this is getting out of hand
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A compelling argument.

Maybe they can just be globe trotters, even. Never stick around long enough for rumor storms.


So long as they keep below a critical mass of rumors, otherwise the storms will just travel with them.


Depends on how robust people's international reporting is, really...


Never underestimate the gossip chain.


Alright, fair. They can tone down the shenanigans a little.



Shoulder bump.


The rumor mill does in fact grind into screaming production over the next two weeks, though Professor Reynolds establishes a tough enough training regiment that Ellie and Anathema are shielded from a lot of it through sheer business. The extra students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons depart, leaving only Krum and Delacour to join the seventh years in their classes. Both visiting Champions are offered private rooms, separate from the Houses. 

And, of course, there's the issue with Ellie. Cedric Diggory actually tries to tamp down a lot of it, but Hufflepuff House is officially angry at her. Gryffindor sides with Team Cedric, largely, which gets Slytherin deciding they're on Team Ellie...

Of course, it doesn't split along House lines entirely - some of the more blood purist Slytherins are supporting Diggory anyways, as Hogwarts' pureblood Champion, and a smattering of their year-mates in Gryffindor and Hufflepuff come down on Ellie's side. But it's a dramatic mess, and the entire thing seems to have spiraled well out of anyone's control into the kind of fervor people usually reserve for favorite sports' teams. 

The first Quidditch match of the season - Slytherin versus Hufflepuff - is the day before the Wand Weighing, which causes a small break in the rumor cycle. But then it's back in full swing at breakfast the next day, and Ellie's to report to a small classroom to have her wand or wands of choice examined shortly after.


God, this is worse than the Chamber thing.

She brings both of her wands to the weighing, of course.


There's a bit of a crowd - the room's really only 'small' in comparison to the school heads, the Ministry officials, Ollivander, and one reporter and camera person from each country. (The United Kingdom is weird, apparently, for only having the one newspaper. It sounds vaguely like France and Bulgaria had trouble picking which would be allowed to take pictures and make 'pretty please interview' faces at the Champions. It actually sounds kind of like France's reporter isn't so much from a specific newspaper as from a cooperative news agency that distributes briefings to members.)

And, of course, the four Champions. 

Dumbledore informs her and Diggory that all interviews with the press are entirely optional, though there will be one group photograph that everyone is asked to participate in. He pauses, then says that if they have any desire to control the narrative, he would recommend speaking to Mister Fontaine - the French reporter - and studiously avoiding even looking at Miss Skeeter, the British reporter. 


Is that even going to help? Ellie's read some of her articles and it doesn't seem like they bear any particular relationship to the facts of the matter.


It's a bit easier to win a libel case if you've never spoken to her, but the main issue is keeping her from getting photographs, really. Her articles get a lot less centering when she can't find illustrations.




And on to the actual weighing - Ollivander greets her cheerfully, but he seems entirely absorbed with his task, and he doesn't chatter about the wands as he judges each free of defects in turn. The reporters are told to stay off to the side for this, though Rita Skeeter seems impatient about that.


Hopefully Ellie can avoid her entirely. She doesn't really want to talk to any reporters.


Rita Skeeter very promptly tries to corner her and physically herd her away from the others after Ellie's wands are weighed! She's chattering something with no discernible stops to breathe about having the honor of asking a few questions, just this way -


"No," Ellie says very firmly and clearly.


Rita Skeeter smiles at her, expression exceptionally patronizing. "It's just a friendly chat, Ellie - may I call you Ellie? - to introduce our readers to the most interesting Champion in the Tournament. It won't take but a minute, dear."


"I do not wish to be introduced to your readers."


"Now, Ellie, please be reasonable," she continues, voice sickeningly sweet. "You already know quite a few of them. Don't you want your story to be told?"


A firm hand descends upon Skeeter's shoulder from behind.

"Excuse me," Elodie says. "I understand Britain has the free press, yes? But the young lady has indicated she does not wish to speak with you, so you will respect this. Come, there is a positive surfeit of other champions with lives for you to pry into. Ones that are not underage, even. Though perhaps this is simply your taste, you do seem quite eager to shepherd her away from watchful eyes."


Skeeter rounds on her, eyes narrow, nostrils flaring. In the same sweet tone: "Dear - Lody, was it? It's generally polite to wait your own turn for an interview."

Fontaine, with all the blood hound accuracy of a reporter sensing a building scandal, steps closer, focusing mostly on his British counterpart. "Rita!" he says, jovially, teeth flashing as he grins. "Come now, come now, there's no need for all this - what were you hoping to accomplish here - ?"

Both reporters seem to be ignoring Ellie, now, Skeeter's attention split between the two interlopers. "Just hoping for something interesting," she says, pleasantly. "Though given the drivel you put out, I'm sure the idea would stun you." To Elodie, then: "Though I hardly believe Ellie asked you to intervene - is your interest personal?"


Elodie grins, beautiful and predatory. "It could be, Mademoiselle Skeeter," she purrs. "Though I tend to prefer a somewhat more... mature face."


Ellie edges backwards slowly, so as not to draw more attention.


Skeeter doesn't seem at all phased by the implicit flirting. "You are very beautiful," she says, in the same tone as always. "Do you often seek out... More mature faces?"

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