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Ellie Potter and the Triwizard Masquerade
this is getting out of hand
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Fay's been busy over the months since the girls' third year came to a silent close - mostly trying to get her girls' spirits up, especially as her attempts to discover Bellatrix's fate fail to pan out. Trips to interesting places, games, books, movies... Anything to distract them - especially Anathema. 

On July Thirteenth Anathema's birthday rolls around, though, and Fay sets it up with a bit more flair than usual, humming cheerfully. Anathema has a good stack of presents - from classmates, from Ellie, from Sirius, from Fay's father... A cake shaped like a white tiger, with fourteen sparkling candles along its spine... 

And a thin envelope from Fay, carefully placed at the bottom of the stack, with 'open last' written on it.

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Birthday birthday birthday birthday!!!!!! (She will try very hard not to wake Ellie at an ungodly hour but BIRTHDAY!)

She's picked up on Fay's highly suspicious level of secrecy around gifts, of course. It's - pulled her out of her funk, at least for now.

(Presents though!!! She needs to preserve a lot of this wrapping paper, too, all of her friends seem to have realized she likes weird sparkly pretty paper so it's all too pretty to tear up. But she cannot tear them up until Ellie wakes up so instead she is sitting in the kitchen vibrating out of her skin.)

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"G'morning," Ellie yawns when she comes down and sets her tea up.

"Happy birthday."

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"Morning! Thanks!"

Anathema is only maybe staring at Ellie intently. 

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"Present time?"

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"...It's your birthday. Why are you asking me?"

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"I like having you here for my birthday stuff."

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"Well. Here I am." She mutters an incantation under her breath and starts her toast buttering itself.

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She sticks her tongue out at Ellie. 

And, presents!

She sorts them, of course, pouting at the temptation of 'open last.' But, well, Ellie's presents are always the most exciting, so, that first!

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Ellie got Anathema two things: first, replacement ammunition for the Bedazzler that was last Christmas's present. Second, a thick packet of sheet music for singing, some magical, some not.

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Hug! (She's grinning like she has plans for that Bedazzler refill.)

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Ellie would be disappointed if she didn't.

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They'd have to make sure she's not an imposter.

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Check her for Polyjuice.

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Not an easy thing to do. 

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Just gotta stall for an hour and not let her drink anything.

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Distracting her that long might be hard...

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Body-Bind Curse.

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Kind of boring... But a fake her wouldn't need to be entertained the same way.

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"Though the real me would be very put out if you just guessed wrong."

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"Then I won't guess wrong."

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"An acceptable compromise."

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Ellie munches some toast.

"So what else did you get?"

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"Well... A mystery envelope I can't open until last..." Pout. "But let's see the rest."

Classmates: have mostly sent her books! A lot of them are fiction or poetry. One classmate (Lisa, who always sends everyone baked goods for Christmas) has apparently branched out into weird experimental cupcakes and sent Anathema one with crystal clear icing containing roiling clouds of iridescence, topped with little sugar pearls, with a just-melty-enough creamy center. Anathema spends about a minute admiring it before setting to slowly licking off the icing as she opens her other gifts.

Sirius (currently present as Grim): somehow found giant cat toys he's pretty sure are tiger-resistant. Anathema leans down to give Grim some ear scritches and valiantly restrains herself from immediately running out to play.

Fay's father: a card saying he's arranged for knife fighting lessons for her over breaks (and he's looking into shooting lessons and getting her a gun, he has heard about the nonsense at their school). She giggles and puts it somewhere safe.

And then Fay's mystery envelope, opened slowly and dramatically...

Anathema's mouth falls open, her expression stunned. The envelope is a bit inconveniently angled - Ellie can't see what's within from where she is.

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"What is it?"

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Nope no answering Anathema is busy setting her de-icinged cupcake down and tackling Fay.

"Thank you thank you thank you - wow - how did you get these - "

Grim lifts his head, making a curious noise.

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She laughs, rocking back with Anathema's weight and wrapping an arm around her. "Luck, mostly; I was getting nervous I'd have to scramble for a different gift. Or bribe someone."

"There's three. Yours to distribute as you see fit."

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Happy sounds and happier wiggles!

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"Three of what? Tell me, tell me!"

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"Tickets! To the Quidditch World Cup!"

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"What!" she shouts.

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"I know!!!" She spins, clutching the envelope to her chest.

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"That's so cool!"

"You're giving me one, right?"

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"Hmmm..." She taps her finger to her chin. "I don't know... I mean, Grim sure seems to want to go a lot..."

(Grim is currently at her feet, staring at her with the widest puppy dog eyes ever.)

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"Aw," she wheedles, making her own puppy eyes at Anathema. "He'd have to go as a dog anyway and I don't think they'd check his ticket..."

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She fake frowns a bit. "But I'm not sure you really want it..."

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"Nooo, I definitely do! Really, really really. Pleeeeeease?"

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"Really really?"

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Sad face.

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...Aw sad face is so unfair.

She pouts.

"You're cheating."

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Ellie sticks out her bottom lip and tries to make her eyes go wider.

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Oh no.

Anathema tries to play it cool, but - "Well, I can be magnanimous..."

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"Please?" Ellie asks softly.

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She crumples.

"I'll take you. Of course."

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Ellie's face instantly brightens. She whoops with joy and launches herself at Anathema for a hug.

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She laughs, wrapping her arms around Ellie. "You're my favorite anyways," she says amid her giggles. 

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"I know," she says smugly.

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She peers at the tickets a bit.

"Looks like they're really really good seats, too..."

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"Oh, I can't wait."

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"It's an entire month away... That's so far!"

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"Plenty of time to plan, at least."

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"Yeah. We have Fay's tent... It might be a bit small for all of us, though..."

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"Who're you giving the third to?"

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"Fay, of course."

She turns to Fay - "If you want it?"

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"I'd love to."

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"We can cuddle up, I guess."

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"Fine by me. You're a very good pillow."

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"Or maybe we'll have to camp out in the stands, if the match goes on too long."

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"Then your pillow quality will really come in handy."

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"Suppose so."

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Demonstrative lean.

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Fake collapse.

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She falls into Ellie, laughing.

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Ellie starts giggling too.

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Hug again.

"Thank you guys so much."

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"It was all Fay's idea."

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"I liked your presents too, silly." She boops Ellie's nose with her finger. "This all would be a lot less fun without you."

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"Well. Good."

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There's a bubbly antsy feeling in her, like Anathema wants to bounce and do something but she doesn't know what, and Ellie's so - interesting and pretty and Anathema likes her so much -

She hugs Ellie again, even though that isn't the stimmy thing she wants to do, and bounces back to her cupcake and getting her other presents all sorted, chattering excitedly about getting ready for the game -

(Maybe she should play with those giant cat toys some, actually, maybe that'll get out some of this weird energy.)

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Fay laughs and ruffles Anathema's hair, while Grim flops and puts his paw over his eyes.

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So much to get ready.

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She knows!

(And, of course, the intervening month does still happen - studying and playing, Ellie's birthday, their little family trips... Anathema's mood isn't at a perfect high the whole time. She still has frequent melancholy periods, frequent times she'll just pause and stare into space, but - things feel a little bit better, lately.)

The final's on August Eighteenth, with the play offs stretching for a week before, though it's recommended they get there a day earlier than even that to set up their tent. They can bring Grim at least as far as the tent; Anathema suggests putting him under the invisibility cloak if the Ministry won't let them bring their dog in.

There's few enough of them Fay can apparate everyone in - Anathema frowns, a bit, learning that the field's groundskeeper is being near-constantly Confunded and frequently Obliviated...

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Should have just slipped him a thousand pounds and nudged him into a Caribbean vacation.

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Yeah. Heck, you really don't even need magic to manage that - 'convince random people to buy what you're selling' is probably the only good use of people like Lockhart.

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Ugh, Lockhart.

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She laughs.

Yeah, it'd be very rude to inflict Lockhart on the poor muggles.

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Still though. Might be better than the current solution.

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...Yeah. It probably would be.

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They're still here for the World Cup, though. That's exciting.

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One thing at least!

The tickets come with a reserved spot on the field - the spots are all pretty tightly crammed together, but there's definitely enough space for their tent. There's a lot of wizards here, more than they've ever seen in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade. Mostly European, but some from all over.

Magic tents are pretty easy to pitch, so they're left with some time to wander around before bed - the games start pretty early tomorrow, so now's probably the best time to get oriented to where everything is...

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Good idea.

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She spends a little bit of time memorizing the signs around their spot - then off!

This area is mostly fancy rich people who could afford the tickets through something other than a lottery - there's actually a few of their classmates, though the only ones who're kind of interesting are Serpens and her little sister... Wandering out farther gets them to a lot of international visitors - people seem to be grouping by home country. 

Their tent spot is pretty close to the stadium - which no one's being allowed into. There's some only kind of discreet betting going on, a lot of pickup Quidditch and other broom games especially among kids their age... They'll have to turn around to get their brooms from the tent, but Anathema bets she can negotiate them into one of the loose teams. 

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That sounds like fun.

(Ellie almost summons her broom before remembering that they're in public and even if she does it wandlessly, there might be Questions.)

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Giggle. (Yeah Anathema has that problem too...)

Anyways: game! Arguing Quidditch rulings when you have half of a shared language with someone is actually kind of fun... Most of the games aren't really formal, and they mostly use a non-standard set of rules to make the game go faster and happen on a smaller field. 

Anathema and Ellie aren't the best kids there at all, though they seem to be in the upper brackets for skill. It's fun.

(A couple of adults stop to watch. Some of them seem to actually be recruiters - one stops to talk to one of the older teens who'd been doing pretty well.)

Anathema manages to tire herself out a bit after getting into some trick flying competitions, and makes a friend who promises to show her more tricks after the games tomorrow. 

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Typical Anathema.

Ellie had fun too. This was a nice way to kill some time.

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She's really looking forward to the games...

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The stadium for the play offs is less crowded than the final match will likely be. Their tickets stretch for the whole week long session. Anathema sets up some omnioculars to record, but watches the live games with her own eyes, fascinated. Two clear contenders emerge pretty quickly - Bulgaria, whose Seeker Victor Krum is remarkable and actually still a student at Drumstrang, and Ireland, who're the only Isles team to do anything resembling decently. 

The population of people out on the fields swells dramatically before the semi-finals, and the place feels like it's overflowing by the day of the final match - Bulgaria versus Ireland.

(Anathema's honestly pretty torn about which to support. Bulgaria's team's doing a bit inconsistently, she feels, but they have pretty good Beaters and of course the best Seeker, but Ireland's got a better Chaser team going on...)

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It's gotta be Ireland. Can't let the Continentals get too full of themselves, even if England's performance was just... shameful.

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She snickers. "Closest we're gonna get to a worthy home team, really."

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"Pretty sure you were a better Beater second year than what's-his-face, Woolmersey."

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"Nah, I was better first year."

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Giggle. "Did you see the captain's face when he whiffed that swing after the fifth goal-"

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She laughs. "I got it recorded!"

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"Thought he was going to fall off his broom!"

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She breaks into helpless giggles. "How do these people even get onto professional teams..."

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"Good question."

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"I guess if there's not much competition..."

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"Maybe we should go for '98."

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"Found our own team. Isaac and his girlfriend, maybe drag Captain Hayes back into it... Only need another Chaser and a Keeper and we're golden."

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"Wood over in Gryffindor wasn't bad."

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"I suppose we can branch out a little... Grab a Slytherin Chaser, maybe, to round out the lot."

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"Show that interhouse unity," Ellie nods. "Spencer?"

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"Hm... Not the best Chaser, but fairly pleasant and easier to work with than some, I bet..."

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"That's also important for a good team."

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"Yeah. Especially with Chasers."

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Nod nod.

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Stretch. "The finals will be epic, though... There's gonna be a pregame, so we'll wanna get up early..."

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"Yeah. Can't wait to see what Krum's been saving for the last game..."

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She laughs. "Too bad there aren't any Beaters that're just as famous..."

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"Open field for you, though."

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"True, true. No one's gonna be calling me 'Britain's Victor Krum.'"

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Ellie grins and elbows Anathema.

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"Or writing tabloids about whether I'm dating any rival Seekers - "

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Ellie groans loudly.

"Can you not?"

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She collapses into giggles. 

"Sorry, sorry. Maybe you can be the world's first anonymous Seeker, then."

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"I shall cloak my face in a shroud of impenetrable darkness before every match. This will also make it harder for the opposing Seeker to predict my movements. I expect it will set a trend."

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"Eventually spreading to the entire team. Except me, I'll be the only unmasked player - wearing something sparkly, maybe."

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"We'll call it 'Stars in a Night Sky'."

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"Aw! You should draw our posters, too - you'd be good at it."

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"I could do that."

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"We'll be the best team yet."

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Off to an early night, then? 

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Sounds good. They'll be rested and fresh.

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Helpful if the game goes on very long.

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Good night.

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Good night.

They get there a bit before the rush the next day. Anathema's bouncing in her seat. Grim, hidden under the invisibility cloak at their feet, is trying very hard not to whine in excitement.

There's speeches, first, and assorted very very boring ceremony stuff, and some general grandstanding - and then the pre-show starts. Ireland won the coin toss for first, and sends out leprechauns throwing what Fay warns them is enchanted fake gold. Anathema watches the various acts, laughing.

Bulgaria sends out a team of Veelas. Very acrobatic Veelas, who proceed to run through an astonishingly complicated gymnastics and dance routine. Anathema is maybe staring a little. (Possibly a lot.)

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They certainly are very... flexible, aren't they?

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Wow. Yeah. Just. Wow.

Definitely very flexible, yeah.

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She got a very good recording, too! Maybe when they get back to school they should suggest an acrobatic dance sports club or something that has performances before Quidditch games.

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Like American cheerleaders.

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...What're cheerleaders?

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Basically that but humans. They have them for American football in high school in the movies.

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Oh, neat! Yeah they should definitely import cheerleaders.

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Another for the list of improvements.

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Everybody's going to be very grateful when they're done.

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They'll have no idea how they managed to live life in the Before Times.

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Future children will be shocked the past lacked such basic luxuries.

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She leans in, turning her attention back to the field as the match begins.

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Time for the main event.

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The game's fast paced and a bit chaotic. Krum pulls out an apparent love for feints - he manages to get Ireland's Seeker to crash into the ground, though the medics are prompt about getting him back in the air. Ireland's doing better on defense - but both teams have strong Keepers, and points take a while to rack up. Ireland gets an edge when a Bulgarian Chaser pulls a foul and they score the penalty shot. Bulgaria pulls back up... Ireland shoots forward... The Seekers both go after the Snitch - legitimately and feinting - several times, but the Beaters for both teams are very good at offense, less talented at defense.

The stadium's acoustics are good, so the crowd's cheers and boos at each turn of events aren't painful to hear. Still, Ireland seems to be pulling ahead as the game drags on - not nearly as much of a gap as many of the earlier games had, though, and when Krum catches the Snitch (thanks to a last minute save by Bulgaria's Beaters) the final tally jumps to Bulgaria at ten points behind, sending the game into a rather drawn-out and close overtime. Ireland still wins, though - the last shot takes the longest, the two teams tied for a while just under the overtime threshold.

Anathema's frequently on the edge of her seat, cheering and booing and hissing along with all the other Irish fans (though she accidentally laughs a bit at Krum's catch).

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Ellie makes the same mistake. Krum is quite good, it's obvious why he's on the national team at his age.

It's kinda cool they went to overtime, means they got value out of the tickets. Lots of good Quidditch play.

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Yeah. Both teams are really, really good. And the strategy is often so different from their school games - just the fact that you're not playing for House Cup points alone, removes some of the long game -

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Yeah, yeah, exactly. This kind of elimination tournament is completely different. And then there's just the sophistication of some of the plays-

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And of course you're all national teams with set memberships, probably just about anyone can look up recordings of your matches, or at least the bigger ones...

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Yeah, so you can tailor to the opponent's weaknesses more finely.

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And they'll know what your play style is, so - like you can learn if a Seeker likes feints, which was why Krum's big feint there was so surprising, right, usually his games rely pretty heavily on his good eye and timing -

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Fay starts gently steering them out of the stadium as they chatter. (...And a bit more firmly keeps steering when she spots the Minister nearby. Nope, no need whatsoever to have that run in, let's go nerd about Quidditch somewhere less crowded...)

People are pretty jazzed, or at least the Ireland fans are - still, the Bulgaria fans don't seem to feel they were done too poorly, so the mood's rather good overall. It's late, so most people's plan - including Fay's - is to camp again tonight and start trickling out tomorrow.

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Sounds good to Ellie. She wants to bask in the moment just a little bit longer.

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Yeah. And camping together, all in the same room - Ellie and Anathema's pop up beds pushed against each other so they can whisper and not wake the adults - just feels... Very different from home. Special.

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Yeah. It's nice.

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They should go camping more.

But for now... Tonight seems like a night to stay up.

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They've still got so much of the match to go over!

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Anathema's still excited, so she leans in closer to Ellie than normal so her baseline whisper's a lot quieter. Grim seems actually eager to sleep, for one, even if Fay's sometimes inclined to stay up.

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Can't keep Grim from his rest, so they'll put their heads together and whisper.

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It kind of feels like the best part of the day, really.

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Not quite as good as that catch, maybe...

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But... Cozier.

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Well. Sure.

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She does eventually end up yawning, small little noises as she tries to keep it down. More nose-wrinkling than jaw-cracking.

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It has been a long day...

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Anathema starts to drift off a bit.

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Without external engagement, Ellie starts to do the same.

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Neither of them's properly asleep when a loud sound comes from outside their tent, jolting them awake - it sounds like something crashed - 

And then there's a whistling noise, a sharp yell - 

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Fay's on her feet with her wand in her hand before first crash settles.

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Ellie startles fully awake, grabbing at a wand-

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Anathema bolts up, scrambling to get her sheets off her and her wand in her hand.

There's a dull roar, and a rushing sound, and a crackle - like a fire's started.

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Fay strides over to the tent flap, standing just to the side of it as Grim lays down at the base, lifting the flap up just enough he can peer out at the fields.

The flap drops, and Grim becomes Sirius - "That copse off to the right's on fire," he says, grimly, "And there's a Dark Mark over it. It sounds like a panic's starting. No fighting's reached us yet."

Fay frowns. "A stampede might be worse than a battle."

There's a loud whistle, a crackle - Sirius turns to scowl at the tent flap. "Pretty sure that's the point, here."

