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Xiao Jingyan falls on season two of the Dream SMP
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“—Yeah I’m fuckin’ alright, I’m fuckin’, I’m TommyInnit, I’m the king of alright. I’m more alright than you’ll ever be.” He puffs up his chest, straightens his back. 


"If you say so." He is not going to push, but he is increasing his already high levels of concern. "I came over to see how you were doing, but also to ask about Tubbo. He wants to visit you, but-- not if you do not want him to."


"If he wants to visit then why hasn't he fucking visited already, it's been more than a week and he hasn't visited. --Is it the bridge? I made a bridge today, I think that's why no one was visiting before, is 'cause there wasn't a bridge. Did you visit because of the bridge, you have to tell me or else it's entrapment, innit."


"I visited because today was the day Ghostbur showed me where you are-- though he did only remember he was going to do that because of the bridge, so on a technical level: yes, I visited because of the bridge.

Tubbo did not want to visit if you did not want to see him. He thought you might understandably be upset with him and not want to see him. So he sent me as a neutral party to ask."


“…If he wanted to see me why’d he fuckin’ exile me.” 


"He did not think he could face Dream. There are plans to defeat Dream, and get you back-- but they're not ready yet."


“Don’t— I—

I miss Tubbo, man. But Dream’s— Dream visits, almost every day, he’s the only one who visits all the time—well, and Ghostbur, I guess—

He’s really trying? To get me back?”


"He is. We're training, and gathering resources, and trying to close the gap between us and Dream."


“Why don’t you get me some fuckin’ resources, I’m the one out here in fuckin’, an iron chestplate. This suuuuucks. 

…He’s not— I bet he’s gonna be fuckin’ pissed, having to fight Dream for me. I guess I, I guess I kind of deserve it, though.”


"If there's something you need, let me know, and I will see what I can do.

I can't speak for Tubbo, but there is no love lost between me and Dream."


Tommy opens his mouth and then pauses for a moment, considering. “…Nah. I’m fine. I don’t need your pity things.”


"It would be useful if you were equipped too. It's not pity. It's strategy." It may or may not also be empathy.


“Yeah, but, like, Dream’ll just fucking take it, right? I mean, not that I’m saying no to you giving me your stuff. You should totally give me all your stuff. I’m just saying.”


"Is there something Dream might not notice? Do you have enough food?"


“—I’ve got Mushroom Henry?” (Mushroom Henry is a red cow covered in mushrooms.) “If you ever want mushroom soup, I’m your man. ‘M not really that hungry, though. Maybe I’m becoming a plant. All I need now are photos. That’s what plants do, right? Just take photos of the sun, and then they eat that instead of food.”


"I could see about you getting photos." He is not entirely sure of the process, but he is reasonably sure he could convince Ghostbur to help.


“Huh? No, I don’t need photos. …Ghostbur already got me some, actually. Point  is, I don’t need your pity shit. I am self-sufficient.”


"If you need anything later, let me know."


"I need Tubbo, man. I need to be home. Why'd he--why'd he have to fucking exile me."


"Dream is too much of a threat. Hopefully not for too long, but at the moment--"


"At the moment you're all too fucking-- you're all pussies, leave, leave, leave--" (He punches Jingyan in the chest, looks down at his own hands in faint surprise, and then stops.) "Fuck you, fuck all of you, I just want to go home--"


"If you want me to leave, I will." He turns and heads towards the portal, but walks slowly enough that if Tommy wants to stop him, it would be easy.


"No no no don't leave, don't leave--"


Aaaaand back around. "I won't then, if you want me around."


"I want... I want people around, and I can't fucking leave, I want-- I want to go home."

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