Makes sure all the exits are unlocked - it's common to lock your 'staff' in, one of the ways this place ignores fire codes, but those are shoddy electronic locks and she can fake a system-wide failure easily enough. She identifies anyone who seems to be currently chained somewhere, in case she and Elesse need to do a personal rescue - not many, fortunately, most slavers here are relying on electronic door locks on the same faulty systems. 

Then - a small fire in the utilities room - nudges to make sure no one's going towards it - she trips the circuit breakers, they're ancient things and there's sparks, which don't harm anyone immediately but -

The power goes out, and the places it got overloaded aren't exactly quiet. The horrid smell of burnt plastic spreads quickly, and the emergency power doesn't come on because of course it doesn't - and Anakin flares the utility room fire. 

People have enough time to get uneasy before a single battered smoke detector starts wailing (which Anakin had reconnected earlier; all the smoke detectors had been turned off, presumably due to faulty wiring).

She and Elesse will probably need to nudge things here to avoid serious injury - and to make sure certain people get lost in the press. 


It's an exercise is subtlety. Moving the right point at the right time, creating a chain reaction. Confusion here, clarity there. A nudge of this way, don't look, quiet and lost among the confusion.


Complicated, and not something they do together very often. Exhausting, too, especially as a follow up to a long, emotionally intense day. 

Ani stays huddled against her Master. Most don't. 

One very specific slave, spooked by seeing what might be in store for him - given a new impetuous to risk running - he doesn't, either. His owner saves her own skin first, doesn't even try to take him along - to ensure he isn't abandoned in a burning building. 

Ani and Elesse both feel it when he gets away safe, and Ani relaxes very slightly, clings more tightly to her Master as the press of the crowd threatens to force them apart (uses that for another nudge...).

The authorities are going to show up eventually; the fire's really picking up. Ani's not sure she and her Master want to stick around to be questioned. 


Not especially. They should find somewhere to lurk until tomorrow evening.


Plenty of examples of that in a city like this.

Ani can rent her Master another room; it was an exciting night, after all, and she knows her Master hasn't slept yet. (Anakin wants to sleep. Preferably in the same bed as Elesse.)


That would be very welcome. (Though all they'll be doing in the bed is sleeping.)


She understands. And - she's happy to just be near Elesse. Especially where she doesn't have to track other people. 

It's a decently big bed, too, though Anakin would very much like to cuddle anyways. 


They can do that.


Good. (Snuggle flop; today has been long and full of emotions. Something simple like this is - perfect.)

Anakin sleeps well, and wakes up pleasantly sore.


A good sleep can do wonders.

They should take some time to feel out reactions to the fire, once they're properly awake.


There's a lot of grumpy people ‐ especially anyone who lost what they consider their property in the chaos - but it's being blamed on faulty wiring. The bar's proprietor will likely have trouble rebuilding his client base; sabotage isn't suspected. And - their contact is in a grouchy snit, but she's still willing to do introductions.


That's basically as good an outcome as they could have hoped for, at this point.

Elesse offers some commiseration to their contact.

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