"...We need people to stay in their tents," she says, and turns to Ellie and Anathema. "I'm going to help coordination and emergency response," she says, and then hesitates briefly. " - I need to know what's going on closer, but. I want you two to stay safe."

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"We can help."

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"Ellie's cloak should hide us. And then we can use a Patronus relay."

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There's a loud crack outside.

"Okay. Take Grim. And stay safe."

Sirius flows into Grim again, woofing.

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Ellie gets the cloak for the both of them.

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Fay ducks out of the tent ahead of them, wand at the ready, and calls out that it's clear.

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Then... Under the cloak for Ellie and Anathema, and out with Grim.

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What are the problem spots?

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Well, there's all the people emerging from their tents and starting to panic, though Fay seems to be on that - she takes off onto her broom and amplifies her voice to begin calmly directing people.

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For Ellie and Anathema -

The big, obvious thing is an enormous green skull with a snake coiling through it, glowing in the sky out toward the edges of the field - where the muggle groundskeeper's cottage was, if their memory serves well. There's a growing fire over there, and it looks like the worst of the panic is happening over that way, though the ripples are rather quickly spreading out.

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"We should check on the groundskeeper."

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That way, then, weaving through the increasingly chaotic paths, Grim just ahead of them to get people to part.

There's a few people in black robes - hoods pulled up, they glimpse a white mask on one facing halfway toward them - at the center of some of the worsening panic. They're sending spells lashing out into the tents around them, setting many on fire, hexing anyone who hasn't run away quickly enough. There's a few figures floating above the building flames - the groundskeeper and his family, apparently all still alive by how they're screaming.

Anathema's hand tightens on her wand as Grim ducks behind a still-intact tent, growling at the cloaked figures. She casts a quick Patronus, frowning a bit and then sending it into the ground so it won't give away their location by emerging from the invisibility cloak.

"We need to rescue them," she whispers.

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"Yeah. Summoning? Disrupt the levitation jinx at the same time."

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"They might get cursed on the way over..."

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"Mm. Flame-freezing charm, disrupt the jinx with a bigger distraction, soften the landing, and sneak them out on the ground. We'd have to split up."

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"Me and Grim can handle the flames and distraction."

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"Don't let them catch you."

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"I won't. I promise."

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"Do you need the cloak?"

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She hesitates, then - "No. You'll need it more."

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"Okay. Let's go."

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She nods and ducks out of the cloak, keeping low to the ground as she heads toward the center of the mess, Grim following her.

She's out of Ellie's sight fairly quickly - not hard, with how dark it is, and how much smoke is in the air.

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Ellie circles around to get into a better position to catch the family, gets her wand out- she had better use Discovery for this if she's going to catch them all with a single charm- runs over the incantation in her head-

-waits for them to drop.

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A large wave of flames freeze as a number of transmuted creatures, about dog-sized and shaped an awful lot like Ellie's Animagus form, swarm the wanna-be Death Eaters from out of the tents around them. A Disarming Charm hits one of the figures an instant later, sending his wand flying - 

And the family drops as their enemies turn to face the bolt's source.

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She flicks her wand in a broad sweep, arresting their momentum before they hit the ground and lowering them gently.

She scurries over, popping her head out of the cloak. Do they seem basically intact?

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Yes, and the groundskeeper's wife and oldest daughter - who've been being Obliviated less often - seem even mostly still coherent, trying to grab the two younger children and the groundskeeper himself and drag them away from their attackers. The wanna-be Death Eaters are now being drawn away into the tents - where Grim tackles one, and it seems Anathema's either gotten help or the wizarding victims started fighting back on their own once they got a chance to get on their feet. Still, the area's pretty dangerous.

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"Hey!" she hisses. "This way. Can you walk?"

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The two look up, faces pale, nodding - the mom gets her nearly catatonic husband, practically carrying him, while the daughter picks up her youngest sibling and prods the other one into stumbling over. 

"Who're you?" the daughter whispers. "What's - what's going on - "

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"-Terrorist attack. Come on, we need to get into the woods, under cover."

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They nod, shaking, and follow.

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Off they go. Ellie keeps alert for any approaching threats. Once they get to a safer position, she'll send a Patronus message to Anathema.

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There's been a lot of small explosions coming from Anathema's direction - but there's also some loud cracks, and Anathema comes running to her a few minutes later.

"They Apparated out," she says, nearly breathless.

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"Are you all right? Grim?"

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"I'm okay. Grim was right behind me - "

She turns just as the large dog comes bounding up, panting. He seems to have a cut on his shoulder, but no more major injuries.

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"We're all more or less okay here, at least physically. If they're retreating we should link back up with Fay."

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"Yeah. I think the Ministry finally showed up."

She glances, concerned, at the muggle family. 

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"Not sure what to do with them," she says in a lower tone. "If we take them back chances are they'll just get Obliviated again. Which isn't going to do them any good."

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"Yeah. Especially with - all the earlier ones. The Ministry might forget they're around, but - they might need medical care..."

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"Could have Grim watch them here and go ask Fay?"

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"...Maybe, yeah, but if he's - busy being Grim - he can't talk to them..."

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"Split up again, then?"

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She nods a little. "Probably best."

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"Okay. Do you want to stay here or go?"

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She hesitates. "...Not sure. I can stay, though."

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"Okay. I'll be back." She gathers up her cloaks and sets off to find Fay.

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Fay's moved from where they left her, and the field's big - still, Ellie can find her by heading to the tightest knot of people coordinating crowd management and emergency response.

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She slips out of the cloak on the fringes of the crowd and stuffs it away as she makes her way over.

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It takes her a minute to detangle herself after she spots Ellie, but she steps aside, frowning. "Is everything alright? Where's Anathema?"

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"We're both fine, but it's the groundskeeper's family. We got them out but- We're not sure it's safe to bring them back."

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She nods. "I'll hand off here, then I can come with you."

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She turns to manage that, finishing fairly efficiently, then lets Ellie know she's done and can head over.

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She leads the way back to where she left Anathema and the Muggles.

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The muggles seem to have calmed down a little bit. Anathema's talking to them quietly, especially the younger two, while Grim keeps guard. The husband still seems out of it, though, staring fixedly into the distance and shivering even though Anathema apparently draped her robe over him.

Anathema looks up when the two approach, hand hovering over her wand, though she relaxes when she sees Ellie and Fay.

"Over here," she calls, softly.

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Fay walks up.

"Who're you?" the wife asks, sounding now more tired than alarmed.

"I'm Fay - I'm a professor, and I have some emergency medical training. I can make sure everyone's okay, get you medical help," Fay says, voice calm and firm.

The woman nods, slowly. "I - my husband won't respond to anyone, and my children are... Really shaken, and I'm afraid they're hurt."

Fay glances over. "Do you have any injuries?"

The woman bites her lip, shifting, and: "A few. But they're not bad. You should see to the others first."

"Alright," Fay says, gently. She closes her eyes then, apparently struggling with herself, and - "I'm not... Using the sort of medicine you're used to. There might be repercussions if it's known I spoke about it, but I want you to be fully able to consent to treatment - "

The woman frowns, but - "I won't ask. I won't tell. I've lived near - the sort of hills we don't talk about, all my life. Just - do whatever you have to, to get my kids unhurt."

Fay nods. "Thank you." And she turns to the husband first, casting diagnostic spells, peering into his eyes, feeling his hands. "You'll need to keep him warm and comfortable for a bit," she says. "And make sure he eats hearty food." She casts several spells - the girls can only recognize a few, but they look like some of the stuff Madam Pomphrey uses when kids have been out in the snow too long, or sprained their joints, or after a brush with Dementors. Warming, pain-relief, anti-inflammatory, general healing. Deep breath, and she tilts his chin toward her, staring into his eyes for a long minute.

To the smallest children, then, who stare at her. "Are you a fairy?" the youngest asks.

Fay smiles. "Somewhat. But you can't tell anyone, okay? The Fairy Queen will be very angry if she finds out I was here." The children nod, seriously, and Fay lets them touch her wand, then casts several spells over them (adding calmness, clarity, comfort, and staring into their eyes only briefly).

To the teenager, who has her shaking arms crossed over her chest, looking uncomfortable - she glances at her mom, then stubbornly at Fay, and asks what each spell does.

Fay regards her - and explains, in a low tone and simple terms, waiting for a nod between each one.

The mother, then, who'd been very carefully paying attention to none of it - Fay doesn't make her even look at what she's doing.

"That's - as much I can do, with the resources I have here," Fay says. "You'll likely have nightmares for a while, the younger children especially. You might have memory issues, especially your husband. You'll likely start feeling aches again at the sunrise after next - it's alright to take an aspirin then. You might have muscle tremors and twitches for a bit, and some weakness - be cautious about carrying heavy stuff, and watch the children carefully when they're playing." She takes out a piece of parchment, writing on it. "If the aches get so bad you're having trouble moving, or if anyone gets a fever, or if you can't remember what happened here, or if anyone has a seizure - call the number here. He's normal, just... In the know."

Pause, and: "Don't talk about this. You might want to put the number somewhere you'll see it with a little note, in case you forget what it's for."

"Right," the woman says, voice only a little shaky. "I - our house is. How do we get out of here?"

"I can take you to your sister's," Fay says after another short pause. "Instantly - it'll be the same time, and you won't be any older or younger, or any more hurt."

"...Right," the woman mutters. "Very helpful fairy paths." She glances around, looking stressed, but gathers her family in at Fay's nudging, and Fay Apparates away with them - two at a time, the mother on each trip after a brief discussion about capacity limits.

Fay reappears alone after the last round, looking exhausted.

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"Thank you for getting me," she says.

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"Thanks for coming."

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Squeeze. "You two did very, very well."

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Small smile.

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"Sorry we didn't stay - as safe as promised."

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She tugs Anathema into the hug, too. "You avoided harm, and you rescued people. I... Can't reasonably expect you both avoid all risks, especially when I would have done the same."

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Hug. "Okay."

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"What happened in the rest of the camp?"

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"The panic didn't spread as far as we feared. We're doing search and rescue, still, but so far we've only found people with treatable injuries. The fires have been put out. I'm unsure if any of the attackers were captured - it sounded like they might have all Apparated away before they could be arrested. Aurors are currently handling coordinating the response."

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"Was it Death Eaters?"

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"People who wanted us to believe they were Death Eaters, at least - the Dark Mark is theirs, and they used the standard uniform. Though neither of those is exactly a state secret."

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Ellie frowns.

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"We're unsure if they specifically targeted any muggleborns, but - "

"This will be taken as a blood purist attack. With no retaliation against the attackers... It'll likely embolden blood purists, and it'll also likely be used against the United Kingdom politically, both internationally and within the system. There are - a lot of motives someone could have to do something like this."

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"None of them good," she surmises.

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"For now... We should focus on getting home."

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Nod. Back to the tent?

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Their tent fortunately seems to have been spared from the fires. Fay packs it up fairly efficiently, coordinating briefly with a Ministry official to let him know their group is accounted for, uninjured, and going home.

And then - Apparating out, back to the yard in front of their house.

Fay sighs.

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Not the greatest end to the vacation, yeah.

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"...Well, the first week was fun."

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"It was."

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"And - if that was going to happen anyways, I'm glad we were there. Since - I don't think a lot of other people would've rescued that family, or would've rescued them without hurting them more."

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"Yeah. We did good, there."

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She nods. "One good thing, at least."

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She sighs.

"Well, I guess next is getting ready for school..."

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"I think we can put that off until tomorrow."

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"Probably, yeah."

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So for now, bed.

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The next day, Fay points out their new textbooks on their shopping lists, and specifically highlights the dress robes - "The school's having a winter ball this year, since we're participating in a competition within our network. The robes are actually optional, even though they didn't word it like that, since attendance at the ball isn't required - and there's not exactly a dress code for it anyways."

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"We need new robes anyway..."

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"You two have been shooting up like weeds."

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"Like fine young flowers of womanhood," Ellie corrects.

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"Dandelions, maybe."

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Ellie sticks her tongue out at Fay.

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She laughs. "Dandelions are very fine flowers! Underappreciated."

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"We're not underappreciated, though."

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"Everyone knows how excellent we are. Like roses!"

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"Well, I have heard someone arguing roses are a weed before..."

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"The weed part is what you should give up on!!"

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"I think a weed's a lovely thing to be, though."

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"Then you need to really be very clear about that, because that's the opposite of common usage."

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She smiles. "Well, common usage has no taste."

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Onward to shopping, then?

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Anathema doesn't actually super like dress robes - she's feeling like a muggle-style dress, maybe.

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Perfectly doable.

(It also gets them out of Diagon Alley for the longest and most involved step - especially given how much Anathema likes to try on clothes - at a time when the dominant gossip is the attack yesterday.)

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Ellie ends up feeling most comfortable in a trim three-piece suit, with a bronze silk shirt and blue velvet jacket and pants.

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Wow. Yeah. That is. Very excellent on her. Extremely. Ellie will definitely have guys falling all over her.

(Anathema spends a bit eyeing a deep red dress with a swooshy skirt, before spotting a clingy dress in a similar blue to Ellie's jacket. A bronze scarf and shoes to go with it, maybe. It is such a pretty color scheme, appropriate to their house... Some new matching jewelry, too, she hasn't really outgrown the kids' stuff, but she's developing an appreciation for some less tacky pieces...)

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Ellie does need cufflinks now...

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There's some pretty ones here, in a lighter bronze than her jacket.

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Ooh, pretty. Maybe with the sapphires, like this necklace?

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Oh, yeah! They've got a really nice sparkle...

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Then they can match.

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Perfect! The effect will be ruined if they get mismatched dates... Though Anathema's not sure who she'd ask, anyways, so she'll probably go single. Dance with anyone standing awkwardly on the sidelines. 

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Plenty of time to worry about that later.

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They're as prepared as they can be, for now.

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Pretty much.

She's curious about the multi-school event coming up - but it sounds like details will be announced at the opening feast.

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Maybe it'll be exchange students.

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"That'll be cool... We're in that school system network thing with Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, right?"

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"Those are the ones."

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"Maybe we'll have a giant regional Quidditch tournament."

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Ellie giggles. "Krum's at Drumstrang, isn't he? Might not be much of a tournament..."

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"You could probably challenge him."

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"Depends how they tune the Snitch..."

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She laughs. "I'll be Beater this year, so I can give you an edge."

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"An important factor to consider."

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"It's really the team that carries the game."

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"True enough."

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Shoulder bump. "We'll have to see, I guess."

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"As always."

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Despite a media storm around the World Cup - deftly avoided by never reading newspapers - nothing major happens before September First, or, even, on the train. It's a rather pleasant trip, actually, and Anathema's in a decent mood for the ride up to the castle.

After the Sorting, Dumbledore stands, and the students turn to him with interest. Most people have heard about the mystery event happening this year by now, after all.

There's the usual opening spiel - stay out of the Forbidden Forest, no pranks in the halls, no dueling without professor supervision. Then, Dumbledore cheerfully announces: "We are to have the honor of hosting a very exciting event over the coming months, an event that has not been held in about two centuries. It is my very great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year."

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"You were half right," she whisper to Anathema. "Doesn't sound like a Quidditch tournament."

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"Awww..." she whispers back. "Maybe we can arrange a Quidditch game anyways, though."

Dumbledore keeps speaking. "The Triwizard Tournament takes place among schools party to the Triwizard Alliance - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and the Durmstrang Institute. A Champion is selected for each school, to compete in three tasks spread out over the school year."

"While in previous centuries, the tournament has been opened to any student, this year we'll be limiting it to students seventeen or older for safety reasons. There will also be other measures in place to ensure Champion safety - while the exact nature of the challenges is currently a secret from students, I am working with my counterparts at Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, as well as all of our respective Ministries, very closely to ensure effective oversight and response in case of emergencies."

"The delegations from both schools will arrive late Friday, October the Twenty-Eighth, and eligible students will have through Sunday, October the Thirtieth, to enter their names. While only the Champions will stay at Hogwarts the entire school year, in the interests of increasing inter-school bonds, we are arranging several exchange days and group events for everyone."

He ends with a few cheerful remarks then sits, commencing the feast.

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"Huh. Should be fun to watch."

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"Yeah! It'll be neat seeing other schools' specialties, too."

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"And the exchange days."

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"Yeah. Though I think I'd rather sign up for Beauxbatons exchanges than Durmstrang."

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"Probably has a better climate."

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"Yeah. I bet prettier architecture, too."

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"They are French, after all."

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"...You know, I don't think I actually know that much about different countries' architecture traditions..."

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"Probably have to get Muggle books to really dig into that."

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"Next time we're in London, maybe."

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The rest of the opening feast goes fairly well - their History professor this year is a mousy, shy-looking woman named Sayuri Dunn. She looks younger than any professors they've had before. People are taking bets on whether she's secretly evil.

Classes start up pretty soon - Professor Dunn speaks very softly, but seems to have a fairly deep knowledge of the subject, and actually is the first of their professors to declare she'll be teaching muggle history, too. ("They affect us," she says, "And our communities were largely intertwined until recently - and we still interact more than we'd like to admit.") Quidditch isn't too long after, though Captain Davies informs them that because of the tournament the usual game days are getting moved, and they might have to reschedule something on relatively short notice, or have some practices off the Quidditch pitch. The school's abuzz about the upcoming tournament the entire two months leading up - and nearly everyone manages to attend the welcoming ceremony.

The Beauxbatons delegation arrives first, in blue carriages drawn by large flying horses. The students' uniforms are a crisp light blue long jacket with pants or skirt, more modern-looking and fashion-forward than Hogwarts' robes. Their Headmistress is a large woman, who greets Dumbledore jovially. The students stand off to the side once they all file out of their carriages, to await Durmstrang's arrival - which comes in a magic ship that surfaces from the lake. Durmstrang's robes are more somber, more traditionalist, and the students all look serious. All of them have their hair cut short or bound tightly to their skulls. One of them's Victor Krum, sending the Hogwarts students around Ellie and Anathema into a flurry of whispers.

The ceremony is mostly fairly dull and long, but they do eventually get to go inside for a feast. The school heads chivvy their students into spreading out around the Great Hall rather than all clumping together as a delegation.

Still, more of the Durmstrang students clump in Slytherin than elsewhere, and the Beauxbatons students seem to favor Ravenclaw a bit. They're mostly sitting with the older students, so Ellie and Anathema are left to their own devices - or to listen to the gossip around them. Obviously all of the visiting students will enter their names in the dramatically revealed Goblet of Fire, but there's debate about which Hogwarts students will - all the seventh years and a lot of the sixth years are old enough, and some students are wondering if they can get past the age line Dumbledore draws.

