in which we coerce a bell into learning mind control
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"No you do not. At least one of you can not."


"How is the Death Ward liable to interact with my universe's Law of the Judgments?"


"Since your world's neighborhood was sampled from the Neath, that's unlikely to come up for anyone here before they're powerful enough for it not to apply."


"Are the people in the neighborhoods protected by the Death Ward? What will happen to them when school is over?"


"The people in the neighborhoods are protected by the Death Ward. When school is over, those for whom other arrangements have not been made will be returned to their universes of origin."


" their original condition, or...? What kind of arrangements?"


"Students may, through extra credit or other arrangements, receive permission to bring townie slaves onto Mind Control University grounds. Any such slaves may be kept after graduation. Townies for whom such arrangements have not been made will be returned to their original condition before being returned to their original locations."


It's...probably better than being killed by a Sentinel. 


Edie so wants to give that poor girl a hug. Not that she's going to without permission or anything, but that doesn't stop her from wanting to. 


"If someone gets permission to bring a slave onto campus, is it allowed for someone else to steal the slave? If so, does the thief have permission to keep that slave on campus? Can we decide we don't want to keep townie slaves past the end of term, and send them back home?"


"You are allowed to steal slaves from your classmates regardless of whether the slave is a townie or another classmate. If you also enslave the classmate who had the permission, they keep the permission; if you steal the slave but their original owner goes free, the slave won't be removed from campus immediately but I advise that you see about making arrangements sooner rather than later. If you get permission to bring a townie slave on campus and they are stolen from you and you steal them back, you do not need to make new arrangements after doing so. If you have the sole claim on a townie slave at the end of term, you may send them home; if you steal one from a classmate, then if you decide you don't want them, the classmate gets them back--unless, of course, you have enslaved the classmate in the interim and order them to send the townie home."


Kiri acquires a VERY UPSETTING FLOWCHART in her notebook.


Several moments pass without any new questions. Mesmerra clasps her hands together. "Alright then! Each of you will be required to have a roommate, but you may select your roommates yourselves. Nobody can enter your dorm room without your or your roommate's permission. There is a board on the back wall with fifteen pegs and two keys on each peg; simply select the key for the room you want." 


Well Kiri does not especially want any of these people as roommates because it's not like she can tell who has a good reason and who's just here to prey on classmates and townies but she doesn't want a random assignment. A pair of keys go red-hot.


Edie gets up, strides within five feet of Kiri, and then stops just inside the edge of her mindreading range. 

She's a telepath; she comes from a post-apocalyptic hellhole bad enough that she thinks being an MCU townie is probably a better bet than staying there; she wants to fix her world; she doesn't trust anyone here without a good reason either so she lightly mind-read everyone when she came in and the first thing she saw in Kiri's mind is how much she hates having her mental autonomy violated (here is a sensory snapshot of Kiri's mind as of Edie lightly mind-reading her as seen through Edie's power). Edie hates being put in a position where breaking her telepathic ethics seems like the best of a bad set of options, but this isn't about Edie's feelings or excuses; this is about Kiri deserving to know and deserving an apology. 


...well, that could be a shell personality created in the last fifteen minutes, because anything and everything here down to the tiles on the floor is one hundred percent permitted to be a TRAP, but assuming that's not the case for the moment, because she promised Aleko she would try to exchange at least five friendly sentences with her classmates so he doesn't get her back traumatized from isolation on top of everything else... "- thank you.

Probably you want to room with your sister?"


Pale-with-red-eyes and her friendly neighbor have sauntered off with the keys to room three already.


"Who here likes babies? She doesn't cry or anything but probably you should like babies if you are going to live with us. Or does she count as my roommate?"


"She does not count as your roommate," Mesmerra tells Beka. 


"That was the plan," Edie says, "but it does occur to me that there isn't any reason I'm aware of that I couldn't officially room with you and then Emily picks up a random key and sleeps in my bed, if that's a better bet than anything else you've come up with." 

(It flickers through her mind, too brief and wispy to be called a plan or intent, that she could in theory suggest that Kiri room with Emily and Edie room with the woman with the baby; Edie adores babies.)


"I don't really have a great plan for this, no. - you could go see if you get along with the baby-having lady?"


"--I could, yes." 

She turns and walks towards Baby Lady. 


Emily steps within the radius of Kiri's mindreading. 

There is a sense in which this feels redundant; to trust or not trust Edie is to trust or not trust Emily and vice versa. But, like, mind controlling both of them in ways exactly consistent with each other would probably be at least slightly more effortful than mind controlling only one of them, and Emily genuinely doesn't mind getting her mind a little bit read under the circumstances, it's not like she's thinking about PINK ELEPHANTS THINK ABOUT PINK ELEPHANTS INSTEAD OF THINGS YOU DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT WHILE BEING MINDREAD BY A STRANGER anyway hi. 


"Hi. It's, uh, as nice to meet you as it can reasonably be considering."


"Hello!" says Baby Lady when Edie approaches. She waves the baby's li'l gray hand at her.


"Yeah, this place sucks." 

Emily is aware of the possibility that everything is tiled in traps fifteen deep, but actually trying to calculate fifteen layers of traps everything could be sounds unhealthily stressful. Which is not to say she's ignoring the possibility that Kiri is a trap, but Kiri was the person who started asking questions about townie welfare, and the potential benefit of having allies outweighs the risk of not just holing up in one's room and never taking the same route to class twice and hoping that if you isolate yourself enough you won't get got. 

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