Trying out the 24 flowing fists again with a full stomach, a water bottle on hand and the benefits pass of body refinement was... odd, though that wasn't all there was to it.
Resetting her expectations of what it was, from the faint-traces of memories of what was probably the 'original' basis of the flowing motions (from tai chi chuan, her memories helpfully supplied) and from proceeding from the name and instinctive pace for first practicing the art gave it a very different impression from doing it anew with a faster, harder pace, or at least one a lot less concerned with accomodating problems that no longer existed.
The movements were still slow, essentially, something far slower then what she could accomplish even before all of this, they still followed the deep breaths that seemed just as much part of the form as the physical motions or coursing energy, there was no need to force her body to stretch or still nearly as much, or to force her lung capacity to increase to more naturally fit into the motions, she simply moved, every motion natural not just as a possibility or the next item on the list but because there's a completeness to it, a firmness rising and falling that made it feel so much more focused, everything there something that could deflect, parry or facilitate a blow that she knew would hit hard with the weight of her spirit behind it, though there was still a long time to go before she'd be manifesting the more... extreme versions of the abilities within.
Despite the slivers of black shooting through her sweat, she felt cleaner then she'd been in a long time as she sat to meditate, her energy neaerly overflowing before being tamed with each breath guiding it back into control, focusing down into the aperture of her heart - and...
Strand formed.
Focus, recall the process, internalize the knowledge, guide my breath with hands and feel the heart still going, the elements coming in and staying, taking hold of the rest of the energy still there even after the formation of the strand, full breaths in nose and mouth, stabilize it, gently glide the energy in place like the brush of a palm, hold it as the strain starts coming in harder, and...
Third strand created.
And exhale-cough-slump-drawn-in-just-a-little-draw-from-pulse-focus-qi-focus-blood-stay-safe.
She rested there for a while, feeling how thin she was stretched out as she chugged down a good deal of water with slightly trembling hands.
So that's what cultivating to your limit felt like.
She smiled a little despite herself, grinning a little unfocusedly.
I can work with that.