Stiles is flicking paper footballs at someone's head in homeroom, which is, in his opinion, a productive morning. If he can't learn magic, and he has to deal with cardcaptors and sorcerers and bears...well, he'll make his own fun.
Tyrians and Sadde play cards, again
"People might notice all the magic. Could be hard to explain after we stop the loop..."
"It's slow, but gets faster the longer it's out. It can target anything. Once we capture it we can return things it's erased unless it's been twenty-four hours or longer. It has a location and a range. Am I missing anything?"
"That sounds right. It doesn't have a body, right, so physical cards won't work to hold it still?"
"And it probably can't reach us in the Maze either so that might be the best strategy for it, too—maybe we can try to find it close to midnight tomorrow to guarantee it won't do much—"