Almost two weeks pass. Sadde still has work, even if school's out, but they and Theo hang out a bit more. No new cards appear, and Kero seems to not think that strange, so Sadde themself doesn't care. And one day Theo gets a text in the morning: Happy birthday!
Theo goes upstairs and says, "Hey, Kero, Sadde and I are going shopping for cake."
Well, that was pretty quick.
He walks downstairs and into the kitchen. "Ready to go?"
"It is your birthday." She leaves the line to examine some of the cakes on display—
when one of them practically jumps towards her. She narrowly escapes being completely caked.
Theo, chivalrous as ever, jumps back to ensure he's not caught.
"Whaaaaat the hell was that," he says to Kero, looking around at the other people in the store.
But it wasn't her...!
Except there's no way anyone would believe that, so she nods mutely.
Theo keeps looking around nervously. Whatever it was, he didn't see anything obvious.
Can he meditate while standing up, without his staff out, by closing his eyes and trying to focus? Is that a thing he can do in the middle of a bakery with lots of people around? He can feign tiredness so people don't look at him too weirdly...
Sadde gingerly gets out of the way of the cleaning person, only to have another cake fling itself at her.
"Theo, I appreciate it, but you don't need to excuse my clumsiness," she says, giving him a meaningful look. "I'll wait outside."
To outwards appearances, Theo appears to calm a little, but he's actually far from calm. He can't take it out on the shopkeeper, though; they don't know anything about magic.
He pays the shopkeeper for the damage, then goes over to meet Sadde, keeping a look out for any more flying cakes.