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Xiao Jingyan falls on season two of the Dream SMP
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"That's good. Imprisonment is a different punishment than exile."


"Oh, oh, I didn't mean imprison him, I just meant put it around him, you know, to, to keep, keep him safe, like we did with L'Manberg. You can still leave, can't you, when there's obsidian around you?"


"It makes it more difficult to leave.Especially if you're not equipped."


"Oh. Well, I just meant that it could, keep him safe, keep all his goods in. He wanted a tent, so I built him a tent, but it's not very safe, and he keeps losing everything. So I thought maybe the obsidian would be better. I've been building a little house but I think he likes his tent better."


There is context here, and he does not know it. "Maybe. I could not be sure."


"...I built some things here, too. Like the lanterns! The lanterns are nice."


"They are! Honestly, L'Manberg's, L'Manberg's been looking like so nice, recently. The whole-- the whole nation's just, it looks incredible."


"It's a much brighter place when it gets sunlight."


"No, yeah, it-- Wilbur and Phil have been, they've been doing a lot of work, building, making it look better here. The lanterns are nice, yeah, they look great. Good job, Ghostbur. And Dream, while you're here, can I just get, like, an accurate depiction of actually where the borders... do lie? Because I'm a little bit--I don't know if they're where the walls were, or if this is still part of L'Manberg 'cause it's the festival decorations...?"


"That's, I think, I think it'd be good if you can draw up a, you know maybe a book or something, that details where the borders are? Like, maybe a certain block range, like from center, and you mark the center as the caravan or something? I probably-- I'm pretty-- I mean, as long as you don't encroach on like, very specific Dream SMP land, then--I don't care, I mean, you can extend it, as long as you don't, you know, take over somebody's house, or some major part of the Dream SMP, you can extend it, just-- You should, you should also give me a list of like--the specific members, I guess, that'd probably be good, that way-- We'd know who the-- I guess not members but. Citizens, I guess."


"Yeah, I can draft up a list of the people who live here. I can do that."


Tubbo is the president, and so he is going to say nothing about 'should we trust him with a list of citizens' and 'the border offer is vague and suspiciously generous at the same time, it's almost impressive.'


"And then yeah, and then I guess the borders, I mean, we're open borders, but there's-- the, like, the perimeter, I guess."


"We should probably write up a treaty as well, declaring open borders, like, for open borders."


"Yeah, that'd be good. I've noticed, I think, obviously I think Tommy-- oh, I dunno, I think it's starting to get a little better since Tommy's out of here, just because he, you know, he creates a lot of conflict and stuff, but... I think sometimes it's like, it's like time out, you know, like, maybe he can come back one day, you know?"


"...Yeah. I hope one day he can come back, Dream. In all seriousness, like, just, just on a real note, while we're on such good terms, I was hoping one day in the future, not necessarily soon, but just, you know, visitation rights, if you know what I mean?"


"I was thinking forever, but--I think that that's... maybe something he, you know, I think at least, at least a few weeks, probably, before he can, before we can discuss that, but--I don't, I couldn't see him ever coming back, but--after things cool off, maybe he could get visitation."


"Mm. Visitation would be nice. After, after things cool off a little bit."



He's a law abiding man, but Tommy needs to know about this. As soon as possible.

And did Tubbo not even notice the sudden switch from 'yes he can come back' to 'almost certainly no'?


"Um, sorry to interrupt but, Tubbo, is it cool, can I take you away for a minute? Dream, just so I can take Tubbo away, and uh, tell him something, and then we'll come back?"


"Yeah, you can do that."


"I'll be back in a second, Dream. Jingyan, are you coming, or do you want to stay here for now?"


On the one hand: someone should keep an eye on Dream.

On the other: If Ghostbur-- who is, unfortunately, their most reliable source on what is happening to Tommy-- has something he needs to say right now, he is going to listen.

He turns to Dream. "I will be back with them shortly."


“Sure, have fun.”

Ghostbur’s headed towards his sewer. 


Jingyan follows.

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