this is getting out of hand
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Elodie arises from the head of the Ravenclaw table and joins Diggory from Hufflepuff and Krum from the Slytherin table in front of the Goblet.

She's probably the most beautiful girl many of the Hogwarts students have ever seen, tall and graceful with a sway to her hips as she walks that makes it seem like she's gliding through the air. The Beauxbatons uniform flatters her very well.


...Definitely the prettiest Champion. Which of course doesn't speak to any of her other qualities, but, well. Probably the tasks are going to have very good turnout among boys and all. 


The heads and the other judges call the Champions back into a room behind the head table - 

And, just as they're leaving, the Goblet's flames flare again. 

It spits out a single piece of paper, which Dumbledore turns to catch, frowning.

"...Ellie Potter, please come up."


...She's slow to stand. This must be some kind of mistake.


There's an awful lot of whispering and some shouts in the Great Hall now! 

"The Goblet appears to have malfunctioned," Dumbledore says over the din, in his usual friendly tone. "I'd like to get it sorted out. So, please, come up."


Well. All right.

She walks up.


Anathema watches her go, expression worried.


And Dumbledore leads her into the back room, taking the Goblet with him. 

The other five judges - the official representatives of all three nations and the heads of the two other schools - turn to narrow their eyes. 

"What is the meaning of this, Albus?" Durmstrang's headmaster demands. 

"Somebody appears to have convinced the Goblet there's a fourth school," Dumbledore says, evenly. "Unfortunately, I believe we'll need to address this before anything else."

Beauxbaton's headmistress raises an eyebrow, before turning an interested gaze on Ellie. It feels a bit like being a bug under the microscope. "And the Goblet chose you as this - other school's Champion?" she asks. 




"This is unacceptable," the Bulgarian representative says, voice frosty. She's scowling at Dumbledore. "Hogwarts cannot have two champions."

He raises his hands. "And we do not. Miss Potter was entered under a false school - the Hidden Academy of Music, which I am fairly sure does not exist. And, regardless, she is much too young for the competition and must be withdrawn."

"There's a binding contract on the Goblet," the British representative says, eyeing Ellie. "And it requires genuine effort because someone," he turns his gaze to the Bulgarian representative, who lifts her chin, "Didn't want Champions slacking."

"This is a resounding example of why I objected to those contracts - they are entirely against the spirit of 'increased safety,'" the French representative says, glowering at her opposite numbers. Both the other representatives wave her off.

"Schools can withdraw, anyways," Durmstrang's headmaster says. "This - Music Academy - shouldn't even be in the competition, so it won't affect anything to drop it."

"The school heads can withdraw their own school," Beauxbatons' headmistress says, voice a bit wry. "We can't kick each other out." To Ellie: "Unless you happen to know who the Goblet thinks is your school head? It'd be whoever entered the school - you, if this was all your idea."


"I didn't put my name in, and I don't know how it got in. I'd rather not compete, if that's possible."


"Surely there's an exception if someone else entered a student's name?" Dumbledore asks, frowning. "That should have been prevented, even."

"School heads can override it," the Beauxbatons headmistress points out. "Fairly easily."

"What I want to know is how someone even managed to enter a fake school," Durmstrang's headmaster says, frowning at both his opposite numbers. "You need another head's permission."

The British representative shrugs. "Well, what's done is done it seems," he says, cheerfully. "Miss Potter might just have to do her best - "

"Is this some kind of ploy, Bagman?" the Bulgarian representative snaps. "Get a propaganda piece in front of the crowds, distract from your shitshow of an administration - Hogwarts can easily add new schools after all, as the host - "

"I absolutely would never!" Dumbledore protests. "In fact, I would like to propose our schools withdraw, let the prize fall to Miss Potter here by default - an extra thousand galleons isn't much to our budget - and restart the competition."

"And deny our Champions their chance to compete?" Beauxbatons' headmistress asks. "The Goblet won't make the same calls twice."

"Don't use it, then, it's an antiquated piece of theater," the French representative says. "And then we can do away with this contract nonsense."

"I'm not withdrawing my school," the Beauxbatons headmistress says, hotly. "We've defied tradition enough."

The Durmstrang headmaster examines her, then: "I won't, either."

Dumbledore scowls at them. "You're both being unreasonable," he says, the French representative nodding along with him. 

The Beauxbatons headmistress waves her hand. "We've made sure the competitions are fairly safe," she says. "Miss Potter won't count as Hogwarts' representative, of course, but I doubt she'll be in that much danger."

Dumbledore sighs. Then, to Ellie: "I do apologize, Miss Potter, but it seems you are in fact required to compete."




"If this little side drama is finished, perhaps we might move on to the rules?"


"Of course," Britain's representative says, cheer unaffected. "There are, of course, three Tasks you will all compete in. The exact nature of these Tasks is secret until the moment of. Cheating, such as by trying to find out what the Tasks are, soliciting help from a professor or head, sabotaging another Champion, or breaking the law is strictly forbidden, and it will get your points for that Task set to zero."

"After each Task, the judges will score your performance on a scale from one to ten, with ten representing something truly impressive. We each have our own tastes, but overall we're looking for sportsmanship, daring, creativity, and magical talent. All of the Tasks have at least one additional 'impartial' way to gain - or lose - points, such as by finishing a Task in the shortest time possible. Your scores from all sources will be added together to get your point total, and the student with the most points at the end wins. Your performance in prior tasks can also win you boons in later Tasks." 

"You cannot quit in the middle of a Task, though all of them have a time limit that we will end the Task after, and in all of them the judges can decide to intervene if you appear to be in genuine danger."

"You are allowed whatever objects, abilities, or knowledge you can legally acquire and use."

"For legal restrictions, we're following British law where the different countries disagree."


Seems fairly basic. Though presumably the precise details of the tasks will contain a significant quantity of devils.


He goes over the schedule next - the First Task is on Saturday, November the Twenty-Sixth. They will be reporting to the Quidditch pitch fairly early in the day to get ready. Prior to that, their wands needs to be 'weighed' in a small ceremony to check for flaws. They're allowed to have multiple wands weighed, but they cannot use any wand not checked at the ceremony in any of the Tasks. The Wand Weighing will be on Sunday, November the Thirteenth. 

Details about the Second Task will be revealed after the first. 

They can invite anyone they like to come watch the Tasks - the tournament is by default only open to students of the involved schools and anyone invited by the Champions, though. 


Will the Ministry be expediting the international Portkey visas involved?


Yes, of course, though naturally it's best to ask as early as possible if you wish to invite international visitors.


Of course.


There's some other clarification of minor details - you can bring (legal) magical implements other than wands, which do not need to be declared or checked ahead of time unless doing so is in general required by the British Ministry. The Tasks will take place on Hogwarts' grounds, which does mean no Apparating. The audience will also be kept safe.

It wraps up fairly quickly, and then the Champions are free to go.



goes to find Anathema.


She's hovering up near the head table, frowning. "Ellie? Everything okay?" (There's still a lot of murmuring in the Hall.)


"Someone entered me under a fake school and there's a magically binding contract on the Goblet, so apparently I have to participate."


"...That's bullshit!"

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