Anathema jokes her schedule's way too busy to add breaking into a tournament - she might have to cut down on Quidditch! Or studying!

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They're going to have their hands full just trying to find the time to watch the events.

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It'll require very careful budgeting, that's for sure. Maybe they can sneak books in and read during the boring parts.

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Assuming there's going to be very many of those. What with all the age restrictions and safety precautions.

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Safety precautions seem like the type of thing pundits complain makes games more boring.

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But the game organizers don't usually go this hard on them unless there's compelling precedent. And they may still undershoot.

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Fair, yeah - apparently historic tournaments were really often fatal, which was why they got canceled for two hundred years.

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Hopefully things aren't quite that exciting this time.

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The exchange students aren't at all interested in the fourth years, and Krum's apparently avoiding 'eager fans,' so there's not actually a lot of interest for them over the next day and a bit other than some gossip about which students put their names in, who people think will be each Champion, which Hogwarts students tried (and universally failed) to cross the Age Line...

The drawing of the names is held after dinner Sunday - all of the schools have next week as a break, so no one's very concerned about getting back to classes on time.

Hogwarts, as the hosting institution, is called first - Cedric Diggory's name is spat out by the Goblet to general applause. (Anathema approves; he's a decent sort, and good at Quidditch.)

Durmstrang's next, and to basically no one's surprise (and a lot of students' excitement), Victor Krum is announced as the school's Champion.

Beauxbatons is last. The Goblet spits out Elodie Delacour, then goes quiescent as Dumbledore cheerfully asks the three Champions to come forward.

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Elodie arises from the head of the Ravenclaw table and joins Diggory from Hufflepuff and Krum from the Slytherin table in front of the Goblet.

She's probably the most beautiful girl many of the Hogwarts students have ever seen, tall and graceful with a sway to her hips as she walks that makes it seem like she's gliding through the air. The Beauxbatons uniform flatters her very well.

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...Definitely the prettiest Champion. Which of course doesn't speak to any of her other qualities, but, well. Probably the tasks are going to have very good turnout among boys and all. 

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The heads and the other judges call the Champions back into a room behind the head table - 

And, just as they're leaving, the Goblet's flames flare again. 

It spits out a single piece of paper, which Dumbledore turns to catch, frowning.

"...Ellie Potter, please come up."

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...She's slow to stand. This must be some kind of mistake.

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There's an awful lot of whispering and some shouts in the Great Hall now! 

"The Goblet appears to have malfunctioned," Dumbledore says over the din, in his usual friendly tone. "I'd like to get it sorted out. So, please, come up."

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Well. All right.

She walks up.

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Anathema watches her go, expression worried.

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And Dumbledore leads her into the back room, taking the Goblet with him. 

The other five judges - the official representatives of all three nations and the heads of the two other schools - turn to narrow their eyes. 

"What is the meaning of this, Albus?" Durmstrang's headmaster demands. 

"Somebody appears to have convinced the Goblet there's a fourth school," Dumbledore says, evenly. "Unfortunately, I believe we'll need to address this before anything else."

Beauxbaton's headmistress raises an eyebrow, before turning an interested gaze on Ellie. It feels a bit like being a bug under the microscope. "And the Goblet chose you as this - other school's Champion?" she asks. 

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"This is unacceptable," the Bulgarian representative says, voice frosty. She's scowling at Dumbledore. "Hogwarts cannot have two champions."

He raises his hands. "And we do not. Miss Potter was entered under a false school - the Hidden Academy of Music, which I am fairly sure does not exist. And, regardless, she is much too young for the competition and must be withdrawn."

"There's a binding contract on the Goblet," the British representative says, eyeing Ellie. "And it requires genuine effort because someone," he turns his gaze to the Bulgarian representative, who lifts her chin, "Didn't want Champions slacking."

"This is a resounding example of why I objected to those contracts - they are entirely against the spirit of 'increased safety,'" the French representative says, glowering at her opposite numbers. Both the other representatives wave her off.

"Schools can withdraw, anyways," Durmstrang's headmaster says. "This - Music Academy - shouldn't even be in the competition, so it won't affect anything to drop it."

"The school heads can withdraw their own school," Beauxbatons' headmistress says, voice a bit wry. "We can't kick each other out." To Ellie: "Unless you happen to know who the Goblet thinks is your school head? It'd be whoever entered the school - you, if this was all your idea."

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"I didn't put my name in, and I don't know how it got in. I'd rather not compete, if that's possible."

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"Surely there's an exception if someone else entered a student's name?" Dumbledore asks, frowning. "That should have been prevented, even."

"School heads can override it," the Beauxbatons headmistress points out. "Fairly easily."

"What I want to know is how someone even managed to enter a fake school," Durmstrang's headmaster says, frowning at both his opposite numbers. "You need another head's permission."

The British representative shrugs. "Well, what's done is done it seems," he says, cheerfully. "Miss Potter might just have to do her best - "

"Is this some kind of ploy, Bagman?" the Bulgarian representative snaps. "Get a propaganda piece in front of the crowds, distract from your shitshow of an administration - Hogwarts can easily add new schools after all, as the host - "

"I absolutely would never!" Dumbledore protests. "In fact, I would like to propose our schools withdraw, let the prize fall to Miss Potter here by default - an extra thousand galleons isn't much to our budget - and restart the competition."

"And deny our Champions their chance to compete?" Beauxbatons' headmistress asks. "The Goblet won't make the same calls twice."

"Don't use it, then, it's an antiquated piece of theater," the French representative says. "And then we can do away with this contract nonsense."

"I'm not withdrawing my school," the Beauxbatons headmistress says, hotly. "We've defied tradition enough."

The Durmstrang headmaster examines her, then: "I won't, either."

Dumbledore scowls at them. "You're both being unreasonable," he says, the French representative nodding along with him. 

The Beauxbatons headmistress waves her hand. "We've made sure the competitions are fairly safe," she says. "Miss Potter won't count as Hogwarts' representative, of course, but I doubt she'll be in that much danger."

Dumbledore sighs. Then, to Ellie: "I do apologize, Miss Potter, but it seems you are in fact required to compete."

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"If this little side drama is finished, perhaps we might move on to the rules?"

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"Of course," Britain's representative says, cheer unaffected. "There are, of course, three Tasks you will all compete in. The exact nature of these Tasks is secret until the moment of. Cheating, such as by trying to find out what the Tasks are, soliciting help from a professor or head, sabotaging another Champion, or breaking the law is strictly forbidden, and it will get your points for that Task set to zero."

"After each Task, the judges will score your performance on a scale from one to ten, with ten representing something truly impressive. We each have our own tastes, but overall we're looking for sportsmanship, daring, creativity, and magical talent. All of the Tasks have at least one additional 'impartial' way to gain - or lose - points, such as by finishing a Task in the shortest time possible. Your scores from all sources will be added together to get your point total, and the student with the most points at the end wins. Your performance in prior tasks can also win you boons in later Tasks." 

"You cannot quit in the middle of a Task, though all of them have a time limit that we will end the Task after, and in all of them the judges can decide to intervene if you appear to be in genuine danger."

"You are allowed whatever objects, abilities, or knowledge you can legally acquire and use."

"For legal restrictions, we're following British law where the different countries disagree."

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Seems fairly basic. Though presumably the precise details of the tasks will contain a significant quantity of devils.

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He goes over the schedule next - the First Task is on Saturday, November the Twenty-Sixth. They will be reporting to the Quidditch pitch fairly early in the day to get ready. Prior to that, their wands needs to be 'weighed' in a small ceremony to check for flaws. They're allowed to have multiple wands weighed, but they cannot use any wand not checked at the ceremony in any of the Tasks. The Wand Weighing will be on Sunday, November the Thirteenth. 

Details about the Second Task will be revealed after the first. 

They can invite anyone they like to come watch the Tasks - the tournament is by default only open to students of the involved schools and anyone invited by the Champions, though. 

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Will the Ministry be expediting the international Portkey visas involved?

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Yes, of course, though naturally it's best to ask as early as possible if you wish to invite international visitors.

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Of course.

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There's some other clarification of minor details - you can bring (legal) magical implements other than wands, which do not need to be declared or checked ahead of time unless doing so is in general required by the British Ministry. The Tasks will take place on Hogwarts' grounds, which does mean no Apparating. The audience will also be kept safe.

It wraps up fairly quickly, and then the Champions are free to go.

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goes to find Anathema.

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She's hovering up near the head table, frowning. "Ellie? Everything okay?" (There's still a lot of murmuring in the Hall.)

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"Someone entered me under a fake school and there's a magically binding contract on the Goblet, so apparently I have to participate."

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"...That's bullshit!"

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"Little bit, yeah."

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She scowls.

"Well, we'll get you as well prepared as we can - can you ask Professor Reynolds for help?"

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"Soliciting help from a professor is against the rules."

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"...But you can solicit help from other students?"

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"...As long as it's quiet, I think."

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"Okay, cool. I can do quiet."

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"Sure about that?"

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"I've been getting better, haven't I?"

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"Marginally," she allows.

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"I think I'm good enough."

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Shoulder bump. "Probably. I guess."

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"You'll just have to trust me, then."

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"I will do my best."

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Shoulder bump. "I'll do my best to earn it, then. But for now - let's get out of here." She glances over at the head table. "And Professor Reynolds might wanna - check you're okay and all. Even if she can't help."

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"...Technically he just said I couldn't solicit help."

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"And you can't solicit help. Nothing to say she can't, oh, explain concepts to me entirely in her capacity as my teacher, while you happen to be in the room."

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Nod nod. "Anyone else could have been in the room too, after all."

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"Absolutely! She's a very helpful and generous teacher."

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"True, true."

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Giggle. "We can fetch her, then, or just wait in her suite until she's done here."

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"Think I'd rather go wait."

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"Alright. Scarlet probably wants some attention, anyways."

Onward, then?

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To Professor Reynolds' rooms, and away from the gossip.

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"Do you know anything about what the Tasks will be?" Anathema asks once they're settled on Fay's couches.

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She shake her head. "Secret until they start."

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She asks a few more questions about the rules and what Ellie's allowed to bring to bear.

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Ellie reiterates what the proctor had said.

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She doesn't have a lot more ideas right off the bat - other than the obvious like 'invisibility cloaks are helpful.' Ellie's Animagus form's an option, too...

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Means she will have to register, though. Probably worth it, it's an edge she won't be expected to have.

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"Especially since probably the Prophet won't be watching the registration rolls - if they did learn a Champion was an Animagus I bet they'd report that..."

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"Everyone else would learn it at the same time."

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She nods. "We can ask Fay how long confirming a registration takes, maybe get you on the records like the day before the First Task..."

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"There's just under a month. Should be enough time."

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"Even the Ministry's not that slow."

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"Not quite."

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"We'll still want to give them some time."

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"But not too much. It's a fine balance."

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"Fay'll help the timing."

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Shoulder bump.

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Fay gets there soon enough.

"You alright, Ellie?" is the first thing out of her mouth.

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"For now I am."

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She nods. "And we'll try to keep it that way."

A frown, and: "Obviously getting you through the tasks in one piece is a concern... But I'm more worried about why you were thrown into the tournament."

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"Professor Dumbledore said only one of the school heads could have added a new school."

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"Easily. The Goblet could be overridden or tricked by someone powerful and skilled enough - but mages that powerful are rare."

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"Add that to 'wishes me harm' and it's kind of a short list."

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"Though it grows again if you add 'wants something else and doesn't mind you being harmed in the process.'"

"Which means we need to find out what's to be gained from this - quite frankly, there's easier ways to arrange your death. Even in front of an audience."

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"The prize is only a thousand Galleons..."

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"A prize for school children. Not nations."

She leans back, frowning. "And most of what would be possible to pull through the tournament, a hostile wouldn't need you for... A distraction, perhaps, but a damn fool one - we weren't at high alert earlier. Political maneuvering - it'd look bad on Fudge, if something happened to you or the tournament. But there's cheaper ways to discredit him..."

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"He does a good job at that all on his own," she grumbles.

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Small smile. "Which makes major efforts less profitable," she says, nodding.

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"So we weren't on high alert before, but we are now. What if- we're on high alert in the wrong direction?"

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She hums. "There likely are distractions woven in..." She huffs, running a hand through her hair. "The obvious things are a plot against you, a plot against someone's reputation - it doesn't even have to be Fudge or Dumbledore since France and Bulgaria have their share of enemies, a plot centrally involving you toward some other goal, a plot against someone's life, a plot against the castle itself, a plot to discredit the entire idea of the tournament..." Frown. "Or multiple of those, or none of those, or all of those and some cherries on top."

"Security's going to be complicated at the tasks - we're trusting the other governments to do a lot of their own screenings and background checks for who's allowed in... Which, usually, not a problem, since France and Bulgaria are some of our closest allies. But the Minister will only be here for the Third Task - and Dumbledore's a softer target when he's away from Hogwarts. Someone could try to turn one of the Tasks into generalized chaos. There's measures against that, since it happening accidentally was a huge part of why the tournament got canceled in the first place... But it's not impossible to sabotage, and wizards like - dramatic theater, which can make competitions easier to turn deadly."

"And adding you doesn't change many of those risks - it changes the risks to you, and around guarding you, and it changes the risks to reputations... I'm unsure how well it works as a distraction."

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Sigh. "I'll talk to people who might know more," she says. "At least in terms of how politics have been shifting, or if there's been any rumors of odd activity... Might even get Dumbledore to let some of his mysteriously sourced intelligence slip."

"For now... Let's focus on getting you through this in one piece." She makes a face. "Though I can't, actually, help you directly - even unsolicited."

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"I wanted to ask how long you think it would take the Ministry to process an Animagus registration. If, say, I wanted it to go through the day before the first task. And I think Anathema might have some questions."

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She smiles. "Well, Anathema can certainly ask as many questions as she likes - as can you, as long as they're not about the tournament. I am, after all, still your teacher."

"For registering as an Animagus... Usually you want to give them five business days. Some things might be a bit hectic leading up, though, so I'd submit my application on the sixteenth. You'll need a description of your form and any identifying marks, but the big time consuming thing is they'll either send out a tester or ask you to come in to demonstrate it."

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"Makes sense."

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"Of course, it's discouraged - but, well, if they're a bit late with the turn around, as long as you've submitted your notification it's fully legal to use your Animagus form."

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Anathema hums - "I think I need to do some research to find out what I even want to ask..."

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Fay nods. "Often the best first step. You can't learn everything, especially not in a month."

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"Can you request the Animagus forms from the Ministry for me?"

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"I'll handle that."

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"Thanks. We'll come back and talk more later, then?"

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"I'll be available."

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"See you later then, Professor."

Off to the dorm?

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They beat their housemates back, but, well, they're probably going to have to bunker down for another rumor mill now...

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They are getting to be quite practiced at those.

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It... Sucks.

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Little bit.

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Maybe after graduation they can go be, like, magic researcher hermits or something.

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On Svalbard.

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Or somewhere a lot bigger with less insular politics - China, India, or America, maybe.

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If they go to America they could see the cheerleaders.

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A compelling argument.

Maybe they can just be globe trotters, even. Never stick around long enough for rumor storms.

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So long as they keep below a critical mass of rumors, otherwise the storms will just travel with them.

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Depends on how robust people's international reporting is, really...

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Never underestimate the gossip chain.

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Alright, fair. They can tone down the shenanigans a little.

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Shoulder bump.

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The rumor mill does in fact grind into screaming production over the next two weeks, though Professor Reynolds establishes a tough enough training regiment that Ellie and Anathema are shielded from a lot of it through sheer business. The extra students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons depart, leaving only Krum and Delacour to join the seventh years in their classes. Both visiting Champions are offered private rooms, separate from the Houses. 

And, of course, there's the issue with Ellie. Cedric Diggory actually tries to tamp down a lot of it, but Hufflepuff House is officially angry at her. Gryffindor sides with Team Cedric, largely, which gets Slytherin deciding they're on Team Ellie...

Of course, it doesn't split along House lines entirely - some of the more blood purist Slytherins are supporting Diggory anyways, as Hogwarts' pureblood Champion, and a smattering of their year-mates in Gryffindor and Hufflepuff come down on Ellie's side. But it's a dramatic mess, and the entire thing seems to have spiraled well out of anyone's control into the kind of fervor people usually reserve for favorite sports' teams. 

The first Quidditch match of the season - Slytherin versus Hufflepuff - is the day before the Wand Weighing, which causes a small break in the rumor cycle. But then it's back in full swing at breakfast the next day, and Ellie's to report to a small classroom to have her wand or wands of choice examined shortly after.

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God, this is worse than the Chamber thing.

She brings both of her wands to the weighing, of course.

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There's a bit of a crowd - the room's really only 'small' in comparison to the school heads, the Ministry officials, Ollivander, and one reporter and camera person from each country. (The United Kingdom is weird, apparently, for only having the one newspaper. It sounds vaguely like France and Bulgaria had trouble picking which would be allowed to take pictures and make 'pretty please interview' faces at the Champions. It actually sounds kind of like France's reporter isn't so much from a specific newspaper as from a cooperative news agency that distributes briefings to members.)

And, of course, the four Champions. 

Dumbledore informs her and Diggory that all interviews with the press are entirely optional, though there will be one group photograph that everyone is asked to participate in. He pauses, then says that if they have any desire to control the narrative, he would recommend speaking to Mister Fontaine - the French reporter - and studiously avoiding even looking at Miss Skeeter, the British reporter. 

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Is that even going to help? Ellie's read some of her articles and it doesn't seem like they bear any particular relationship to the facts of the matter.

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It's a bit easier to win a libel case if you've never spoken to her, but the main issue is keeping her from getting photographs, really. Her articles get a lot less centering when she can't find illustrations.

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And on to the actual weighing - Ollivander greets her cheerfully, but he seems entirely absorbed with his task, and he doesn't chatter about the wands as he judges each free of defects in turn. The reporters are told to stay off to the side for this, though Rita Skeeter seems impatient about that.

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Hopefully Ellie can avoid her entirely. She doesn't really want to talk to any reporters.

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Rita Skeeter very promptly tries to corner her and physically herd her away from the others after Ellie's wands are weighed! She's chattering something with no discernible stops to breathe about having the honor of asking a few questions, just this way -

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"No," Ellie says very firmly and clearly.

