"Mid-life crisises are 'bout the coming acceptance of mortality, worry about a lack of impact from the limited time they have left 'nd from what they've done, 'nd the weirdness that is age."
Waggle eyebrows.
"But cultivators don't have that! Age is thrown in the garbage where it belongs, for the most part, mortality becomes vastly further 'way as you progress along the path to immortality, and that progress in and of itself 's a heaven-defying accomplishment, basically by definition. A smart kid can absorb the whole thing 'bout impracticalities for making a difference, 'bout the way that they are mortal, 'bout the way that age means so annoyingly much when they're perfectly functioning human beings, and even if it isn't literally the same thing as the classic shit, you're basically reverting an implicit breakdown and flaw, 'cause your the sorta quick person who skips 'head in line."
Quirk head to the side.
"Or at least that's my theory."
Bemused and relaxed prideful grin, pumping her chest full of air.