"Today is a glorious day in the history of the Scholomance."
"The void should really consider that some people want to do things out of affinity. Especially if their affinity is something that doesn't exist in the Scholomance."
"Okay, but that's not the mind control, now is it, he would be just as evil if his affinity were fluffy bunnies."
"Right. So Zaizai just doesn't pull malia and then no aura and then no one will think he's evil! Easy."
"Yeah. I've got lots of other reasons not to use malia too, it - makes you crazy and want to kill people and also makes you not be able to use normal mana apparently. I wonder what you could even do if your affinity were for bunnies? That's so specific."
"...An army of bunnies to fight mals for you?" Masozi suggests.
This conversation seems to be one of those weird mysterious conversations that isn't driving toward solving a problem, though, so he's going to go back to intently studying Mandarin.
Masozi accepts an escort over with Nie Huaisang. His mind is still kind of buzzing with Mandarin practice; he wonders if getting drunk, whatever it's like, will help with that as well as with math?
"Ta da!" Nie Huaisang says with a dramatic flourish as he takes a bottle out of his bag. "Booze."
In Masozi's opinion, Lan Wangji is here because he has a SWORD and can help fight off any mals that show up while everyone is making themselves stupider on purpose.
(Masozi is...reasonably sure that he won't lose situational awareness or the ability to use his spell that searches for mals even if he's stupider? He's not totally sure, though, so he's going to check the room very thoroughly before they start this project.)
...The bottle does not look especially tasty? Masozi gives it a dubious look.
"Oh my god that's awful. It's the worst thing I've ever tasted. a-Ying, try some."
He does. "Wow. That's appalling. It tastes like someone filtered cheap whiskey through a dumpster of rotten garbage."
"You know, the one advantage here is that it least it won't taste any different the other way."
That is not a very appealing pitch! Masozi will try it anyway once it's handed to him, though.
....Okay, he's in fact eaten actual food that tasted worse than that.
No. Absolutely not. He will not. This is the worst idea imaginable.
He takes the offered bottle and drinks it.