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Rita Skeeter smiles at her, expression exceptionally patronizing. "It's just a friendly chat, Ellie - may I call you Ellie? - to introduce our readers to the most interesting Champion in the Tournament. It won't take but a minute, dear."

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"I do not wish to be introduced to your readers."

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"Now, Ellie, please be reasonable," she continues, voice sickeningly sweet. "You already know quite a few of them. Don't you want your story to be told?"

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A firm hand descends upon Skeeter's shoulder from behind.

"Excuse me," Elodie says. "I understand Britain has the free press, yes? But the young lady has indicated she does not wish to speak with you, so you will respect this. Come, there is a positive surfeit of other champions with lives for you to pry into. Ones that are not underage, even. Though perhaps this is simply your taste, you do seem quite eager to shepherd her away from watchful eyes."

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Skeeter rounds on her, eyes narrow, nostrils flaring. In the same sweet tone: "Dear - Lody, was it? It's generally polite to wait your own turn for an interview."

Fontaine, with all the blood hound accuracy of a reporter sensing a building scandal, steps closer, focusing mostly on his British counterpart. "Rita!" he says, jovially, teeth flashing as he grins. "Come now, come now, there's no need for all this - what were you hoping to accomplish here - ?"

Both reporters seem to be ignoring Ellie, now, Skeeter's attention split between the two interlopers. "Just hoping for something interesting," she says, pleasantly. "Though given the drivel you put out, I'm sure the idea would stun you." To Elodie, then: "Though I hardly believe Ellie asked you to intervene - is your interest personal?"

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Elodie grins, beautiful and predatory. "It could be, Mademoiselle Skeeter," she purrs. "Though I tend to prefer a somewhat more... mature face."

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Ellie edges backwards slowly, so as not to draw more attention.

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Skeeter doesn't seem at all phased by the implicit flirting. "You are very beautiful," she says, in the same tone as always. "Do you often seek out... More mature faces?"

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She laughs coyly. "Perhaps we could speak somewhere quieter."

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Skeeter smiles, sharply. "Of course. Especially for a quick interview."

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"Wonderful. This way, please."

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Ellie makes good her escape.

Hopefully Skeeter's article will now firmly be about Delacour and not her.

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Skeeter strides off with Elodie.

Fontaine makes an apparently perfunctory attempt to solicit Ellie for an interview. He doesn't crowd her, though, or look particularly insistent.

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She politely declines.

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He gives her a friendly nod, a thank you for her time, and an apology for bothering her, then strides off to be friendly at Diggory.

Of course, the wand weighing ceremony isn't too long, and soon enough they're all being called together for the assorted camera-people to take group photographs.

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The actual tasks can't be nearly this onerous.

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They're free to go after, at least, though the reporters seem to be hoping for more interviews.

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No thanks, Ellie is taking this opportunity to firmly abscond.

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No one successfully accosts her on the way out, at least.

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Good. She needs to go flop at Anathema and possibly Fay.

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Anathema and Fay are findable! Fay seems to have been walking Anathema through assorted 'things that are definitely not relevant to Ellie in the tournament, nope.' This does mean they're fairly close, if Ellie's interested in tandem flops.

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Oh good.


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Hair pets.

"Everything go okay?"

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"I don't like interacting with the press."

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Pet pet. "Me either."

"Did someone bother you?"

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"Skeeter tried to pull me into a broom closet. But Delacour came and distracted her, so I got away."

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"Did she now," says Fay, in the tone of someone who's mentally reviewing the legal reasons to challenge someone to a serious duel.

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"Professor, please don't put yourself out of a job before we graduate."

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She smiles, ruffling Ellie's hair a bit. "I'll wait for the day after your degrees are issued, then."

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"Then you can come globetrotting with us."

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"Is that your post-graduation plan?"

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"Mostly it's a way to get away from all the recurring gossip."

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"It's rather excellent on its own merits... I regret a bit that I haven't traveled more, actually." She brushes some hair out of Ellie's face. "I'd love to join you two, if you'd have me."

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"We would."

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Anathema leans into Fay. "Yeah, definitely." Teasingly: "You can pick up the tab."

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She laughs a little. "I'll see what I can do. Though I'm not one of the ones with a trust fund here."

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"You are the adult, though."

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"I was under the impression you would be adults by this adventure, too - unless you intend to graduate early?"

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Gentle pat. "Shh."

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She smiles gently down at Ellie. "Regardless... Traveling with you would be excellent."

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"You might want to find a way to thank Miss Delacour for the rescue... She did help you, if nothing else. But also the tournament's really supposed to be friendly, and it doesn't hurt to have your competition fond of you."

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"I guess."

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"It's up to you, of course."

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"I'll see if I get a good opportunity."

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"We can focus on your studies on the meantime."

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"Very important, that."

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"The most."

"Oh, hey, unrelated - can I borrow your cloak for a bit, Ellie?"

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"Uh, sure?"

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"Cool. I'll give it right back, promise."

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"Just before the first task, in case I need it."

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"Definitely can do."

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Then next time they swing by the dorm, Anathema can borrow the invisibility cloak.

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Anathema grins at her cheekily as she squirrels away the cloak.

(Monday morning, Rita Skeeter's article in the Daily Prophet is weirdly... Tame, and actually devoid of most salacious details. It sounds like she maybe slightly rewrote the French press release. It's shorter and not at all first page news like Skeeter's articles tend to hit.)

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Kinda weird, but good for everyone (except Skeeter herself but no one cares about her). Maybe Elodie threatened her.

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Effectively threatening Skeeter sounds hard but yeah good.

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Clearly she's skilled. Must be why she was chosen as a champion.

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Tough competition, then, but they already knew that.

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Hopefully there's no direct duels.

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That'd be a good use for the Animagus form, though.

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She's still working on the spell resistance.

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Of course. But 'sudden dinosaur attack' has a nice psychological factor, there.

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Ah, good point.

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Of course, better if it doesn't come up.

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Ellie's not allowed to find out whether or not it will, though.

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True. Doesn't stop her from hoping, though.

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Nod nod.

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And, a few mornings later - no first block today, so they're spending it in the Dragon Room studying -

Anathema rather cheerfully announces, "So! You are not dueling another Champion for the First Task! Incidentally there are four dragons currently being held in the Forbidden Forest, drugged in cages and stuff - I'm almost tempted to let them out - anyways. There's a Swedish Short-Snout, a Common Welsh Green, a Chinese Fireball, and a Hungarian Horntail. All definitely female, I'm pretty sure actively nesting - the eggs have also been transported, kept with the moms. I'm not sure what's the deal with the eggs yet, that seems risky... But the dragons are all in really good health it looks like and young, but not, like, so young they auto-char everything."

"Also dragon sounds are like apparently enough like Parseltongue that I kept feeling like I'm listening to a frustratingly thick accent that I can't actually understand. It's kind of distracting."

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"What fascinating information that I absolutely did not ask for in any way. Unrelatedly, does that mean you're done with the cloak?"

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Hum. "If you don't need it back yet, I might still have some definitely unrelated uses for it... Just further secret shenanigans."

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"No pressing business, no."

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"I'll get it back before the task next weekend, though."

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Shoulder bump. "No problem. But dragons are... Possibly tough."

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"Less so if it's possible to talk to them. I can't imagine fighting would be the primary purpose. Hypothetically speaking."

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"...Fighting dragons seems likely to break the safety rules, yeah. Though I dunno if you can learn the dialect in... Nine days... Maybe just yell at them until they stare at you confused about what sort of weird hick you are..."

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"Were there a lot of people guarding the dragons?"

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She hums. "There were some dragon handlers - but not actually a ton. I saw like, four people? And they weren't doing security stuff - they all slept at night, though I think they might've had set shifts to go out and check on the dragons. And no one was... Establishing a perimeter or anything? I think they're mostly doing security through obscurity. There haven't been any rumors or anything among the students, but the snakes were chattering about disturbances from stuff moving around and big predators suddenly in the area, and the basilisk was agitated about big magical predators, and then I asked Scarlet to help me look 'cause I thought that might be related to the Tasks, since all of the past tournaments have included impressive magical creatures at some point..."

"...Also we still need to name the basilisk..." The basilisk is really disinterested in the entire concept of names, though, and Anathema's not exactly good at coming up with those.

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"I might want the cloak back before the task then. For at least a couple nights."

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"You can have it back tonight, and we can just trade off who's using it, then. I think my shenanigans will be more useful in the day, anyways."

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"That works."

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"Though we don't have long to prepare... Still, we can make it work."

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"And you could ask Professor Reynolds what she'd do if she had to distract a dragon."

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"And see if she challenges anyone to a duel before the Task."

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Ellie laughs.

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Well, 'dragons' changes the research they're doing a lot... Of course figuring out how to talk's good, but they need backup plans, more information about the tasks, ideas to subdue or distract or hide from a dragon... (Fay suggests not blinding one - they'll just breathe fire everywhere. Getting potions into an alert dragon you're not the usual feeder of is hard... They can be enticed to chase prey, especially if it's moving faster or more temptingly than you - a lot like cats, actually. Zig-zag motions like deer use are more tempting than the straight run of a predator that might claw back, and dragons tend to be leery of chasing anything not acting afraid of them. A nesting mother's unlikely to chase something very far, though - she might lunge at anything that gets too close to her nest, but she's more likely to hunker down and breathe fire... Though Fay's experience for dealing with nesting mothers is 'Do Not.' Anathema of course relays this all faithfully.)

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So probably she's going to have to get past a dragon or maybe retrieve something from a nest, if the mother's guard instinct is so strong...

At night, Ellie sneaks out invisibly to try eavesdropping on the dragons.

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She gets the same uncanny feeling that they're all speaking an extremely weird dialect of a language she knows, or else a language just similar enough to hers that her brain keeps pinging some words as actual words and not just streams of noise. They're woozy and not very talkative, though, and are plausibly slurring their speech a bit.

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On the second night, she tries eavesdropping in her Animagus form.

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...Understandable! Still slurred, and still accented a bit - the dragons all have different accents and dialects, actually, and none of them are quite hers -

The dragons all seem mostly annoyed and scared and agitated about being somewhere different than they're used to. They don't like feeling poisoned. They don't like each other. They don't like that they each only recognize one human here. They're worried about their eggs, especially the non-Isles ones - it's cold and wet here and that can't be good, and they're feeling so very woozy, which is making maintaining enough fire for the eggs hard...

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It's too bad she can't tell anyone about this without giving the game away. They don't seem very happy.

Still, it's plausible she can just shift forms at the task and ask nicely for whatever she's supposed to do, especially if she promises to see to a change in living conditions. In which case she maybe shouldn't introduce herself now.

She sneaks back to the castle to tell Anathema she probably won't need the cloak for the other nights.

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She nods. "That's good... I still haven't found more, but I'm also running into free time pressure now."

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"The other tasks aren't going to be until the new year. They might only be prepping one at a time."

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"Yeah, I figured - I mostly want to know right now what your actual task will be, but no one's gossiping."

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"I think I'll already have a pretty big leg up with this."

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Lean. "Yeah. Just - over prepared's better than under."

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"Don't get yourself caught though, okay?"

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"I'll be careful. And if you're - confident. I might leave off for this one."

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"Yeah, I think I can do it. Whatever it turns out to be."

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"I'll trust you, then."

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Shoulder bump.

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It's a few days still until the First Task... Anathema spends it a bit antsy, but she does believe in Ellie - and Saturday morning, Ellie's asked to report to a tent outside the Quidditch Pitch. There've been people traveling in already, though it sounds like the Champions will be at the pitch for a while as set up is finished.

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Ellie gathers up her supplies (mostly just her wands and the cloak, which she keeps tucked away) and shows up right on time.

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They're ushered into a large tent. They can't see or hear anything outside of it from within. The three officials are in it, but none of the school heads. Britain's official, Bagman, seems to be taking the lead, because once everyone arrives he cheerfully explains their Task today will be retrieving a golden egg from amid a clutch of real dragon eggs - guarded by a real dragon. Points will be deducted for injuries to themselves or for damage to the real eggs. No points will be rewarded or deducted for time taken, though there's a time limit of one hour for each Champion. If they don't retrieve the golden egg before the challenge ends (due to the time limit or it being called early for safety reasons), they'll lose points. The task's meant to test their cleverness, magical skill, and daring, and each champion will be emerging and facing their dragon alone.

There's different kinds of dragons, and which one they face and in which order will be quasi-randomized - they'll need to draw a statue from this magical bag, here.

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(More or less what she thought. This shouldn't be too bad.)

She takes a statue from the bag when it's her turn.

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Her statue depicts a Hungarian Horntail with a little sign with the number '4' around its neck.

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Oh. Joy.

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The order seems to be:

First, Cedric Diggory against the Swedish Short-Snout.

Second, Elodie Delacour against the Common Welsh Green.

Third, Victor Krum against the Chinese Fireball.

Fourth, Ellie Potter agains the Hungarian Horntail.

Bagman goes over the procedures and rules again with them, and then he and the other judges step out, informing the champions to emerge when their names are called and not to peek out before.

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Nothing to do but wait.

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"Feeling confident, cherie?" Elodie asks her.

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Shrug. "More or less."

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"Is that so? What is your intended approach?"

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"You'll have to wait and see."

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She laughs. "And count myself fortunate that I am able to do so, I suppose."

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Cedric Diggory is called out not too long after. 

He takes a deep breath and steps out. 

There's some roaring - dragon, you don't need to be a Parselmouth to get 'angry' though interestingly the exact stream of curse words is easier to understand than most dragon speech. The dragon seems to be cursing about some 'scavenger' getting too close to her eggs - there's some sounds of large fires - a second scavenger - more fire, a human shout (hurt), then an announcement that Cedric Diggory has completed his task as the dragon roars more then falls quiet. 

There's another gap before Elodie is called out. 

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She exits the tent with a smile on her face. The Welsh Green was a good pick for what she has in mind, much less aggressive than the Horntail.

She gives a wave to the crowd, easily picking out where her sisters are sitting, before turning to face the dragon.

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The dragon crouches over her eggs, wings folded up near her body. She's watching the crowd warily, tail rattling against the ground, but her gaze moves to Elodie when the girl emerges. She's making a low rumbling noise, a far more subdued warning than what the Swedish Short-Snout greeted Cedric Diggory with. Still, her nostrils are flaring, her teeth parting a bit as she hisses. There's a bit of a haze around her.

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Eye contact is good, it makes the contact easier. She starts humming a lullaby, swaying side to side to keep the dragon's interest as she pushes the quality of sleep at it. After the first stanza she brings her wand into the movements, augmenting her power.

(Her mother would not need the wand, but she's not her mother.)

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The dragon does not like feeling woozy and shoots a gout of flame at her about this!

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She casts a shield in front of her to break the flames and continues her song, louder than before.

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The dragon's head weaves -

And lowers as she slowly falls asleep. She fights it, spitting fire, but her flames have no real direction, just make the area right around her more dangerous. 

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Elodie keeps the song going as she walks forward to collect the egg. No sense in taking chances.

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Avoiding the small lashes of flame might take some cleverness - or very prompt shielding - but the golden egg is fortunately not trapped under the dragon's bulk.

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She skips forward easily enough and retrieves the egg, then retreats off the field.

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The crowd cheers enthusiastically! The judges take notes as well, but it seems she'll be waiting to see her score.

She's called off to the side, to sit near the judges - there's a seat for Diggory, but he's not in it - and told to keep hold of her egg. There's another delay as her dragon is removed from the field, and the Chinese Fireball is brought forth, staged, and woken up.

And then Victor Krum is called out.

He tests the Fireball a bit, running around some - then aims a spell at its eyes. The dragon rears back, roaring in pain - and then snaps her head forward just as Krum's darting for her eggs, filling the field apparently at random with massive fireballs as she hunkers over her eggs. Her head sweeps back and forth, mouth open - Krum weaves in between her flames, cursing - she can't see him, but his movement's disturbing the air from her fires...

She turns to snap at him when he gets too close to her eggs - he hits her open mouth with a blasting curse, and she coughs out a fireball, flinching back - Krum grabs the egg, and then her tail catches him in the chest, throwing him free as she follows up with more fireballs.

Krum has the egg, but he's definitely not going to be joining Elodie in the spectator area right away. The crowd's pretty worked up, though (agitating the dragon more, of course).

Getting the Chinese Fireball off the field takes a lot longer than the Common Welsh Green had - enough for Diggory to emerge from the medical tent and sit gingerly next to Elodie - and then the Hungarian Horntail is being set up, woken -

And Ellie Potter is called onto the field.

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And here she is.

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The Horntail's mantling over her eggs, hissing very angrily - a mixed challenge and warning, it sounds like, though Parseltongue alone is mostly picking up on tone here.

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Right. Angry mom.

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She transforms.

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The Horntail rears back, clearly surprised, while the crowd gasps.

Then, the Horntail sniffs, moving her head closer to Ellie and swaying about - "Where is your mother?!?!" Her accent's very thick, but basically understandable. 

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"She sent me to get the fake egg that was left in your nest."

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She tilts her head, eyes narrowing and mouth gaping open a bit. "A fake egg?"

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"The golden one, she said."

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She pulls her head back, but - "Stay over there. Away from my nest."

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"Okay. I don't want anything else, or anything to do with your real eggs."

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She tilts her head to eye her nest - being careful to keep an eye on Ellie and to not actually expose her eggs from any angles but 'the front.' She goes over her eggs with a critical look, tapping them with her claws and breathing a small gout of flame over them -

Then, a disgusted noise. "I don't know what gold is, but this is not a child." She scoops up the golden egg in her palm, flinging it out of her nest with a good bit of force and rattling her tail. "Who put that there? Is it a cuckoo?" She spits the term.

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"Just some dumb humans who didn't think things through all the way," she says, going to scoop up the golden egg.

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She hisses angrily and keeps watching Ellie, but doesn't stop her from approaching the golden egg. "I'll show them what they get for threatening my eggs - and you should tell your mother not to let you wander so far, your wings are deformed, how will you escape from predators?"

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"Yes, I'll tell her. But please don't get too angry with the people here, most of them had no idea what was going on."

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She nods, grouchily. "I'll warn them to stay away, though, and I'm not leaving my nest. But they shouldn't try twice."

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"No, they shouldn't. Thank you."

And over to the judges' booth with the golden egg.

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There's applause! Dumbledore is grinning pretty widely, and the French delegation seems a bit impressed.

