"Oh no... we're here."
And she screams when a lightning bolt hits a tower less than three hundred metres from where they're standing.
"He's probably the only one that stores it in his head as 'interesting trivia' as opposed to, like, background facts. Is the fact that this lake is magically frozen by the fayth interesting trivia? Sounds like it'd be."
"Yes, didn't you—oh you didn't actually visit the Djose temple. Well, Ifrit's sits atop a volcano."
"The fayth's very presence influences the environment, and the local pyreflies react to their presence. In effect, they leak magic."
"I don't suppose you know for sure this doesn't adversely affect people in the local area?"
Nod. "Are all the effects very – neatly categorized, into the various elements? Around the temples, I mean – the aeons too, are they all grouped into the elements?"
He shrugs. "None that I can think of? Temples: have been around a while but not forever."
"We do not have much in the way of history before Sin came, but summoners already existed before—and Zanarkand was their holy city. There were presumably temples there, but they were probably destroyed by Sin."