this is getting out of hand
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Small smile. "Which makes major efforts less profitable," she says, nodding.



"So we weren't on high alert before, but we are now. What if- we're on high alert in the wrong direction?"


She hums. "There likely are distractions woven in..." She huffs, running a hand through her hair. "The obvious things are a plot against you, a plot against someone's reputation - it doesn't even have to be Fudge or Dumbledore since France and Bulgaria have their share of enemies, a plot centrally involving you toward some other goal, a plot against someone's life, a plot against the castle itself, a plot to discredit the entire idea of the tournament..." Frown. "Or multiple of those, or none of those, or all of those and some cherries on top."

"Security's going to be complicated at the tasks - we're trusting the other governments to do a lot of their own screenings and background checks for who's allowed in... Which, usually, not a problem, since France and Bulgaria are some of our closest allies. But the Minister will only be here for the Third Task - and Dumbledore's a softer target when he's away from Hogwarts. Someone could try to turn one of the Tasks into generalized chaos. There's measures against that, since it happening accidentally was a huge part of why the tournament got canceled in the first place... But it's not impossible to sabotage, and wizards like - dramatic theater, which can make competitions easier to turn deadly."

"And adding you doesn't change many of those risks - it changes the risks to you, and around guarding you, and it changes the risks to reputations... I'm unsure how well it works as a distraction."




Sigh. "I'll talk to people who might know more," she says. "At least in terms of how politics have been shifting, or if there's been any rumors of odd activity... Might even get Dumbledore to let some of his mysteriously sourced intelligence slip."

"For now... Let's focus on getting you through this in one piece." She makes a face. "Though I can't, actually, help you directly - even unsolicited."


"I wanted to ask how long you think it would take the Ministry to process an Animagus registration. If, say, I wanted it to go through the day before the first task. And I think Anathema might have some questions."


She smiles. "Well, Anathema can certainly ask as many questions as she likes - as can you, as long as they're not about the tournament. I am, after all, still your teacher."

"For registering as an Animagus... Usually you want to give them five business days. Some things might be a bit hectic leading up, though, so I'd submit my application on the sixteenth. You'll need a description of your form and any identifying marks, but the big time consuming thing is they'll either send out a tester or ask you to come in to demonstrate it."


"Makes sense."


"Of course, it's discouraged - but, well, if they're a bit late with the turn around, as long as you've submitted your notification it's fully legal to use your Animagus form."




Anathema hums - "I think I need to do some research to find out what I even want to ask..."


Fay nods. "Often the best first step. You can't learn everything, especially not in a month."


"Can you request the Animagus forms from the Ministry for me?"


"I'll handle that."


"Thanks. We'll come back and talk more later, then?"


"I'll be available."


"See you later then, Professor."

Off to the dorm?



They beat their housemates back, but, well, they're probably going to have to bunker down for another rumor mill now...


They are getting to be quite practiced at those.


It... Sucks.


Little bit.


Maybe after graduation they can go be, like, magic researcher hermits or something.


On Svalbard.


Or somewhere a lot bigger with less insular politics - China, India, or America, maybe.


If they go to America they could see the cheerleaders.

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