The Horntail is put back to sleep (and very, very annoyed about this) in preparation to remove her from the field as Dumbledore gestures for Ellie to leave the field and join the other champions (which by now includes a woozy-seeming Krum).

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Once the field is clear, the champions are told to line up in front of the judges to receive scores and feedback.

Cedric Diggory is complimented on the complexity of his transmutation and his clever use of a creature known for stealing dragon eggs (which Ellie can vaguely recognize as a sort of oversized magic rodent), though the judges note his injuries do lose him a few points. Still - his score's a solid 42 after adjustments.

Elodie Delacour next - the judges seem extremely impressed with her wandless spell work, with placing an enchantment on a dragon, and with multimodal simultaneous spells - Dumbledore comments he hasn't seen such a cleverly execution of two simultaneous spells in a few decades. She gets no dings whatsoever, and her score's a good 56 after a mix of 9s, 10s, and one 8 (courtesy of Headmaster Karkaroff). 

Victor Krum - the judges are fairly harsh on him. He did hit two difficult soft targets - the dragon's eyes, and the roof of its mouth - but his choice of spell shows a limited understanding of dragon behavior, and his actions after blinding the dragon were more 'reckless' than 'daring.' His injuries also dock him points, as does the injury to the dragon - the damage to the dragon's eyes will require treatment to fully clear. His score's only 31, rescued in part by Karkaroff going easily on him.

Ellie Potter last - the judges are impressed that she mastered the Animagus transformation, though they have some questions about how she got the dragon to remove the egg from the nest of its own accord.

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Animagi are able to communicate with similar animals, and it turns out dragons really don't like cuckoos.

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That's accepted - it's fortunate that her Animagus form (which none of the judges recognize) is so similar, and thinking to try it was clever.

Ellie received no injuries as well, and seems to have been in the least danger, and demonstrated an ability to cooperate with even dangerous magical creatures. She only demonstrated the Animagus transformation, magically, but that's incredibly complex magic.

She receives a 54 in the end - Headmaster Karkaroff gave her a 7, and the French representative gave her a 9 instead of the 10 given to Elodie, but otherwise her spread of results is the same.

That puts Elodie as a narrow winner, Ellie right behind, Cedric after a good gap, and Victor trailing in last. (Victor and Cedric both accept this graciously.)

The judges inform them - and the cheering crowd - that the eggs hold a vital clue to the Second Task, which cannot be trivially accessed. The Second Task will be Saturday, February the Twenty-Fifth, and they have until then to prepare.

The champions are then dismissed to go mingle as they like. (A host of reporters have been covering the event - more than were at the wand weighing - and a few seem determined to approach the champions.)

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Ellie will try to get under cover of Professor Reynolds as expeditiously as possible.

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Anathema hits her first - knocking aside a reporter that'd been closing in on Ellie - and tackles her in a hug. "You did great!" she says, laughing.

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Fay's not far behind. "Impressively so."

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"Thanks. It wasn't that bad."

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"A simple but safe option is better than something complicated and dangerous." She glances around at the forming crowds. "But let's get you somewhere quieter to celebrate."

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"Oh, yes please."

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Off, then, to the castle, bulldozing past any reporters who look like they're getting ideas.

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This is so much easier when Professor Reynolds is leading.

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It's almost like she has a reputation or something.

She gets them safely ensconced in her suite with a small request to the house elves for some celebratory food, then hugs Ellie again.

"I was worried about this Task, but - you really did do very well."

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"Turns out Parselmouth in my Animagus form is really close to dragon. "

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"Rather convenient."

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"Wonder if I could learn dragon... Also wonder if that means you're actually a proto-dragon dinosaur. Which suggests cool things about dragon evolution."

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"The Horntail was worried about my 'deformed wings' and how I was going to get away from predators."

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She laughs, loud and long. 

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"Which does mean she thinks you are a dragon, just an odd one."

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"I'm also supposed to inform you not to let me wander so far," she says to Professor Reynolds.

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She smiles, squeezing Ellie. "I can be more cautious. But you do seem mature enough to stray from the nest - a little bit."

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"Yeah, I think she was operating under slightly mistaken assumptions about my capabilities."

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"You're quite competent."

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"I do want to work on wings, though."

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"I've been bugging that colleague I mentioned some, actually, I have a new monograph on that for you..."

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Grabby hands.

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She laughs and goes to fetch it.

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She's gonna share, right? (Sometimes being a winged tiger does sound pretty cool, even if Anathema's not as driven to it as Ellie.)

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If she asks nicely.

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Please, pretty please, best Ellie who is definitely very generous -

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Hmmmmmm she'll think about it.

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She flops on Ellie, turning pleading eyes on her. "Please, you're so smart and lovely and wonderful, surely you'll indulge me." Wibbly lip. "Reward me for being such a good researcher for you, even. Please, Ellie?"

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She laughs.

"Well if you put it like that... Okay."

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Heee. "Thank you!"

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(Of course, she'll let Ellie read the monograph first, but, well. It's important to establish that she gets it next.)

"Oh - I know the Second Task isn't until February... But we should poke at the egg. See if we can't get a head start."

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"And think about the Yule Ball, some - that's less than a month away." She ruffles Anathema's hair. "Though I know magic's more exciting than dancing."

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She scrunches up her face some - still amused, though. "I'm gonna go on my own and get random people to dance with me. Already decided. No other need to plan."

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"Yeah, it's not like we're managing the party. And we've already got dress clothes and everything."

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"Alright. Seems you've thought plenty, then."

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"I try to do all my thinking over break, so I can turn my brain off at school."

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That gets a laugh out of her. "School doesn't need more thinking, then?"

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Ellie makes a dismissive noise.

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Hair ruffle. "Maybe we can get an exception so you can graduate early, then. Go on to some challenging university."

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"Only if you take me, too!"

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"As if we could possibly leave you."

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Snuggle. "Good."

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No time to waste; there's a monograph to read and celebratory food to eat!

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A great ending to the task.

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The next morning, the announcements reiterate the scores and rankings from the day before. Dumbledore praises all the champions for trying their all, and reminds everyone of the time and day for the Second Task - as well as for the Yule Ball, which will happen the night of the Saturday after Yule on December the Twenty-Fourth, before classes resume on Monday (he does admit it'd be more traditional to hold the ball on Yule itself, but he doesn't wish to cut down on students' time with their families over the winter holiday).

After the announcements, Professor Flitwick approaches Ellie to quietly inform her the Ministry representatives have apparently decided all four Champions will need to attend and find a date to the Ball, rather than simply going on their own - or just avoiding the dance altogether.

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Nothing's ever just easy.

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...Yeah. That's a pretty annoying requirement. Especially since a lot of people would make a big deal about it... Unless Ellie has someone she wants to go with?

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Eh. Not really. Probably once the rumor gets around someone'll offer.

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Yeah. Might be annoying if they think it's a serious thing, but - Ellie can just say no to annoying people.

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Anathema thinks about this over the next few days - especially as a couple of people who would definitely be annoying about it approach her to ask how they should ask Ellie out. She tells them not to try.

...Perhaps a bit harshly sometimes, but the repetition and disruptions are getting really annoying.

Then it occurs to her - there's no gender limit on who can take whom, of course, since the Yule Ball's a traditional thing, and the most stubborn traditionalists consider banning same-sex stuff an overbearing muggle invention. But the muggleborn students seem mostly kind of oblivious to that, and Ellie's muggle raised and might not have actually realized she can ask Anathema, and Anathema definitely won't be obnoxious about it or take it too seriously...

So she goes to find Ellie just after lunch, sitting down beside her and saying: "So, I thought of a solution to the date issue - "

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"The date-? Oh, yeah. Uh, that's taken care of already."

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" - Oh? It is?"

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"Yeah, Viktor Krum asked me the other day, he doesn't want to go with anyone at Drumstrang and hasn't really made good friends here. Two birds, one stone, right?"

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"...Sounds efficient, yeah."

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"We only have to do the first dance together, so we can still hang out during the ball."

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She nods. "Okay." Shrug. "I'll just be hovering around, then."

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"You could ask someone too, if you wanted."

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Shrug. "Maybe."

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"Or not, whatever. It's not required for you."

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"I'll think about it."

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Well, on to studying then - has Ellie gotten the egg open yet? 

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Yes, actually, but all it did was make this godawful wailing noise until she shut it again.

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Huh. So there's a further trick...

Anathema's happy to spend the rest of the time until class theorizing about it. 

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Sounds like a good use of their time.

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And after classes, while Ellie's absorbed in her own projects, Anathema goes to knock on Fay's door alone.

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"Come in," she calls.

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She walks straight over to flop face down on the couch.

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"What's wrong?"

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"Or - nothing should be wrong - "

"It's stupid."

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...Yeah that's a teenager.

"Being bothered is rarely actually stupid," she says, evenly. "What happened?"

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Frustrated noise. She flops onto her back, sprawling dramatically. "So the Champions need dates for the Ball, right - Ellie didn't really want to ask anyone, so I figured I'd ask her since we're friends and all and we know I won't make a stupid big deal of it like it's something serious - "

"But Krum asked her! Yesterday, and she said yes - and it makes sense, he's not gonna make a big deal 'cause it's not like he's sticking around or like they've ever talked, and they're both Seekers so they've got something in common, and Ellie was impressed by Krum's. Moves. And all. In the World Cup. So it's fine, I wasn't gonna bring a date anyways, I'll just hang out by the punch bowl or something for the first dance and then me and Ellie can hang out like we were gonna."

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"And you're upset about this?"

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"Yeah. But I don't know why. Just - I keep having stupid thoughts that don't make any sense."

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"I find sometimes that if my brain's having insistent thoughts, it's either spotted something serious, but doesn't know how to communicate that, or the thoughts only seem stupid because I haven't noticed the problem yet. Figuring out what my brain's trying to communicate usually helps the thoughts go away."

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"What're the thoughts?"

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"Uh huh."

"What're they saying that's so 'dumb'?"

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She flaps a hand.

"Just - probably Ellie's gonna like Krum, 'cause lots of people think he's handsome and charming and talented. Maybe she'll want to dance with him the entire Ball - I bet he's a good dancer. And people are gonna look at them going to the Ball together, and there's gonna be rumors, and the newspaper and everyone will think they're dating, and that'll be annoying, I bet they'll ask me about it a lot. And maybe she'll decide she likes him enough to keep talking to him after the Ball, or even after the Tournament - they could become penpals or something, and Ellie'd wanted to play a game against him but hasn't gotten the chance, so maybe he'll give her - Seeker tips or something. Maybe he actually like likes her and will actually ask her out for real. Which - it'd be great if she had someone who really liked her like that, like - wanting to date and stuff and be really serious, or even just have lots of fun - she's great and amazing and deserves the world, but - "

She trails off, frowning.

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"Would you rather she went to the Ball with someone else?"

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"Yeah! Me! I - said that, I was gonna ask her - "

Upset confused frown.

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"Anathema... If you went to the Ball with her, there'd be rumors you and her were dating instead."

"And it sounds to me like Ellie already has someone who thinks the world of her, and really likes her, and wants to be with her a lot, and wants to be serious and have fun."

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She gives an encouraging smile, waiting patiently.

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"...I - don't want anyone thinking Ellie's dating someone, or Ellie actually dating someone, 'cause..."

"I - I'm jealous. I like her."

"I think I want her to date me."

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Soft smile.

"I must admit I'm not surprised at all."

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She pulls a couch pillow over her blushing face, rolling back and forth and kicking her legs a bit.

Why!!! Embarrassment should not!!!

"She's so good though! Funny and smart and nice and clever and - pretty - "


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She successfully suppresses a laugh.

"You can just talk to her, you know. Krum can find another date."

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"Oh? Why not?"

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"'Cause!" Flail. "I hadn't noticed and now I've noticed and that'd be so awkward and she might say no and that'd be terrible!"

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"Uh huh."

"You can wait a day or two - or a week even - before asking. There's still nearly a month until the dance, you know. I suspect Krum can find someone else even on short notice."

"And Anathema... I don't think she'd say no, or that if she did it'd be terrible. A bit awkward, maybe, but - Ellie's a steady sort, and she loves you."

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She makes a noise rather like a tea kettle. (Her face will not be emerging from under this pillow any time soon.)

"But - I - just noticed - and she might not like me like that, and - "

She bites her lip.

"I - don't want her to say yes just to make me happy. Because - she does love me, and she might take me to the Ball just 'cause I want it, and - "

"I want her to ask me out."

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Voice gentle: "Alright. You have time, Anathema, and the Ball is hardly a deadline on any confession. You can wait, see how you feel once your brain settles - and then see if flirting with her or dropping hints gets her to notice. I can talk to her for you - without mentioning your interest. See what she thinks."

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"Don't want you to ask her... That'd be awkward..."

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"Alright. Then I won't."

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She sighs, tossing the pillow off her face and slumping.

She stares at the ceiling for a bit, poking her brain -

Then sits upright suddenly.

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"I had an idea! I won't ask Ellie to dump Krum 'cause that'd be awkward and I'd have to explain why, but I don't have a date yet - I bet if I ask someone really pretty to the Ball Ellie would get jealous, and maybe then she'd try to get me for herself..."

Without stopping to let Fay get a word in edgewise: "And y'know Elodie's the prettiest person here - I mean Ellie's also really pretty but uh - I mean. Also she does music magic and the sleep spell against the dragon was actually super cool, so even if she can't dance we'd have something fun to talk about, and if Ellie's gonna get jealous of anyone..."

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"...Well that sure is one idea."

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"It's great! And I bet Elodie doesn't know anyone here yet, either, and it hasn't been too long since the announcement so she might not've picked anyone to go with, and she's gonna be graduating and going back to France so it's not a big deal if we go to the Ball together."

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"...Well, I won't tell you to not."

Teenagers. They'll work themselves out eventually. At least it's extremely unlikely this'll lead to any broken bones...

(Fay might've made some decisions and also choices at their age herself.)

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"Okay, cool! Now I just need to figure out a good opportunity to talk to her..."

They don't have any classes or clubs or anything together, do they... Well maybe Anathema can manage a hallway ambush.

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"Uh huh."

"Good luck."

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And then - well, first to chat with Fay some about non-dating-related decisions, and pick up a book, and then - she's totally gonna run out of nerves to do this, so next to go see if she can't figure out real quick where Elodie's hanging out...

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Elodie is not that hard to find, in the grand scheme of things.

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...Okay cold approaching the prettiest and most intimidating girl around to ask her to a dance right after realizing she's into girls is probably not the brightest idea Anathema's ever had, but she feels committed now, so.

"Uh, hey," she says, smiling and hoping how extremely awkward and embarrassed she is won’t be obvious and ahhhhh is the 'this girl is so fascinating I want to talk to her' feeling attraction ahhhhh okay stop it with the gay panic and act like a normal human being, Anathema. "Do you have - a moment?"

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"Why yes, many of them."

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Behave! Normally! Suave and not a disaster. No blushing.

Maybe a teensy bit of blushing.

"So - I know the Champions need to have a date for the first dance of the Yule Ball, and - okay honestly I was gonna ask Ellie, she's my best friend, but Krum asked her and she's going with him instead and um - "

"...You're extremely intimidating and very pretty and like really smart and you can do magic music and I'm kind of being dumb right now, but uh. Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me? I won't - be any weirder about it than I am right now. Hopefully less weird."

"...Probably I should not just say I want to make my friend jealous, because you are really cool, but I don't like - misleading anyone."

Also she's going to say no now because that was a disaster and then Anathema will have to come up with a different idea.

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Elodie laughs.

"I have to say, I rather thought you and Mademoiselle Potter were already, ah, an item. We hardly ever see one of you without the other."

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Blush!!! But she's grinning about it. (People think she and Ellie are dating - they're not but people think they are - )

"Ah. We're - not. We're just best friends right now."

Also gosh that's a pretty laugh.

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"I see."

"Very well, then. But I have one condition."

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"Um! Okay! What?"

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"My younger sister Gabrielle wishes to attend. However, she is not of age to attend on her own recognizance. I was going to use my invitation to allow her entry. As that is now no longer an option, you must secure her a replacement."

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"Okay." She hums. "Don't think I'll have too much trouble with that." Grin. "Thanks so much for accepting. And I'll - let you know when I find someone who agrees to get her in?"

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"And also what colors you intend to wear."

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"Bronze and blue! Pretty similar to the Ravenclaw colors, actually - I've got a dress and jewelry already and all, I can show you it."

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"Yes, it would not do for us to clash."

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"And we must do something about that hair as well..." She clucks her tongue. "Come back and see me again when you have things arranged."

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"...Should I try to manage the hair on my own, too?"

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"No, I have seen enough of what you British call style. I will deal with that."

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She giggles. "I won't inflict that on you, then."

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"Good." She flicks her fingers. "Off with you, then, else you shall give the game away before it starts."

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"I'll be discreet, then."

She heads off, grinning a bit like a loon. Only a bit.

First thing - say hi to Ellie, of course, and since curfew's approaching it should be pretty easily to find her roommates - Sue Li and Mandy weren't going with anyone, last Anathema checked - Padma isn't either, but that seems to be very a 'yet' since she's expressed wanting a boy who'll dance with her properly...

(Probably she should try to corner - Mandy, probably, she's discreet - in private so there's no gossip about Anathema and Elodie...)

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It doesn't actually take her long - Mandy's easy to corner, and is alright with helping a younger student into the dance since she isn't interested really in dancing herself - Mandy asks why Anathema's looking for a 'date' for Gabrielle specifically, which gets Anathema blushing, which gets Mandy prying -

So Mandy gets to promise secrecy about the Elodie date - she's clearly surprised at first, then after a few moments of thinking settles in to 'teasing.' Which, embarrassing, but better than friend rejection or something...

The next day, also after classes, Anathema makes sure her dress is still okay in its bag, and still fits her - she hasn't had a growth spurt since getting it, good - and wraps up and packs her jewelry and the makeup and temporary hair dyes she likes and was considering using, then goes to find Elodie again.

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"You have met with success, I trust?"

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"Yeah. My roommate Mandy - uh, Amanda Brocklehurst - is cool with inviting your sister. She didn't really have free time today, but I can introduce you guys later."

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"Please do. Now. Your outfit?"

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She pulls her dress out and holds it up in front of her. "I also brought the jewelry and all."

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Elodie hums. "Yes, I believe we can work with this. And the rest?"

