in which we coerce a bell into learning mind control
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"In my room."


"Well, go and fetch it for me, then." 


Off Erek goes.


"And this is my room," Lucy says, as the group reaches her dorm room. "How do we want to do this? I guess I could theoretically have trapped the room, not just the cider, so maybe someone should stay outside?"


"I will--probably more secure for me and Emily to be in different places under this circumstance--I want a buddy, does anyone want to volunteer?" 


"I will, I guess--my powers are pretty different from yours." 


"Anyone else want to stay outside?"


"I can buddy Emily."


"Excellent. Alright..." 

She opens the door and the three of them enter the room. 

It's a very, very big room; big enough to hold Lucy's natural form. The room looks almost organic in structure, the walls formed from flowing white marble that looks almost as though it grew into shape rather than being built, full of rounded lines and a peculiar number of nooks and crannies. 

Lucy climbs the wall to their right as they enter with the casual expertise of someone biologically inclined to think in three dimensions rather than two, then hops back down to the floor from a height that would be unwise for a baseline human. She returns to the others with a large glass bottle of amber liquid. 


Kiri surveys the room but otherwise mostly just stands there to supervise.


Before Lucy can fetch a measuring cup, a tendril of seemingly-liquid metal emerges from under Emily's clothes and forms into the shape of a small cup of the right size. 


Lucy smiles and pours the cider. 

When the liquid hits the air, the aroma blossoms. It doesn't just smell like apples; it smells like dozens of fruits put together, peaches and cherries and plums and figs, harmonious and sweet. 


...Kiri's quick inventory of herself doesn't suggest that this is mind-affecting in itself but she steps closer to Emily to check her too.


The only effect it seems to be having on Emily's mind is the totally mundane and not mind control related fact that Emily really likes fruit flavors.

Emily inhales, reverently and appreciatively, and drinks. 

There isn't much in the cup, but she still sips it slowly. It may be the most delicious thing she's ever tasted. When the cup is empty, she condenses it into a much smaller indentation so that she can discreetly lick off the last of the moisture and flavor. 

"...Wow," she says quietly, taking stock of herself. All her aches and pains are gone; she feels--refreshed, on a fundamental level she's never experienced before. "That was awesome." Pause. "In a normal and not mind-control-y way. I think." 


"Looks clear from here too."


The door opens and Edie peers in. "You're good. Is there an explanation for why that stuff smells like so much not apples?"


"Probably? Finding out has never been a high priority of mine."


"Fair enough. Who wants to go next."


"...I'm up for it."


Lucy pours another small cup of cider and offers it to her. 


The liquid is warm, in a way that isn't quite like actual temperature and isn't quite like spicy food; it's like the feeling of being in front of a warm hearth on a cold winter evening, only without any of the attendant physical sensations. The warmth spreads from her stomach out to every extremity of her body, fixing any incidental aches and pains and biological errors as it goes. 


She hasn't felt particularly temperature in years. "Is your algae thing going to be this yummy?"


"It isn't so far, but maybe! It depends on stuff. Immortality is a higher priority than deliciousness, anyway."


"Yeah, but if it scales well enough it'd be a nice to have."

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