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Theo and Sadde in Cardcaptorverse
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"Yeah, no. You can keep that."


"I don't actually have a staff. Come on, you'd look awesome, and you'd fly, and your image is already great, you're super hot, you don't need to worry about how it'll affect that!"


"I still don't like the pink. Or the wings on the pink staff. If it just sprouted the wings on my back, that'd be fine, but no."


"You're the cardcaptor! You'll need to, like, have cards! And use them! So you can avert the end of the world!" Pause. "Or I could carry you around."


"... I prefer that idea."


"...really? Alright, then."


"Something wrong? Didn't you expect that?" he asks, smiling, then decides to resume kissing Sadde. This might make it difficult to get a response, but he was being rhetorical anyway, and kisses are more important.


Sadde giggles and kisses back, but then pulls away to say, "I did not expect that, indeed!"


"Well, it's good that I'm not getting predictable," he says.


"Mmhm! ...and it's getting kinda late, I should either go home or message Mum to tell her I'm not."


"... Do you wanna get your phone then?" he asks, hinting at his preferences.


"If I'm staying we're gonna need to get food. Which will mean interacting with your dad."


"... That is true. But if we're boyfriend and genderfriend, he should probably know, so it'll have to happen eventually..." He then starts kissing along Sadde's jaw and neck.

Has Theo totally forgotten about the incident from earlier? He might have. Or maybe he's just distracted.


"He might have already guessed something along those lines," Sadde says, hugging Theo close to him and shuddering due to kisses.


Theo stops to say, "Probably," and then continues kissing his way around Sadde's chest, again.

Looks like he's not hungry for food.


(Click here to skip the explicit content.)

Sadde laughs. And then hmmms. And there may be other noises involved. "We've just gone at it twice," he points out, and is interrupted by his own involuntary noises.


"Turns out I'm a teenager, sue me."

This is fun. Why would anyone want to stop?



"Rather not," he says, and bites his lower lip, making soft moaning noises.


Wow, Sadde really has some great reactions to chest exploration.

Theo stops, because he's a tease, and says, "How about that food then?"


Sadde groans and pulls Theo for a kiss.


Theo kisses back for a bit, then pulls away and says, "I thought you were hungry?"


"Yeah. Yeah I am. But I kinda..." He pulls back a bit so he can very obscenely look at Theo's body, trailing him up and down with his eyes. "Am very comfortable where I am."


Theo rakes his eyes back over Sadde's body in response. "Oh, are we?" he asks in a low voice.




Theo's back in for more kisses.

He's also pretty excited. Note his excitement.

... It's a good thing his dad's so busy.

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