boots, rumil, and epic land in competent!valarda
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"If the resemblance to Mirelóte is more than passing you will do all kinds of other things but allow us at least to be terribly excited about that."


"I'm not sure how to tell if it is or not. I can tell with Rúmil and Fëanáro by subtle arts but I don't read myself by subtle arts like that."


"Hmmm... when I give Ambela presents my default is commissioning her memory blessings, though she'll also enjoy tickets to performances of classic plays, she's waiting to have children until we have faster-than-light travel to Endorë, she writes a lot, she - thinks highly of herself, not at all in a bad way, she's really good at explaining things when people have very different backgrounds or starting assumptions..."





"Useful? Should I go on -"


"Yes please."


"Writes a lot, I think every day, she says she'll stop if we ever get memory completely perfect but until then it's how she straightens her thoughts out, she and Rúmil were very instrumental in helping Finwë handle his grief at my grandmother's death and raise Fëanáro well, she really gets how to talk to him, about lost her mind at Mandos when she found out he was trying to fix the dead -"


He giggles.


"She was very civil. Talked them into stopping the correction therapy, too. She had a major hand in writing the Oath Reform Act, she pushed pretty hard for decentralized resurrections too..."


"...she's an only child, she does not drink alcohol, she talks in her sleep..."


"Okay, yeah. Minus, um, effectively talking Valar into anything."


"You were used to gods who would squish you for having the nerve to have an opinion about whether they ought to!"


"I mean, yes. But it would have been a useful skill apparently!"


"How long did it take her?"


"I think it was 220 Years before we started seeing real progress. By 300 they were very easy to talk to and good at taking advice, and from there they improved everything about Valinor, pretty rapidly."


"Okay, I feel better now."


"Does the other set need some sense talked into them?"


"I did get Lórien's permission to restore the fuzzed-over memories people came out of Mandos with if they wanted. Couldn't undo the other editing."


"That's really good, though, congratulations. How can you do that, exactly?"


"I'm a subtle artist. I have a therapy license and mental powers and telekinesis. I borrow osanwë as a protocol around people who use it though, I don't read private thoughts."


"You had just said you think you're an alternate universe version of Ambela, so I was not too worried. You could read thoughts, though? Melkor might agree to someone doing it, he wants to prove he's really reformed..."


"I don't know how it'd work with a Vala; it'd be a really bad idea to try it on a god from my world."


Nod. "Your world sounds terrible. I'm so glad you got out."



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