sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"Okay, that's probably good enough."


"I have contingency plans but they involve antagonizing the Ministry more than is probably optimal."


"You may need your political capital later."


"Exactly. Also, there's 'doing things and the Ministry deciding not to ask too many questions' and there's 'de-facto coup' and I know what side of the line I want to be on."


"Admit it, you'd find a coup entertaining on some level."


"I'd have the time of my life. And if it turns out to be necessary later I will always regret overthrowing the government at twenty-five instead of at seventeen. But - it's not going to be necessary, I was all set up to do it without any blood spilled and without any extraworldly powers at all...."


"This is going to make a terribly interesting story when I get home," comments the fairy formerly nude.


"Delighted to provide. Okay, we are currently in the magic castle where I attend school, and need to sneak out, I'm going to make us invisible and take us to the nearest window and you can get us to the Moon from there?"


"...I'm not sure we can move you invisible any more than we can move invisible monsters," comments Treeleess.


"If I'm visible and holding Ister's hand, and you three are invisible?"


"I'm sure we'll be able to move ourselves fine. The demon would be harder. Maybe if he was holding one of our hands."


"Okay, he'll do that. If that doesn't work I can cancel part of the charm, give you a visible square on his head or something -"


"I mean, that would work but it wouldn't be comfortable, I might wind up dragging him by the square."


"Let's see if you can do it holding his hand." Disillusionment Charms all around.


"- yeah," reports Treeleess's voice, "I can move him."


"Great." And he opens the door and they are in a magic castle. The portraits, only seeing him, barely stare.


Ister will stick quietly with his fairy because that's what Timothy wants him doing.


Ister is quiet and cooperative. (Cam calls out a dose and a drug name for Ister's use in incapacitating people.) The fairies don't call attention to themselves.


Here's a window.



Well, is he going to open it or do the fairies have to figure out the latch or break it?


He will open the window!


And out they go!


To the Moon. He is very excited.


The moon happens not to be out right now so first they go halfway around the world real fast! The air around them doesn't stir. (Before they go halfway around the world real fast they have a conversation about division of labor and Treeleess is moving everything except for the other fairy.)


It is really exciting.


Oh look the moon!

Now the moon is getting bigger real fast here they are it's the moon!

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