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She puts the dress away and lays out the jewelry. (It's actually really tasteful for her norm - she'd made herself sad doing it, but she'd thought about splurging some of her mom's money on nice jewelry, and then thought to see if she had any family jewelry and found some of her mom's pieces that looked like they'd work. (Her mom had a lot of jewelry, though a good portion of it looked inherited.)) There's a complicated necklace with small blue gems woven in with chains, and a small mess of bracelets and bangles (most plain or patterned metal, some with gems, one is a broad bangle with ceramic panels, a few beaded ones), and some very nice hair sticks she's been practicing wearing occasionally, and some small barrettes. "I don't think I want to wear all the bracelets," she says, "But I liked them all, so went ahead and packed them... I'm attached to the necklace and hair sticks, though."

Makeup, as well - nail polish (deep blue and shimmery), eye shadow (multiple blues, also shimmery), and some more subtle foundation and blush and lipstick and eye stuff she was going to ask Fay for help putting on.

Shoes - only a very slight heel, a deep bronze color so she can wear them to things other than this. Tights - a dark, almost black blue, opaque (they'll show under her dress's hem, especially when she's moving).

Wand holster - should be nearly invisible under her skirt unless she's getting really acrobatic, she figured she'd bring it for completion's sake. (...She's also attached to this.) A purse - small on the outside, with a long strap so she can sling it over her shoulder, with a damask pattern in different shades of bronze. (She's unsure about bringing this, but it's kind of just generally useful and also pretty.)

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Elodie is quite competent at arranging Anathema's options to best effect, including all the things she doesn't want to compromise on. She can also help with makeup and a hairstyle that will best suit the hair sticks and show off the necklace.

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Anathema giggles a bit throughout, but she's attentive and appreciative and does give feedback - she has a really good eye for color and pattern and art, even if her usual preferences run toward the tacky. Still, she wants to seem - mature, here, so she doesn't suggest a bucket load of glitter like she would've a year ago.

Several hairstyle ideas leave her ears exposed, which has Anathema tugging at the bottom of her ear thoughtfully. "I don't have my ears pierced," she says, "But - I dunno, this might look nice with earrings... Unless that'd be too much..."

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"Either way can be made to work."

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"I think I saw some small studs that had a little gem on them, those should be a good middle ground..." In her mom's stuff. Hopefully Elodie won't ask where, 'ex-homeless muggleborn with a large inheritance' is kinda hard to explain.

"I'd have to grab them over winter break or get Fay - uh, Professor Reynolds - to take me into London Saturday morning."

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"Will you be taking care of the piercing at that time as well?"

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"That was my thought, yeah."

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"Very well."

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She hums, leaning back a bit.

"I think that's my outfit settled, then. Though... If you don't mind spending non-Ball time with me - I had some questions about the music you used in the First Task."

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"Of course. Ask away."

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She launches in with a technical question right off the bat - she very clearly is well read on theory, and has some actual non-magic music training, but she's also clearly an enthusiastic amateur who's never been formally taught. A clever and insightful one, though.

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Elodie has a great amount of tradition to draw upon for her explanation, though some of the more esoteric aspects are considered family secrets and will remain such.

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Anathema doesn't push at all - there's plenty else anyways, and she can synthesize the information quickly enough to zoom off into increasingly tangential or specific questions.

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What a clever little... mind she has.

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Heee. (And a little blush.)

She likes magic. A lot.

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There is much about it to like.

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"Yeah. School's boringly easy, pretty much, so I spend my free time studying stuff like this. It's hard to find good resources sometimes - and there's nothing like talking to an expert."

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"Indeed not. Magic passes best one mind to another, or so it is said."

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"Better with two clever minds."

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She laughs.

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(She is really unfairly pretty.)

"Lots of my studying so far's been in transfiguration and combat charms - especially ones that lean really heavily on emotion and intent. Branching out is really nice."

(...Anathema has possibly not thought this plan through entirely, but, pretty.)

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"That is an excellent basis for sung magic. Intent is very important."

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"Yeah. The transfiguration builds on it too, actually, even if it's more centrally focus and visualization than emotional control - some advanced charms like the Patronus really get into the visualization parts, though."

"I'm also more practiced at wandless transfiguration than wandless charms, so getting the magic woven into the song can be a bit finicky for me - so far."

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This naturally leads into another round of discussion.

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Anathema's more firmly in 'quasi-expert' than 'learner' about those! (She doesn't hesitate to admit she's also mastered the Animagus transformation and has theories for further modifying her form - though so far it's been a tough nut to crack...)

She blinks partway through, suddenly a bit distracted - "Oh hey, do you know if using magical talent languages for music affects things at all?" She's started to realize there's an actual Parseltongue language, which is being magically translated for her through the talent - she'd need to get better at focusing and isolating it to adapt it to music properly, but she bets she can...

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"That is not an area of much study, and not an ability I possess for myself. Though I can't imagine there would be no effect."

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She nods. "A new corner to poke at, then."

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"Indeed. Good luck to you."

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"Thanks. Wonder how I'd test it... Hearing music rather than just meaning seems hardest - though also it's pretty unlikely to be an instant disaster just playing around..."

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"Perhaps find another with the same language talent, and experiment with singing at them."

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"It'll just move meaning directly, though - I'd probably also need someone without the talent to just listen to the sounds, but they'd need an ear for pitch..."

...Also Anathema's not out as a Parseltongue and this just occurred to her.

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"I would be happy to assist, if you would like."

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"If you don't mind - I would like that."

"It's... Not something I've told people about except Ellie and Fay, 'cause it's stigmatized here, but - "

Well, in for a knut...

Are you going to Scarborough Fair - parsley sage rosemary and thyme -

She has to focus to sing in Parseltongue - focus more on 'this should come out as music to all listeners' - but actually gets a recognizable rhythm, even if it's being hissed.

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"Yeah." She ducks her head a bit, feeling shy. "Basically no one admits to having it around here..."

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"One of your founders was a Parselmouth, yes? I do not believe there are any great traditions in these lands otherwise..."

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...She should stop trying to lie like ever. (This would be easier if she had fewer things it was vital to lie about. Maybe she should stop trying to admit partial truths to people ever.)

Shrug, and, awkwardly, looking down at her feet: "People immigrate, and it ever pops up randomly. I don't know my family tree back very far," because she hasn't looked, "But - descent from Slytherin's something people brag about, not something people never mention."

Except her. Especially after second year, 'Heir of Slytherin' would be a hell of a thing to admit.

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"I see."

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Shrug. "There's at least one other Parselmouth at school and when that got out people - ultimately mostly just forgot about it. But. I don't want to deal with the 'months of rumors' stage first."

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"It will be our secret, then."

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Shy smile. "Thanks."

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"Did you have any other questions?"

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"I'm composed of nothing but questions."

The darkness outside catches her eye -

" - But also I should probably check how close curfew is..."

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"It would be a shame to have your Yule Ball attendance privileges revoked after all this."

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"Getting caught's only really a problem if you go back to the dorm - I've got other places to sleep, but they're not 'my own bed.'"

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"An experienced delinquent, I see."

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Giggle. "Not if you look at my school records."

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"Further corroboration."

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"The real trick is waiting for the professors to decide you're the ideal student first."

Also have a professor firmly in your corner with even less respect for the law. (And Anathema has actually gotten away with an astonishing number of serious crimes for someone who can't lie to save her life...)

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"Ha. Very good."

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Small wiggle.

"...But I shouldn't tempt fate," she says, sighing and taking out her wand to check the time. It's fortunately still before curfew - but close enough she can't really afford to tarry much longer.

She sighs. "Well, thanks for the conversation. It's been - a lot of fun."

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"Indeed. Feel free to seek me out again."

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"I probably will - I'll be bringing by Mandy in the next few days, too."

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Elodie nods. "Good night, cherie."

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She does not know French but that tone sounds like something to blush vividly about and duck her head. (And note to later find a dictionary.)

"Good night, Elodie."

And - off to bed, slipping into the dorm just before curfew.

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"You're out late," Ellie observes as they get ready for bed.

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And still grinning broadly! The red on her cheeks has faded by the time she gets to their room, but it flares up a bit again.

"Yeah. I got caught up with learning music theory..."

- She wants to make Ellie jealous so should mention Elodie maybe, but -

That'd require her saying something and maybe talking about it and - not tonight.

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"Sounds like a fun time?"

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"Yeah! I had some cool ideas I could use your help testing, actually, for doing variants on the usual stuff."

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"Sure. Let me know."

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"This weekend'd be good - we can go out to our cottage for a bit before Quidditch practice."

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"All right."

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"Night, Ellie."

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And snuggle into bed.

(The next morning she gets hold of a French to English dictionary and spends a solid five minutes beet red, but at least she doesn't do that in front of anyone...)

She gets Mandy introduced to Elodie in the next few days - spends more time forgetting what time it is talking to Elodie, though she again remembers in time to get back before curfew -

Saturday morning she serenades Ellie and their snakes with increasingly silly songs - just getting a feel for singing in Parseltongue - and Sunday evening she sings to Ellie and Fay then starts testing some of the very basic musical charms she knows under Fay's supervision. (It is different - more charged, maybe, she thinks, slippery and harder to control, like there's something deep welling up. It's exhilarating - it takes her a few days to get free time again, because she's still attached to Ellie's hip and she's still busy with studies - but then she sings to Elodie again, too, practicing charms to weave light around her, and starting on a charm that's supposed to illustrate scenes sung about - Parseltongue handles proper nouns weirdly, it turns out, so she mangles that partway in, but the fizzle is gentle so it just leaves her laughing - )

(Anathema has Fay take her in for a quick trip to London, too - gets her ears pierced, and on Fay's suggestion she buys hypoallergenic muggle earrings that match her outfit, studs with flowers made of blue gems, since the older antique earrings probably aren't ideal for new piercings.)

Winter break approaches at break neck speed - two weeks of hanging out with Ellie and Fay, Grim and Scarlet, movies and video games and Yule presents and playing in the snow and running around as Animagi -

They come back early on Saturday the Twenty-Fourth - they have until eight for the ball's start, of course, but the Champions need to be there a bit early. Anathema had gathered together her ball things before they got back, so she just wishes Ellie luck, picks up the bit of luggage that contains them after getting settled in their room, and starts heading out to find Elodie.

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"Not changed your mind yet then? Good."

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"I'd have let you know way sooner if I did." Grin. "I'm looking forward to this, though."

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"As am I. Come, let us get your face and hair in order."

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"Make me pretty enough to stand next to you."

She goes along cheerfully.

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And in time enough to make it to the ball, they succeed.

Elodie herself is radiant, of course, and Anathema fits easily at her side, their outfits a perfect complement.

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Anathema's glowing, practically, her grin so wide it hurts -

Two of the Champions escorting each other messed up the original plans for who enters when, and the organizers seemed charmed at the idea of introducing the Champions and their dates as they enter an already crowded ballroom with no small amount of pomp. The order for each couple ends up drawn randomly - Ellie Potter and Victor Krum, Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang...

Elodie Delacour and Anathema Canta.

Anathema's grinning at Elodie as they enter, hand on Elodie's arm - but she does glance around before walking down the stairs, turning her beaming smile on the crowd. 

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The Champions are called to take their place to start the first dance - Anathema sends Ellie a bright smile before turning back to Elodie - and the first strings of music are played.

(Anathema's been practicing dancing rather intensely, though she'd had a solid grounding in ballroom dance as a child to start with - it really shows.)

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Elodie's grace is without flaw, naturally.

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Ellie and Krum more or less get by, though not as easily.

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The first - and only mandated - song comes to a slow, rocking close.

Anathema's pulled in close to Elodie, and she doesn't seem very eager to pull away before the next dance.

(She's having fun, a different type of fun than dancing with random people, a different type of fun than hanging out at the edge of the crowd and chatting with Ellie - she can chat with Ellie whenever - )

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"Is this your way of asking for another dance?" Elodie whisper into her ear.

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"Yeah," she whispers back. "May I have this dance?"

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"Of course, cherie."

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Anathema turns beet red again - but doesn't duck her head this time, just grins up at Elodie as a more energetic reel starts up.

After - another dance, this one slow and intimate, best for swirling close together.

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After the first dance, Ellie takes a plate of appetizers and a cup of punch over to the side to wait for Anathema.


When Anathema looks to keep dancing, Ellie sets her cup aside and heads back out to the dance floor. "Excuse me," she says. "Might I have the next dance?"

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She turns, eyes widening a bit in surprise - glances reflexively at Elodie -

"With me?"

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"Yeah - of course, yes, you can have this dance - "

She giggles, glancing at Elodie again - whose arm she's still resting her hands on. Feeling suddenly really awkward: "Ah - will you be alright on your own, Elodie?"

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"Indeed I will. I am sure my sister desires a portion of my attention as well. You two have fun."

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Ellie is maybe frowning a bit as Elodie glides away.

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"Have fun!" she calls at Elodie, then turns back to Ellie, stepping close to her.

"Hi," she says, a grin that sure feels silly on her face.

Oh no why is Ellie frowning.

"Are you - okay?"

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"Fine, yeah." Her face clears as turns back to Anathema and offers her arms. "Shall we dance?"

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Soft, happy smile as she leans into Ellie, placing her hands carefully.

"I'd love to."

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Anathema's a good enough dancer to make up for Ellie's slight awkwardness - and she's got plenty enough energy in her for a couple more dances before she'll have to take a break.

"Enjoying the ball?" she asks, leaning in close during a slow song, so Ellie can hear her over the music.

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"It's getting better."

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"...Sorry I got caught up earlier. Didn't - mean to leave you without a dance partner."

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"You didn't tell me you were going with Delacour."

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" - Ah."

"Uh. I probably should have, but - "

Awkward shrug as they do another turn, glancing down and away.

"I don't know. It's - I should've told you."

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They dance quietly for a few moments.

"You looked happy."

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"Dancing's a lot of fun. And - she's pretty and smart and funny - " Awkward shrug. "It's - nothing serious. But she's fun."

Gah she's screwing all this up.

"I guess it felt - like it'd be less fun if I had to think about it."

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"What's that mean? Am I not fun?"

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"No! You are! I - "

She stops dancing. This - why is her brain being dumb, she should be complimenting Ellie and seducing her, why are her emotions doing things, they should stop - 

"I - can we step outside a bit, maybe? It's - loud in here."

There's a lot of lights, a lot of colors and movement and sound and people, and she hadn't been - noticing early, when she was floating and absorbed and distracted, but now it's. Much. A lot of much.

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"Yeah, let's."

Ellie keeps hold of Anathema's arm on the way out.

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She holds onto Ellie, too.

The grounds have been set up for this - lots of pretty landscaping, lots of ice sculptures, lots of little hidden nooks and crannies for couples and grounds to drift off to. The Ball hasn't been going for long, yet, so there doesn't seem to be anyone else out here, and it's easy enough to step aside into a little bower with stone benches.

"You're fun," she says, softly. "I - don't know everything I feel, or what my emotions keep doing, or - why I feel - weird, sometimes, and I don't know how to say everything in my head. But you're fun, you're good, I - I love you, so much. You make me happy, too, and - "

"I just. I didn't want - there to be questions. Because I feel like my head's all messed up and I - don't know I can say the right things. I feel like I'm saying all the wrong things..."

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"...I didn't like seeing you dancing with Delacour. If- if you wanted to dance like that with someone it should have been me."

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Shy smile. "I like dancing with you. And I want to dance with you more."

"I - but - "

Ahhhh why is this hard.

"I love you most and - if you want I'll stop talking to her ever, and I won't - dance or anything with someone I feel silly like that about ever, but - "

That would really suck and Anathema really hopes Ellie doesn't want that. She - isn't sure how she'd feel if Ellie wants that, but the repeating loop in her brain seems scared of it so it'd probably be bad.

"I - you're warm and cozy and you make me feel safe, and if I'm scared around you it's only because I'm - scared of myself being wrong, or scared for you, and - she's terrifying and exhilarating and it's - different. I don't - feel like I'm tripping over my own feet trying to talk to you. ...Usually, I - feel like my tongue's all wrong right now."

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Kiss!!! Anathema has no idea what she's doing, but, kiss!

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That makes two of them!!

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Giggling seems to be involved.

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It does. And hugs seem indicated as well.

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An excellent innovation. (Hug!)

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-Breathing is also a thing that has to happen.

"I love you too."

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Breathing does help, yeah.


She wiggles. "I love you - and. I was. Uh. Actually trying to make you jealous when I asked her to the ball, I just - didn't anticipate actually liking her so much..." Sheepish smile. 

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"Well, you succeeded on the first part. You should have just said something. I would have ditched Krum."

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"Yeah Fay told me that, just - "

"I was - getting ready to ask you out when you told me Krum had asked you out, and - I proceeded to be very silly, I guess? I wanted you to ask me out without me saying anything..."

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Soft kiss.

"Silly. We're doing Occlumency, not Legilimency."

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Giggle kiss.

"...It'd be great if you could read my mind though. Kinda - scary maybe. But great."

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She hums thoughtfully.

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"I guess it'd be one way to get me - excitedly nervous around you." Quick kiss.

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"Seems like I've got you that way already..."

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Lean. "I just feel - silly right now..." Kiss and a sly grin. "Don't think you can do 'intimidating,' though."

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"Is that a challenge?"

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She hums. " - Guess it actually depends on - if you mind me tripping over myself at scary girls? I... Actually really like that you're - always safe. But I... Like being intimidated, too, sometimes, and... I do think it's - probably possible for someone to be intimidating sometimes and safe sometimes?"

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"Hmm. I want- I want you to be my girl, I think?

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"Okay. I can be your girl."

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"Is it - alright if I'm still friends with - girls I'm kinda attracted to? I - don't know I'll be good at never tripping over myself at other girls, but - as long as I'm yours, is that okay?"

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"Thinking about it makes me feel kinda weird. But... you should still do it because it makes you happy."

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Lean. "You're good. I - don't want you upset, but - "

She struggles for words a bit, and: "I think - I don't know what my brain's. Doing. But Fay said that if there's - something silly my brain keeps screaming even though I tell it to shut up, then probably I haven't noticed something important, and - "

"I'm. Really. I - it'd be bad if. If I couldn't - have fun or - do fun stuff with other people because - I - you get to have people who really like you and it's okay as long as you like me too but - I - "

Her face scrunches up a bit.

"I don't - know. I love you and I'm excited but it's like there's this - thing in the back of my head that's. The bad kind of scary. And I'm not - sure what I'm scared of."

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"Maybe we can just enjoy this now and figure out the rest later."

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"Yeah, that - might be good."

