so apparently 'makes her girlfriend and her girlfriend's crush kiss' is an anathema template attractor
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"All right."


Detangling a bit, then, and Anakin taps all of Lily, 'Hema, and Ellaita that the talk has gone well, and Elesse's coming back with her. (There's a pleased glow in her mind.)

(...Anakin doesn't exactly want to let go of Elesse, but they do need to actually walk some. Anakin can still only teleport herself.)

"It's not too far, luckily, though... I don't actually have a metro card..."


"An oft-overlooked benefit on incorporeality, one assumes."


"The benefits people think of are always the strangest and least beneficial ones, like going through solid objects - which is actually very disorienting anyways."


Brief laugh. "Is it?"



"The best parts - well, the teleporting is nice. But the best is pretty much 'not having a biology' - I don't need to eat or sleep, don't get sore from staying in one position, and then my emotions when I'm disembodied are significantly easier to handle and don't do that annoying thing biology-mediated emotions do where they won't go away without mental work or conflicting emotions - and my memory is perfect, now, though I haven't really tested my current memory while embodied yet. I can also access the Force much better and with more fine control while disembodied, even beyond the practice it's given me."

"There's definitely a lot of hedonistic parts about having a body, but..." Shrug. "I never regretted killing myself, and I wouldn't have accepted a body of my own if Ellie couldn't make it something I can stop having easily."


"As long as you're happy, Anakin."


"I am," she says, smiling.

"More so, now."



"Shall we go, then?"


She nods, detangling entirely from Elesse and then fading back to disembodied (though she keeps her appearance of life).

And - through the city, along walking paths she's fairly sure should be the best route to the small warehouse 'Hema bought for them. It's in a previously run down and basically borderline condemned district the clones took over and started cheerfully renovating, and the inhabitants are a mixture of 'clones of Anathema's line' (the majority), 'everyone who'd been squatting there already, given nicer places to stay if they wanted,'  'clones from other lines used by the First Order, who left,' and assorted people who've moved in.

Anakin talks a bit about her history in the city - and the recent history of this area, and of Anathema Jedi and her clone line, and more in depth overviews of the people living with them or who visit often (like Lily's boyfriend) - as they walk. The people in the district definitely recognize her, Anathema's clone-line greeting her with the most friendly cheer (and Elesse with no small curiosity).

The converted warehouse is five stories, sandwiched between two other buildings. It's fairly wide, with far more windows than it'd started with (courtesy of Anakin; the stained glass is courtesy of the Anathemas' design tastes). Most of the other buildings right around it have been turned into a mixture of apartments, markets, stores, and assorted public spaces.

"Most of it we haven't done anything with, yet," Anakin says, "So there's some flexibility for future renovations... Though, honestly, the Anathemas have been getting a bit ridiculous with what's already there." She laughs. "Anat's moved from joking about going to university for architecture and interior design to actually looking up the programs, and neither of them sees any reason not to have whatever extra rooms strike their fancy."


"If they've got the time, and the magic, I suppose, why not?"


"They are the ones doing the cleaning, true."


"Perhaps make a point to remind them of that."


"Next time they add something," she agrees. "Not counting any extra rooms you request, of course."


"That seems very fair."



"Let's head on in, then," she says. "It's probably unlocked..."


Here we go.


The front area is pretty big - three story vaulted ceiling, couches in a little friendly group, a bigger dining room table than they usually use, three sets of doors - "Kitchen's through there, main access to the rest of the house through the middle, my home office through there," Anakin says with some gestures, looking around, then mentally tapping her girlfriends and daughter that they've arrived. "The others should be around here somewhere..."


"Impressively constructed."


Ellaita and the others appear.


'Hema's fast enough to hear Elesse's comment. She bounces in, says, "Thanks! We had fun," and then steps up to Anakin with a grin. 


Anakin slides back to embodied. 


Good! A kiss for her wonderful, increasingly well trained girlfriend. Then, "So, you're Elesse?"


Lily's hovering in the doorway, visibly uncertain.


"I am. Hello. You would be... Anathema? And Ellaita. Which makes you Lily. Hello." She smiles.

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