Almost two weeks pass. Sadde still has work, even if school's out, but they and Theo hang out a bit more. No new cards appear, and Kero seems to not think that strange, so Sadde themself doesn't care. And one day Theo gets a text in the morning: Happy birthday!
"We... get Windy out and hope she can do something? I'm guessing that's not what you were thinking."
"... Of course! That'd be perfect for us, since we're so totally vigilantes!" he says a bit sarcastically. "No, but seriously, eugh. I know we kinda have to, but still. Eugh."
"Please, don't say that. Because it seriously could."
... "Now, what are we doing about our very obvious lack of cake?"
"Get one elsewhere. Surely not all bakeries around are haunted by Clow Cards. No offence, Change."
"Well yeah, but that was a hint for us to go there. And get cake," he says, starting to walk in a random direction and looking for another bakery.
"I don't have a super sweet tooth, I can wait to be enthusiastic when we get to your place."
"Oh, okay."
And eventually they get back to Theo's house. It's not that far a walk, really.
"Daaaad! We have cake!"
He goes into the kitchen and places the cake on the table, opening the packaging. It's chocolate cake with chocolate icing and some white chocolate shavings on the top. Theo seems to really like chocolate... in small quantities... on his birthday...
Theo starts cutting pieces for everybody. His dad comes in to say "Happy Birthday" (again) and to take some cake, then disappears.
"I know, weird, isn't it? I'm so chatty, and he's just not!"
Is Cerberus eating cake? Theo bets he's eating cake.