"I'll take solace in that fact. There are no statistics. Just lots of lies."
"...I keep making references without checking to see if you'll get them. There's a phrase, 'lies, damned lies, and statistics'."
"Is there really? Why are statistics worse than lies and damned lies? I don't like them much, but... They're not terrible? I guess?"
"Well, if you make up or even just creatively present and interpret your statistics, you can sound very convincing anyway."
"Ah. That... Makes sense and is terrible. Okay, at least there were no statistics."
"Yes. Not to worry, I may be evil, but... I'll stay away from statistics. Also lies. I'm not really good at those."
"I don't know that I've ever seen you even try to lie," observes Isabella.
"I don't like lying," he explains. "So I avoid it. Being bad at it helps."
"I can be very misleading with the truth. I'm only good at lying if I know in advance I'm going to have to do it, I'm terrible if surprised."
"Right, I do the truth misleading thing if I have to, as you saw with your parents, but actual straight-up lying - no. Can't do it."
"What I really need in my life is a guy who will convincingly deceive me! Obviously you're inadequate."
"Perhaps we can rebuild if you lie about something, like, right now. Only I'd be expecting it. I suppose there are grade-schooler games designed to handle this kind of problem..."
(He is really not good at this.)
"No. There's a game called 'two truths and a lie', where you make three statements and people try to guess which one is a lie, maybe that would help."
"Er, maybe? I don't think I want to get good at lying, either, though."
"Eh. If it's based around lying like the last one I will probably not be all for it," points out Adarin gently.
"It doesn't involve lying, but you might not like it anyway."