"Oh no... we're here."
And she screams when a lightning bolt hits a tower less than three hundred metres from where they're standing.
Onwards. They do indeed have a pilgrimage, marriage or no marriage, thunder or no thunder.
(Thunder. Lots of it.)
"Glowing—oh," says Kaede who had not noticed it. They walk up to the rather weird... thing.
"It's a fiend typically found on Bikanel Island—the desert. It's... very strange to find a rock with that here."
"… What element does it typically use, or is it weak to? I mean, is it related to thunder or lightning?"
"Cactuars aren't really fiends," Rikku says when she's recovered her voice. "They're—something else."—thunder—" Aaah! Can we talk about this away from the thunder?"
"… Is it important that it's a cactuar statue, do you think? Because if so we might want to, I dunno, check this out in some relevant way, which we can't do further away?"
"I don't know, there shouldn't be any cactuars here, they can't survive when it's this cold and wet." Thunder. "Aaaah!"
So, no, okay.
"The light is warm, rest of the rock seems normal, no idea what it's for."