Hum walk over to the drawer of cutlery, blades sliding across her finger slowly as she played with them, each one coming away with a slight brighter sheen and sharp shine.
"It's not just some benefit of cultivating higher, or a technique, persay. 's perfectly possible to make stuff to help that but..."
Soft sigh, turn to look back at her.
"You totally read as the sort of person who just hasn't had the chance to see people who can actually talk with people. When things work out, there's interests, ideas, things flowing and ideas that you can share, just 'cause or 'cause it establishes that things are workin' and you aren't scared."
Toss the apple up in the air, flick out the knife, catch the segments, lap her tongue around the juices welling up.
"I talk 'cause you're cool, 'cause there's no reason not to, 'cause 'm always doing something important at every moment, in my mind, 'cause 'm happy with the way that my life is goin' and iwant to share it, 'nd c'cause you like having an excuse to listen to my voice and pay attention to something more then just whatever sedate thoughts you have runnin' amok in that brain of yours, 'nd..."
Stuff some in, chow down, vaguely pleased sigh mm.
"'cause it's a chance, for you."