"Let's just - dance, for tonight, and if anyone else wants a turn see how we feel at the moment?"

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Grin and hug. 

And back to the dance floor? 

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Hand in hand.

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Anathema beams at her as they dance - she's got her energy back, so she'll go until Ellie tires or someone interrupts. 

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They can go for pretty long before Ellie wants to break for food again.

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Anathema pulls her back outside with their plates and cups, so they can lean against each other on one of the benches (and Anathema's ears can recover a bit).

"This is fun," she says, grinning at Ellie.

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"Yeah, it is," she says and grins back. "I'm glad you're here."

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Kiss. "I'm glad, too."

"You know, we didn't really exactly plan it like that... But our outfits match, don't they?"

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"I guess they do."

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"We should see if Fay can take us to a fancy restaurant or something sometime... It'd be a shame to only wear these once."

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"Maybe just drop us off at a fancy restaurant..."

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Grin. "A date for just you and me, then."

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"Yeah. We can go on those now. Dates." She giggles.

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"I can't wait."

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"Me neither."

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"It's - really good this worked out." Grin. "Dumb ideas and all."

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"We're fortunate my dumb ideas are less dumb than yours."

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"It worked, so," kiss.

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A persuasive argument. Kiss.

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She laughs, kissing Ellie more.

This - is really really easily a way to spend the rest of the night, all the way until the dances end at midnight, and there's no curfew after so they can keep hanging out on their own - 

- Though Anathema does kinda want to thank Elodie again (and let her know the plan worked), but... If Ellie wants this night for them, she can track her down later.

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Maybe later is best.

(Ellie needs to stake her claim more firmly right now.)

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Alright. (Kiss.)

...She's not a hundred percent sure she wants to get teased about this by their roommates tonight, 'cause, uh, it's kind of obvious they've been dancing together all night, but also if they sleep on Fay's couches tonight instead of going to their dorm, the teasing will be so much worse later...

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They can sneak in under the invisibility cloak after everyone's asleep.

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Smart. (Kiss.)

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Yes, she is.

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Best, prettiest, smartest, funniest Ellie...

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Satisfied hums.

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Lovely and clever and nice and a good kisser and a great dance partner and cozy... And a good pillow, can't forget that.

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Mhm, mhm. Ellie will start rewarding this list with kisses (in places other than the mouth, so Anathema can keep talking).

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That's very distracting!!!

(Anathema does keep trying to come up with new compliments, of course - a very pretty dinosaur, fast, quick with a wand, good at Quidditch, protective...)

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The compliments don't need to be unique, but if Ellie can distract Anathema so much that she stops, that means she wins.

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Well, Anathema will just have to be stubborn, won't she. (Cute, knowledgeable, strong, determined, smart, generous, handsome...)

She's increasingly having to fight through giggles to continue her litany, though, and after 'great perch for cats' dissolves entirely into giggles, trying to kiss Ellie herself. 

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Mmm the sweet kiss of victory.

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More proof of how great Ellie is.

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(And a small yawn.)

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About time to sneak back?

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Probably. Anathema doesn't really want this moment to end, but, well, time's a bit of a tyrant.

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They can have many more moments.

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As many as they like.

(Back to the dorm; Anathema doesn't pull her curtains, instead snuggling in while grinning over at Ellie.)

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Kissy face.

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She pulls a pillow over her face to muffle her giggles.

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Ellie settles in with a smile.

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She sleeps very well, waking up after the rest of their roommates but before Ellie.

Clearly the logical solution to this is to make sure Ellie's tea maker is set up and will be ready for when Ellie wakes up later, to step outside into the stairwell and quietly ask a house elf for a plate of cold breakfast stuff, and then sit on the floor by Ellie's bed, reading, until her friend (girlfriend???) wakes up. 

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Which she eventually does, albeit blearily.

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"Hey cutie," Anathema whispers once she's stirring, shutting her book and standing to organize Ellie's morning tea. 

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Sleepy smile.


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She kisses Ellie's forehead. "Morning! And Happy Christmas." Tea? 

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"Best present. Yes."

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Heeee! "Maybe I should've waited until today to start kissing you... Make it a proper Christmas surprise."

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"As if I wasn't the one who kissed you first."

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Kiss! "True... So, really, you just opened your Christmas gift a day early."

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"I'm getting to be even more impatient than you."

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She kisses the tip of Ellie's nose. "Well, impatience apparently means you get nice things sooner."

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"An overlooked benefit."

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"I got breakfast stuff... Figured we could eat then go see Fay? Or just bring this to Fay's, even."

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"No, let's eat here."

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"Okay." She sits on the bed next to Ellie, legs touching, as they eat, sneaking frequent glances at her.

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"People are not for breakfast," Ellie says, waggling a bit of bacon at her.

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Innocent expression. "Really? Are you sure?"

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"Unless you're a Dark cannibal wizard," she allows.

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"Couldn't kisses be for breakfast instead?"

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"Woman cannot live by kisses alone."

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"Hm... That sounds like something to try and invent. Life-sustaining kisses."

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"That's not going to help for today's breakfast, though."

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"Okay, have it your way then." She sticks her tongue out. "No kisses until after food."

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"I'm glad we could come to an agreement."

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"That you're right?"

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"Of course."

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Giggle. "Well, you are the smartest..."

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And sudden dart in for a kiss.

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Suppose that means breakfast's over.


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She breaks off after a bit, giggling.

"What do you wanna do today?"

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"Dunno. You wanted to go see Fay?"

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"Yeah. It's - I've liked hanging out with all of us on Christmas before..."

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"Yeah. Let's go."

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Off, then! Holding Ellie's hand, even, and grinning at her often enough she's in minor danger of tripping.

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Fay opens the door for them promptly. She's curled up on her couch with Scarlet in her lap and a mug of cocoa in her hand, and she grins at the girls. "I suspect congratulations might be in order."

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She giggles.

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She laughs a bit. "I'm glad something got worked out." Soft smile. "Come, have a seat."

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Today the pair of them need only one seat.

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Seems so. (Especially after Anathema ends up half in Ellie's lap.)

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"Happy Christmas, Professor."

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"Happy Christmas, you two."

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Ellie is really very happy right now.

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Snuggle! And a small kiss.

"Oh, and we decided you need to drop us off at some fancy restaurants sometime. So we can wear our fancy outfits again before we outgrow them."

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"That should be completely doable."

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She hums, leaning back and looking like she's considering something.

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"Deciding where to take us?"

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"Somewhat, but..." Pause. " - You don't have to worry about this today, but. There's likely to be gossip about your relationship."

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"Yeah. Kind of guessed that."

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"Hopefully people won't get too obsessed over 'danced together'..."

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Momentary hesitation, then: "The Daily Prophet seems to have decided that gossip articles about the Champions are - likely to be popular. There was a Skeeter article this morning that - dramatized things."

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"Dramatized... how?"

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"Apparently Anathema and Elodie were secretly dating. You were dating Krum, then dramatically broke up with him, and seduced Anathema away from Elodie, breaking up the relationship, breaking Elodie's heart, but there's - implications there's still an ongoing thing. And a claim you and Elodie are intense rivals and effectively sworn enemies. Significant rambling about general relationship drama, painting everyone but Krum involved in a bad light as far as I can tell - I think Skeeter dislikes both you and Elodie."

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"...Wizards should watch more Eastenders."

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"Get their drama fix elsewhere."

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"Seriously." Sigh.

She pets Anathema's hair.

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Grumble snuggle.

"People should mind their own business. Me and Elodie are friends. And me and Ellie's relationship doesn't matter to them."

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"It really doesn't."

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Lean. "We can probably mostly just ignore them, at least..."

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"I think that'd be best. And I can just keep not doing interviews."

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"People'll still bother us, but we can tell them to go away a lot."

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"Should maybe talk to Elodie, too..."

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"...Yeah. I'd like to. And - figure out some of the stuff we wanna do just among ourselves first..."

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She glances at Fay. "...I think I'd like to - at least at first - try to talk about it with just. Us two."

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"If you two want privacy - now or later - I can step into my office."

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She nods, gently picking Scarlet up from her lap and heading into her office.

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Scarlet grumps about this and jumps over to Ellie and Anathema's couch.

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Hi Scarlet.

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Fluffy kitty has heard petting cats makes stressful conversations better. They're here to provide this essential service.

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Anathema giggles a bit, rubbing their ears.

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"It's - really important to you, right, that I'm - your girl, and not anyone else's girl? And it's - weird or upsetting to you, if I'm... Silly at or doing - things people tend to consider date-y with other people?"

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"Yes. Or- when you were dancing with Elodie last night, that bothered me."

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She nods. "Is it everything you'd rather I be doing with you, or - just anything date-y?"

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"I think maybe mostly just the date stuff? This is the first time I've really- minded so much."

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"I guess I - don't really understand? It... Makes sense being jealous if someone loves someone else more, or if you're scared they'll stop loving you, or if they're doing something with someone else they won't do with you, and I was jealous of Krum, but - "

"It doesn't sound possible for me to ever stop loving you, or love someone else more than you. And it was okay once you danced with me, too, and when I also had a date."

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Hug. "I guess we're just different that way."

"For me I think it's- having you, having a part of you that's just mine?"

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Snug and hum.

"I wanna be yours forever, and no one else's. That's - my forever's yours."

" - We could get married. Not - now, not until we're seventeen, but - "

Extremely fierce blush.

"I'd - like this to be forever."

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Ellie is blushing, too.

"Yeah. That sounds. That sounds nice."

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"And I can do specific things with you and not other people. Don't know I can do - not having feelings, or not acting silly, at least not easily, but - kissing and stuff can be just you."

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"Okay. And you should, you know, talk to me about stuff like that. Instead of getting a secret date."

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Giggle. "I will. I promise." Kiss. "Fiancée approved dates only."

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"Good." Kiss.

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Kiss!!! "I don't think it's a legal engagement without a witness, but - dunno having it be legal's needed right now?" Snug. "Like having it be - not anyone's business."

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"No one needs to know but us."

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"Yeah! I think there's, like, financial and next of kin stuff with engagement, but - we don't need that, and if we do we can just tell only the goblins. They don't gossip."

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"Love you."

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"Love you toooo."

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Wiggle kiss!

(She's... Possibly forgotten about letting Fay know if they're done talking.)

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"Should we tell Professor Reynolds she can come back in?"

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Kiss. "Maybe. It is her living room..."

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"It'd be the polite thing to do."

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Quick kiss, then she calls out to let Fay know they're good.

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She returns shortly.

"Discussion go alright?"

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"I think so. We're still dating."

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Heh. "I think it went really well." Grin at Ellie. "We might have to still figure some stuff out as we go, but - we're good."

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"Very good."

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"Yeah. Good." She leans into Anathema.

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"We also should talk to Elodie ever, but - "

Grin and kiss.

"We're good."

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For now, it's Christmas with family.

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Her favorite time of year.

Anathema's fine not really heading into the rest of the school until classes tomorrow...

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There's nothing that they really need, anyway.

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Yeah. Ellie's in here, after all.

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Best Anathema.

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Also in this room!

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She is.

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Wiggle kiss!

(They can go back to their dorm late, again - she doesn't want this cozy moment with family to really end - and, well. They'll deal with Monday when it happens.)

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A plan Ellie is on board with.

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Good they're in agreement.

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Monday, unfortunately, must happen, obnoxious whispers and rumors and all.

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Anathema very firmly ignores everyone, giving curious people the cold shoulder.

After classes: "Do you wanna go talk to Elodie now?"

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"Probably best not to put it off much longer."

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She takes Ellie's hand, squeezing. "Okay."

And off to find Elodie.

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Here she is.

"Ah, come to fall tearfully back into my arms? Or are we to fight a duel for her love?" It's not entirely clear which one of them she's addressing.

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She laughs a bit. "If I see Skeeter again I'll challenge her to a duel. But, nah, we - wanted to catch up with you." Grin. "And I wanted to thank you for helping us get together." She squeezes Ellie's hand. "Though if you want some time with Ellie..." she teases.

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"That would be one avenue for attacking the rumors."

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"Or feeding them."

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"Much the same thing, in the final analysis."

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"Give them so much to talk about they implode."

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She laughs.

"I am pleased for the both of you. Congratulations."

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Heee. "Thanks!" Awkward smile. "I do still wanna be friends of course - I like you." She grins at Ellie. "And now maybe I can directly bring Ellie into our magic talks."

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"What, so she's the one you've been talking music magic with?"

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"Yeah. She knows a lot!"

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"More than most, though I do not consider myself an expert."

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"That's cool. Anathema's more into that stuff than I am."

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Lean. "Music's fun. Ellie indulges me."

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"Terribly so."

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Quick kiss.

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"It is good you can share activities like that."

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"Yeah." Shy smile.

She feels kind of awkward, but - there'd been some technical points from their last discussion before winter break that kind of got left hanging...

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Of course they can pick those back up. With perhaps some brief digressions to keep Miss Potter up to speed.

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Anathema's pretty good at summaries, fortunately.

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Watching her talk is pretty good, too.

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Anyways - okay Ellie's very distracting when she's watching Anathema - but she did do some research and have ideas over the break -

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Good, good.

(These two are cute.)

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Anathema loses track of the time, same as always.

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Fortunately they have someone here who isn't quite as invested in the discussion.

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Very helpful Ellie. (Kiss.)

Well, probably best not to run up against curfew too much... They'll see Elodie later?

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If they like, certainly.

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Anathema would like to.

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Sure. Until later, then.

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And back to the dorm.

"That didn't feel too awkward..."

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"No. She seems... casual."

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"Yeah. Like I said - nothing serious."

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Enthusiastic kiss.

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Dealing with all the rumors seems a lot less bad when she knows she's got Ellie.

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Everything's better when they're together.

But now it's the new year, and Ellie needs to get serious about cracking this clue if she's going to have time to prepare. She tries opening the egg at different times of day, partway, halfway, but all she gets is that godawful shrieking. There's no sense to be had in it.

After one of Anathema's Parseltongue singing sessions with Elodie, they're listening to the older girl describe what it sounds like to her. It then occurs to Ellie that the egg could also be singing or talking in a magical language. She excuses herself early, and takes the egg to Professor Reynolds to ask if she's ever heard of a creature that sounds like this.

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She winces, then - "Yes. That sounds like Mermish - it sounds like that above water, but works like Parseltongue below water."

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"So I should go swimming with it?"

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"Or at least dip your head under with it."

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"Guess it's bath night for me."

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"You can use mine - I don't think the dorm showers would work, and it's rather cold for a dip in the Great Lake."

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"Great, thanks. Is now okay?"

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Off to fill the tub, then.

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The egg when listened to underwater reveals an eerie chorus of singing voices!

Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

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So what's that mean? The merpeople are going to steal something of hers (or have it given to them, more likely) and she'll have to go get it back. It'll be in the lake, obviously. So she'll need some way to breathe underwater for an hour, some way to get past the merpeople, some way of finding the thing...

"Professor," Ellie says after drying her head off, "can you recommend a good book about merfolk?"

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"Sure. I'm fairly sure the library has a copy, too..." She gives a title and author.

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"Cool. Thanks."

She'll go see if that's available for checkout.

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It seems to be - it's a fairly thin book.

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Maybe it's just incredibly dense.

At least it'll be a quick read if not.

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It doesn't seem to have a lot of information - though it does have small pictures of different sorts of merpeople. Scotland, where Hogwarts is, is mostly home to selkies. Adult selkies are usually seven feet from head to tail or longer. All merpeople share a great love of singing, and their traditional magic forms are often song-based. They've often had rocky relationships with human mages, though they're not universally cruel - they'll often rescue swimmers and sailors. Their technology is considered primitive by most wizards, mostly based on stone and not metal. They've domesticated several water-dwelling creatures, though. Cold-water merpeople are considered less beautiful than warm-water merpeople. Their language, Mermish, is incomprehensible above water, and they seem unable to learn human verbal languages (which has led to many wizarding societies classifying them as 'beasts'; the book does note though that there's one coastal magic community with a nearby group of merpeople who communicate with each other via sign language). They make art and wear jewelry; the book's author is of the firm opinion they're sapient, 'and often kinder than humans besides.'

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That... was not spectacularly helpful. Interesting, though.

She mentions to Anathema a passing interest in learning how to breathe underwater. "Don't tell Elodie, though."

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"Okay. I won't."

"Could you maybe self-transfigure gills? Possibly onto your Animagus form... Or just a really huge lung capacity..."

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"Maybe... Though might coughlosepointsforusingthesamethingagaincough."

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Giggle. "Modifying an Animagus form is really hard, but, yeah... You should show the full extent of your wonderful talents. I can look into stuff, though... I know there's some stuff divers use - maybe I'll just ask Professor Sprout what wizards do to gather plants that grow at the bottom of really deep water."

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"Thanks." Kiss.

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Heee. Kiss! "No problem. Probably best time for me to ask is after Herbology class... But I can ask sooner, if you want."

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"Whenever's good. I can still work on the Animagus things anyway."

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"Yeah. Or underwater hazards in general."

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"Figure out how to do a merfolk heist."

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"Sounds fun."

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"Depends on what they take. And there's a time limit."

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"So that makes prep really important... The selkies don't really like students poking around their village, though, I don't think, so I'm not sure 'scout' is a viable plan."

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"Yeah. I got a book on merfolk in general, but there weren't many details."

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"I don't think anyone knows much... There might be something on inhabitants of the Lake in one of the books about Hogwarts, though."

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"Guess I'll check again."

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"I can skim through some too."

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"That'll help."

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It takes her a little bit, but she reports back to Ellie with a list of inhabitants of the lake - "There's not much more on the selkies, except that these specifically are friendly to Hogwarts. They've tamed Grindylows though and use them like guard dogs, so those're a threat - the other animals they've got domesticated aren't really dangerous. There's also some other creatures in the lake, and apparently no one's actually sure everything that's in it... The squid's the biggest one but it's friendly."

"Big issues with grindylows is they'll swarm people and grab onto them - there's charms that can force them to release their grip, though, and they get startled by Animagus shifts it sounds like."

"And divers actually use muggle diving suits a lot, apparently, since those don't interact with magical plants, but the older methods and traditionalists were mostly stuff like gillyweed or potions made from it, the Bubble-Head Charm, self transfiguration, a healing spell that reverses suffocation damage, and some other potions for breathing underwater or holding your breath."

