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Xiao Jingyan falls on season two of the Dream SMP
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"Tubbo, I just--I know you've been sad. So I have a present for you. It's--I was going to give it to you, actually, when Dream first arrived, but it seemed like you were doing important things, so I let you do those first. But you've been having a rough time, with yourself, right? And the idea of being, of, that you've done something wrong, okay? I just wanna let you know that it's oka-- Tommy, Tommy will enjoy his vacation, it's just, it's just new to him, right? This whole-- It's new to him, this new, this whole vacation, and it's one of those things where, you know what they say about a vacation? It's that the best part about it is coming home, and getting back to your old house, you know? So the longer he's out, and the more adjusted he can get, to his, to his new vacation place, the better it will be when he eventually comes home! And I've got-- I'll make sure nothing bad happens to him, right? I've got him covered. I know you and him, you know, he-- you and him, you're together, you know, you're, you've got each other, always, right? So I wanted to make sure that even with the distance, right, you two still know where each other are, so I got you this."

It's a compass. On the back is engraved: Your Tommy.


"Wh-- a-- oh, Wilbur! Oh prime, Ghostbur!"


"It points you in the direction of, of Tommy, at all times, well--the direction of Logsteadshire, specifically. It shows you, it points exactly there, and it points you to Tommy's tent, 'cause he doesn't really hang out in Logsteadshire, so it points you directly at Tommy's tent. At all times. And what it means is that, no matter where you are in the world, no matter where Tommy is, that you'll both be able to look at the compass, and you'll both be able to know that it's, they're pointing at each other. It cost me like, a netherite, and like, a lot of stuff, but I made it."


"Thank you, Ghostbur. Oh man, I miss him so much." Tubbo laughs a little. "I-- didn't think it would be this hard."


"He'll come back soon. He'll come back soon, and he'll be so happy that, thanks to you, L'Manberg is so much more peaceful. Now come on, go back towards Dream. I've gotta re-- I've gotta recoup my potions."


"Okay. You've gotta--pretend you don't realize your son's stealing from you, okay."


"I'm sorry, Jingyan, I don't have any presents for you. ...You could have some of my potions? They aren't special or anything, though, I don't really--know you, I don't know what would be special for you."


"I do not need anything, honestly. --Other than directions to Logstedshire, but you can just point where that is."



“I can! I can show you the way through the nether if you want, it’s faster than boating.”


"When it's a good time for you, I'd appreciate that."


“That’s a date, then.” Wink. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to keep you too long. Goodbye, Tubbo! Goodbye, Jingyan!”


"Goodbye." He turns to Tubbo. "Back to Dream?"


“Back to Dream.” He’s clutching a photo in one hand and the compass in the other. Now that Jingyan’s closer, he can see that the photo is (unsurprisingly) of Tommy.


..all the more reason to try and get things sorted out between them, if that is Tubbo's reaction.


Dream is jumping around the festival decorations and a black-and-white checkerboard. He seems worse at staying still than Tubbo and only barely better than Tommy.


This is a very comforting trait for the most powerful person on the... landmass?

"We're back."


“Hello! Did Phil put the glass here, around the fountain? It looks good.”


“Oh, yeah, I think Phil may have added the glass, but this was actually decoration for my execution.” Jingyan is going to be so familiar with Tubbo’s nervous giggles. “It’s kind of a part of history now, I guess, so we, I just never took it down. The chess board’s new, though, that’s Fundy’s, and I am planning on cleaning up the other festival decorations eventually.”


...Tubbo was nearly executed?

At some point, he is going to have to try and pry a coherent history of L'Manberg out of somebody.


Well. Not nearly. But he’ll have to, well, ask someone if he wants to learn that. 



“Have either of you ever played chess? I’m gonna be honest, I’m not an avid player, it’s been a couple years, but I’d be down to give it a go.”


"I have played a little, but I think it was a different game."


“Mm. I’m… half-decent. I guess—sure, why not.”


The pieces, such as they are, are just different shapes of wool. 

They’re fairly even, in the beginning, but Tubbo isn’t thinking very far ahead, and he is narrating what he’s doing and why. Dream’s quiet, for the most part. They both give each other one ‘undo’, for stupid blunders they make without thinking. About halfway through, Fundy (better at chess than either Dream or Tubbo) and Ranboo (doesn’t understand chess) come to the stands to spectate.

If Jingyan is familiar with chess:

Dream castles very early in the game; Tubbo castles not long after. Dream checks. Tubbo sacrifices his queen, tries to lure Dream’s queen in as well. It doesn’t work; he ends up in checkmate.

Dream wins. They shake hands, congratulate each other on a game well played, and Dream heads off. 


He's having to pick up the differences in the rules as he goes along, but it does not take an exact understanding of the rules to see Dream is thinking ahead.

...Tubbo will hopefully get better with age and experience.

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