in which we coerce a bell into learning mind control
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"No. There exist magics you can get by making pacts with entities which could be described as 'devils,' but doing so is relatively uncommon and certainly not required. The magic taught here is, in your paradigm, more similar to practices from the pre-Christian pagan lore than anything to do with the Christian idea of Satan." 


"Are any of the religions in my universe true? Christian, pagan, or otherwise, if there is an otherwise." 


She makes a so-so gesture. "Christianity is currently the closest, but you'd have to add in some currently-defunct heresies and some entirely novel ones to get it specifically right. And it applies only to your own universe; none of the other Earths represented here have an actual Abrahamic deity." 


"What does Abrahamic mean?"


"There are multiple religions in his universe worshipping the same deity, the founder of the original of which was a man named Abraham."


...that's so specific. Okay.


"Are there any limitations to the number or mind-control-relevance of questions we may ask you, now or later on?"


"There are no such limitations to the questions you may ask, and there is no limit to the number of questions I will answer, but if a question isn't relevant in some way to mind control or the university I don't promise to answer. I will not, for example, tell you the exact strengths and weaknesses of your enemies in your homeworld; that you must learn for yourself."


"What about their mind-control-specific strengths and weaknesses?"


She smiles. "That I will tell you about, but I think doing so will take a while. Come see me after Orientation has finished." 


She nods. She writes that down.


"Is it against the rules to be detected using lighter types of mind control than full enslavement?"


"No. But, of course, once detected, it is likely that your classmates will be able to counter it."


"Mm-hm, thank you!"


"You promised my sister and I we definitely wouldn't die while we were here, can you expand on that?"


"The University grounds have a Death Ward. In the event that your physical body is destroyed, or damaged beyond the point of viability, the Death Ward will catch your mind, and your body will be reconstructed in the infirmary over the course of about twelve hours." She holds up a finger. "Which means, in accordance with the rule about not interfering with your classmates' studies, that you are not allowed to kill your classmates less than twelve hours before class!"


"If someone can be viable in astonishingly adverse physical circumstances, technically speaking, can they get medical attention anyway or do they have to die the rest of the way?"


"They can get medical attention anyway! But if you put someone in a position of being technically-not-dead in such a manner and do not get them to the infirmary in time to get better before class, or you aim to put someone in such a position and miss, you don't get any leniency for not having intended to kill them."


"Are there any other meaningful limits on student infighting?"


"If you somehow manage to bypass the Death Ward--it has never been done, but in theory nothing is ever truly unbreakable--then you will immediately be expelled and enslaved, personally, by me. You must leave your classmates in a condition such that it is meaningfully the same person attending classes as the person who enrolled at the beginning of the semester. If you leave a classmate incapable of attending to their studies or no longer themselves through non-mind control methods such as torture, you will still be fully liable. If you manipulate a classmate using a false threat of action on my part, I reserve the right to penalize you depending on whether I find the particular threat offensive or funny." 


"What does 'meaningfully the same person' mean?" asks a boy.


"It means you can't just completely erase their personality."


"But partially is fine?"


"Depends on which parts--some parts of a given person's personality are more key to their identity than others--but overall, yes."


"Do we have to go home to our own original worlds after?"

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