Nie Huaisang sits down at the Shanghai table. "You know what's great? Sex. Is great. In case you were wondering."
"I'm going to take your maybes as 'on second thought, no.' Let me know if I'm wrong about that."
"I wasn't going to chase him down the hallway with snack tokens. I offered, he declined."
"--I honestly have no clue if he's said anything, or you're just mad on his behalf. Would it just be simpler if he and I talked?"
"--I could take this as a set up to say that I am actually quite high quality, but equally I could take it as a set up to point out that you are quite aggressively insulting your clavemate while trying to defend him."
Oh. Well, this is a CHALLENGE. He can't back down now.
"I have a ton of homework this week but I can do next weekend!" he says angrily.
"I think I can pencil you in then. Anything you want to barter?" This is going down as the funny story of how he managed to get someone from angry to 'in his bed in the next week or so' in the space of two minutes, and it will be great.
...this situation has gotten kind of out of his control and he's not really sure what's gone wrong here but like hell is he going to back down.
"You should be paying me! I'm from Shanghai!"
Why is bartering happening?
What is being bartered?
She is so, so not qualified for this.
Do they mean--?
No, that is anatomically improbable. This has to be some Scholomance slang she has not picked up on.
"It was a metaphor!!!! If you did your lit homework instead of fucking all the time you would know what a metaphor is!!!"
"Oh, do explain what a metaphor is. I have done precisely zero homework in my life and I can only think about one thing."