sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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Ister laughs. "Sure, okay."


"Thank you! Imperio."


Ister is a happy mindcontrolled demon.


Who agrees to help for the duration of this operation in any capacity in which his help might be required, in exchange for the mindcontrol spell, because that's what Timothy would like him to agree to, and now are the fairies staring?


Yeah the fairies are kinda staring.


"I would suggest that I explain on the way, but I half-suspect that someone's going to laugh at me and say that it'll take forty seconds to get to the Moon, that's no time for an explanation."



"It takes a little longer than that."







"Muggles can't see Dementors."


"Really? Why the fuck isn't that mentioned anywhere - 


- I can have Ister splash them all with red paint -"


"If you can control him that precisely I guess. It's mentioned it's just kind of obscure... I'm not sure the paint will work, they can't see the cloaks or anything..."

"What is a Muggle?" asks Treeleess.


"People who can't do my world's particular kind of magic. It seems to relevantly apply to daeva; you can't, for instance, make our broomsticks work."


"What's to make work?" asks the other fairy. "Brooms are things you brush across the floor to clean up, right? I mean, I don't see why fairies would want them but -"

"You could have him put boxes around them," Miranda says, "that should work, I think."


"I can do that, yeah. Uh, how far is it to the Moon, how much will I have the chance to explain along the way?"


"We can go slower if that means getting an explanation," says Treeleess mildly.


" - yeah, fair. Okay. In my world some people are magic-users; I am one. Magic users are very powerful and can do some scary stuff; for that reason we have yet to tell anyone in our world about summoning, we want to make sure we have a plan so daeva aren't exploited and nobody gets hurt. Magic users keep their existence a secret from ordinary humans, who we call Muggles; this is aided by the fact they can't see some magic effects. The spell I just cast is spectacularly pleasant to experience and lets me control the target; I have never cast it on anyone who didn't give informed consent in advance, and some people find it pleasant and have requested it. It is possible to cast without consent, though, and there are definitely magic users who would use that or other spells to get a daeva to agree to a deal you wouldn't want to agree to, so we're not sharing the knowledge of how to do summons, though we're going to do them ourselves to solve some really glaring problems. Like this one. Questions?"


"How does this complicate the task? I'm going to be moving what look like empty boxes?"


"Yeah. If we couldn't box 'em you wouldn't be able to see them, and then presumably couldn't move them."


"Well, we can't see air, but invisible creatures sound harder..."


"We can try to peel one off for testing. I think boxes will work, just require some coordination."


"I'd expect stealing a Dementor to attract the same kind of attention as stealing them all."


"Might. The main impediment to our being interrupted is that you can't Apparate there, not that we'll go unnoticed, but it'd have to be a very quick check -"


"For how far around? You're not going to be right on the island."


"Most of the way to the mainland, there'd be breakouts otherwise."

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