"Oh no... we're here."
And she screams when a lightning bolt hits a tower less than three hundred metres from where they're standing.
"Okay, so, he's sustaining Sin in a summoning, and the fayth are tied to him in the whole – cycle thing. He's not readily available for contact so we can't just convince him to stop."
"He is made of magic, he has lost his humanity, I got the impression he was kinda enveloped and has put himself quite literally into the spell."
"I… don't know that he died in the conventional way… but I don't know if that's necessary to be unsent? So maybe?"
"Magic is made of pyreflies. Unsent are made of pyreflies. It's... a matter of semantics, really."
"All magic is made of heightened emotions attached to pyreflies. Unsent are an extreme example of this, where a person's soul is kept solid by a strong attachment to this world. But very old unsent... they slowly lose themselves, they become their attachment."