"Gillyweed's powerful, but might be too much - it gives you gills and adapts you to water, but then you can't breathe on land, and it takes over an hour to wear off even if you eat very little. The potions made from it are easier to control and some of the newer ones have antidotes, but they can be hard to make properly. Gillyweed also only grows in the Mediterranean, so we'd need to special order it. There's potions native to British witchcraft that don't work as long, but do cold adaptation, hearing, and seeing in the dark better, and Professor Sprout said that people diving in more northern waters sometimes set up like a straw system so they can slowly sip at the potion. I'm not sure how gillyweed interacts with the Animagus transformation... Though I think in general shifting forms breaks others transfigurations? Which you could use to end the gillyweed early, maybe, but then you couldn't use your different forms underwater."

"Self transfiguration is hard to do properly, since fish are really far from mammals, and dangerous if you mess it up, but you'd have to transfigure yourself a lot more to get like a dolphin or whale's lung capacity. Same with just healing yourself as you're running out of air, especially since people tend to panic when suffocating."

"The Bubble-Head Charm is usually a NEWT level Charms spell, but it runs until you cancel it. It makes a bubble that provides you with fresh air. It won't make the water feel less cold or make you better at swimming, though, but I think it should work no matter what shape you're in."

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"So there's six weeks to the task. I can owl order the gillyweed now, that should be enough time to get it, and start learning the Bubble-Head Charm and maybe some extras, like warming charms, and then the gillyweed can be a backup plan. Figure on using the Animagus to scare the Grindylows to get me space to hex them, or just hex them straight off if I'm on gillyweed and not maintaining other spells."

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"Sounds smart, yeah."

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"Time to go ask Professor Reynolds about the NEWT-level Charms curriculum."

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"We'll be ready to pass our NEWTs by fifth year at this rate..."

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"The courses are designed for average students, which we are decidedly not."

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"I love Hogwarts, but... Yeah, graduating early would actually be nice. Or at least convincing the teachers to let us into NEWT courses early - maybe we could sit our OWLs this year, actually... Even if they won't let us graduate at sixteen, we could do different NEWTs in seventh year. We'd end up more broad than specialized, but a lot of magic builds on other fields."

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"It's kind of silly to start specializing that early, anyway. Wizards live forever."

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"An excellent point. And we're gonna live literally forever, not just a century and a half."

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"Do it properly, too. No stupid magic fascism involved."

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"Yeah, that's just unnecessary."

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Giggle. "We'll probably have to invent our own method, but - we're smart. We've got time."

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"If there was already a good one people would be using it."

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"Yeah. There's long lived wizards, but most die eventually - so their immortality's clearly not perfect."

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"We'll fix it."

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"Of course."

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Next is just getting ready, then - Anathema finds spellbooks and gets tips from professors on Ellie's behalf, and helps with organizing their time. She practices with Ellie, spots a few tricks Ellie misses. 

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With Anathema's help, Ellie manages to get the Bubble-Head and the other charms she'll need down by a week before the second task. She spends the last few days practicing them all in concert. (The gillyweed's shown up too, so she sets that aside to bring with her the morning of.)

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Practicing out in the lake might tip off the other champions, but the Chamber of Secrets actually has a lot of deep pools of water - and some openings out into the lake. They can combine exploring it more with swimming practice. 

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And maybe throw names at the basilisk. How about Agatha?

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Well, she's a Scottish snake - Anathema is really feeling something more like Caoimhe.

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Or Gormlaith?

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"Oh, I like that."

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Does Miss Basilisk?

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Miss Basilisk still thinks names are silly, but 'illustrious princess' isn't a bad one. 

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Gormlaith it is, then. Only took them two years.

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"Luckily we don't have to name people too often."

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"We'd probably get a backlog worse than the city planning office."

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"We might figure out how to speed up if it got that bad. Or just delegate everything."

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"Ah yes, the good old 'make it somebody else's problem'."

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"The true sign of a good ruler."

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"So people who don't make any decisions are the best?"

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"You make the most important decisions, which is what tasks to assign to which person."

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"I think my preferred method of assigning tasks would be dartboard. Quick and clean, self-documenting, and then you can go back to inventing magic."

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"Maybe we just shouldn't give you a nation to run. Simpler that way."

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"But that would make a really good Christmas present..."

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"Aw... And you should get everything you want... Maybe a nation with a trusted vizier who can do all the work for you."

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She sticks her tongue out at Anathema.

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Clearly an invitation for a kiss.

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Not what they came here to practice, but still good.

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They can combine both things - like Anathema can swim away from Ellie, and if Ellie captures her, she gets a kiss.

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Strong motivation.

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Anathema can be quite slippery. It's excellent practice, really, and can fill their training hours up through the day before the Task.

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Ellie will be as prepared as she can be, then.

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She has to be there about two hours before lunch. The crowd's already gathering, and the judges seem to be setting up some kind of viewing screen.

Also, Anathema's nowhere in evidence - hasn't been since shortly after breakfast.

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That's... worrisome.

She checks with Professor Reynolds quickly before her start time.

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"I haven't seen her, no."

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"Can you look? I have to go report..."

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"I will."

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"Okay." Off to the task.

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This one is again announced with enthusiasm! They'll be entering at the same time, and given a one hour limit - they can still complete the task after that, but they'll begin losing points fairly quickly. The audience will be able to watch them navigate through the lake on the view screens - this will also allow any rescues that need to be done.

The premise of the task is that someone precious has been taken from each Champion and is being held in the selkie village below. The Task is for each Champion to rescue their hostage, bringing them back to the surface.

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...Ellie suddenly has a very good idea of where Anathema went. She may have to kill whoever came up with this idea.

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They're told not to cast any preparatory magic until the start time (indicated by a loud cracking sound), allowed to strip their robes, told to spread out - fairly far from each other - and then Bagman casts a spell, creating an echoing 'pop.'

Victor Krum immediately begins transfiguring his head into a shark's, while Cedric Diggory casts the Bubble-Head Charm on himself as he's wading into the lake. Both boys wore diving suits under their robes.

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Elodie drinks a potion as she shrugs out her robes, and does a long arcing dive into the lake. Sunlight glints off new scales growing to encase her legs.

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Ellie casts her own set of charms, much like Cedric, and hurries into the depths.

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It is very dark and very cold down here! Fortunately, Ellie's warmth and sight charms are more than up to the task - especially given practice in an actually pitch black Chamber of Secrets. The sight charms that don't just increase perception of ambient light are a bit trippy, and very, very effective -

Including at things like 'spotting the angry grindylows swarming from the plants coating the lake bed.'

(Not quite as effective at spotting the selkie village, but the books made it sound like selkies like to live fairly deeply and there's odd ridges and turns here limiting her line of sight.)

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Ellie spreads a mass slowing charm across the grindylows and tries to kick a little higher to get around the ridges.

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That does slow down the grindylows! They're still fairly quick, but not going to imminently catch her - but they're screeching, she can just barely hear it, and it's apparently disturbing other groups going by the rustling.

There's tall patches of dark green kelp rising out of the underwater forest, odd streamers spreading from them - she'll have to navigate carefully if she wants to avoid touching any, though she doesn't actually recognize the species. The grindylows seem to be avoiding the giant kelp.

She can see - a bit in the distance - a gap between the giant kelp, the bottom edges of it lined with carved standing stones. She'll have to go a bit out of her way to get through that, though.

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Best not to agitate the kelp, yeah, especially if the natives are wary of it.

Ellie tries to make for the standing stones, hexing the grindylows as she goes.

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She can get there, though the kelp sometimes sways dangerously close to her - but the grindylows do seem to be rapidly becoming wary of her. Angrier, but wary now. There's a straight shot through the forest - there's a few other batches of giant kelp farther in, and more intermittent standing stones seem to mark a trail preventing them from closing in on the passageway. The water feels oddly fresh, and the light filters in oddly.

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Must be getting closer.

Probably she'll see some of the selkies soon.

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She indeed does - they seem to be keeping low, and they're immensely hard to see, almost but not quite like they're disillusioned. Still - there's a glimpse of buildings on that ridge over there...

The selkies appear to have spotted her, but aren't moving to attack yet.

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If they don't bother her, she won't bother them. Not that she won't stay on alert.

She'll try heading to the center of town to search for Anathema.

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There's a tall pillar in the middle, with green-brown ropes around it - there's three humans tied to the post above the level of the roofs, hair floating in the water. One's Cho Chang - one of Ellie's Quidditch teammates who seems close to Cedric - and a second looks a lot like a tiny Elodie. There's a stir catty-corner in the village to Ellie - it looks like Cedric's approaching the pillar, and will probably reach it just after Ellie.

Anathema's the third. She looks unconscious.

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Oh no oh no oh no-

Ellie puts on a final burst of speed, checks Anthema's breath-

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Not breathing, but - it looks more like magical sleep, and not a particularly deep one. Her color's good - she doesn't even look cold - and her eyelids are flickering like she's dreaming.

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Ellie does not like this one bit.

She uses a cutting hex to sever the ropes binding Anathema.

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Anathema floats free, hair drifting around her face.

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Bubble-Head for Anathema, grab her close, swim for the surface.

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Anathema wakes up as soon as Ellie breaks through to the surface.

She blinks, reflexively clutching Ellie, then beams and kisses her.

(They're a good ways out from shore, but probably going over the surface means they'll hit fewer hazards anyways.)

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"Hey cutie. Let's get you home."

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"Yeah." Quick kiss, and then she breaks away to swim back alongside Ellie.

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Back to shore. Hopefully uneventfully.

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The surface is calmer than the depths, and they're both fast swimmers - they beat Cedric Diggory there, at least, though Krum and a man about his age are already on the shore.

Both girls are greeted with cheers and warming and drying charms, and a report of their time - two minutes to spare before the hour limit. 

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Well. That's not bad, if she's second back.

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Yeah. And they can snuggle while they wait for the others. 

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Elodie shows up about ten minutes after Cedric with her sister attached like a limpet to her back, looking distinctly disgruntled.

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Elodie and her sister are given a chance to dry off and warm up, and then the judges thank the hostages for their help with the Second Task and begin dolling out scores. 

Victor Krum comes out the best, with fifty eight points - bringing his total to eighty nine. The judges compliment him on his multiple complex and difficult spells clearly intended to optimize for speed - at the cost of risk to himself, though he mostly escape injury. He returned a good eleven minutes before Ellie.

Ellie's score is the next highest - the judges note her performance was well executed but not particularly creative. Still, she showed cleverness in navigating the landscape and in swimming straight up rather than back out the way she came - ultimately making her return faster, since Anathema could then swim on her own. She receives forty nine points, bringing her total to one hundred and five. 

Cedric's performance was very similar to Ellie's, though the judges note that the way he navigated showed clear existing familiarity with the terrain - some questions reveal he got the egg open within a few days of the First Task and had mostly focused on scouting the Black Lake at night, using his Prefect rights to skip curfew to his advantage. Still, he lagged on speed, and came in two minutes past the time limit. His total is forty five points, bringing him up to eighty seven.

For Elodie - the judges note her potion ran out early in the task, showing 'poor planning,' though she did exhibit flexibility and determination when she fought off the grindylows around her enough to cast new spells before she suffocated. Her time performance was also the worst by a good margin - subtracting an entire twelve points from her total. With that, she comes in at a bare twenty nine points - leaving her with only eighty five, at the back of the group. 

They're told the Third Task will be a maze with unknown dangers. Their current scores will determine their entrance order - and the gaps between them. The Third Task will occur on June the Twenty-Fourth, a Saturday an entire week after the last end of term exams. Students from Hogwarts who wish to watch will be welcome to stay at the school through the extra week.

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Lots of time to get ready, then.

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Yeah... Though less to focus on. 

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She'll have to become a generalist. Or y'know, just put the cloak on and stroll through everything that's not physically blocking the path.

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She laughs - and they also were talking about trying to take the OWLs early... That'll at least get them up to a reasonable spread of talent. Shore up any gaps. 

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Yeah. They can see what Professor Reynolds thinks of the idea.

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They should go find her... There's still a crowd out though. 

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They could go wait inside. She might be, um, slightly killing someone about Anathema being kidnapped this morning.

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She snorts. 

"They did ask me first - I just wasn't allowed to tell anyone. Guess they wanted it to be a big surprise for showmanship stuff..."

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"Minus twenty points for foresight, there."

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Snort. "You don't like rescuing me?"

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"I much prefer not needing to." Kiss.

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Aw. Kiss! 

"I do like being your damsel in totally fake distress, though." Shy grin. "And the person you'd miss most."

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"Yeah, well." Noseboop. "Don't scare me like that again."

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"Mutually consensual kidnappings only, then."

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"That would be best."

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Kiss. "Since you did rescue me so handsomely..." She rests her weight against Ellie. "Pretty sure that means you now have to carry me back."

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"If you insist, I suppose." Scoop!

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She wraps her arms around Ellie's neck, giggling and snuggling into her. 

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Off to Professor Reynolds' rooms.

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They beat her back - still, she arrives a few minutes later. 

"Good to see you're alright, Anathema."

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"Sorry about worrying you guys. The organizers didn't want me telling anyone and spoiling the surprise..." She leans into Ellie.

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"I've already let them know what I think about that," she assures them. Then, to Ellie, "You did well. Those were hard charms."

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"Thanks," she says. "Of course, now I've got to learn a whole other suite, only I won't be able to tailor them this time."

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"We were actually thinking about asking to take our OWLs early... It'll give Ellie a study guide to cover her bases if nothing else, and I think we're ready. And then we can either graduate early or just do extra classes like for other NEWTs in seventh year."

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"You'll need Dumbledore's permission - as well as the Department of Education's to take the actual exams. Dumbledore should be fairly easy, and even if the Ministry won't let you sit your exams early there's not much stopping him from letting you into the upper years' classes ahead of schedule."

"Additionally - a general program of study aimed at graduating early is something I can help with." Smile. "It's not directly for the tournament, after all."

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Anathema nods.

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"You're the best."

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She grins. "I know."

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"So I didn't technically win this one, but I'm in first place overall and Anathema's still alive, so I think we should have a celebration."

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"What sort?"

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"The kind with food. And fancy magic demonstrations."

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"Alright. Dinner and me as the show, then?"

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Happy nod.

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"I'll talk to the house elves about getting a nice dinner sent up here."

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"Sounds good."

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In the mean time, she can go over what's normally on the fifth year curriculum (in somewhat lower detail for classes she doesn't teach), and what if anything they're missing...

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Time for notetaking.

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They know a lot of it already - or at least things tangential to it. The wizarding world's knowledge base isn't so large they can go off on strange tangents without picking up the central basics. Still, there's a decent amount they're missing - they'll have to work with some of the other professors for a few of these, but Professor Reynolds can make a study plan for Defense, and a preliminary one for Charms and Transfiguration...

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They're basically already self-studying History.

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Their education's been so erratic... She's heard the current professor's decent, but she also probably lacks enough familiarity with their existing progress.

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Shrug. Better than Lockhart.

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A concussed goldfish would be better than Lockhart.

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She's not wrong.

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Be that as it may... Still, the History OWL doesn't tend to be objectively hard - many students do struggle with it, but only because of teaching irregularities, especially any in their OWL year. It mostly requires basic knowledge and understanding of major historic events and movements, focused almost entirely on the United Kingdom. 

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Not too bad.

That just leaves Potions, of the core curriculum.

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And Herbology - still, both professors should be willing to help, as should their elective professors if they want to jump ahead on those as well. 

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Oh right. She forgot about gardening class. In her defense, the practical applications are basically just Acoustic Potions.

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She snorts despite herself.

"There are wider applications than that - Divination actually gets into a lot of them - but Hogwarts sadly doesn't teach as much witchcraft as it should."

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Anathema shrugs. "It's useful to do well in the OWL on, since we ever use Potions - but I don't think it's really central to what we're doing right now? I'd rather go for NEWTs in Charms, Transfiguration, and Defense, and maybe trying to speed through some of the other electives... I don't think I have enough for a Music OWL from just self study and clubs, but I might be able to place in with the fourth or fifth years next year - and I bet I could actually take the Ancient Runes OWL this year. Me and Ellie have been keeping up with each others' classes there."

(The only two classes Ellie and Anathema don't share are their magical and their language electives - Anathema's in Ancient Egyptian and Arithmancy, while Ellie's in Old English and Ancient Runes. They do, however, share Art as well as Cultures of the World.)

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"Yeah, since electives only go up to OWL anyway we can free up some slots early."

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"More free time would be nice... Gives us more space for our own projects."

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"You'll have a capstone project, anyways - that can be a good opportunity to start making contacts in the community, too, either locally or internationally, since it's effectively guided self-study."

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"We can just do something generic like 'spell development,' especially since I don't really wanna do an internship or anything..."

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"Runes is all right, but I don't want to, like, specialize in that."

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"At this point I really just want to learn everything."

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"Alright. You might also be able to submit your Animagus transformations if you just want time to pursue a little of everything - I know a couple of students who've done that as a capstone before."

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"That sounds like a handy shortcut."

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"Yeah. I might still want to like sign up for some international correspondence courses, but I'd rather not have it be a Hogwarts graduation thing."

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"Or just do things that are specifically offered here instead."

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"Yeah. We can always get the distance and international stuff when we're globe trotting." 

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"From the source, even."

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"Actually meet some of Fay's mystery friends."

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"Assuming they exist and she hasn't just been writing all these monographs while we're asleep."

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She snorts. "I don't have that much free time, sadly."

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"Well, you'd say that either way, wouldn't you?"

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"Possibly - guess I'll just have to introduce you to everyone to prove myself."

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"Guess so."

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"I think you guys will like most of them. And I've been bragging on you two, so they'll want to meet you."

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"Will they get us a cake, like your dad did?"

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"We'll see."

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Soft smile. 

"Dinner soon?"

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She can get that set up then - with all their favorites, of course - and spend the meal showing off all the fifth year spells they haven't seen yet (not many), as well as a good number of highly useful NEWT spells.

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All very impressive.

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Anathema has lots of questions - and requests for repeats, and slower wand motion demonstrations - but she's mostly having fun. (The questions are the fun part, of course.)

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She laughs and obliges them, explaining some of the differing theory as well - "The big thing you'll learn in the first semester of NEWT Defense is actually nonverbal casting, but that's mostly an issue of just drilling the spells until you have them memorized, and you don't need it for the OWL and shouldn't need it for the Task."

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"It's kind of like what I'm doing for Animagus modifications. Except that's wandless, too."

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"Somewhat more free form as well - or less rigid than wizarding spells, at least."

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"Yeah. I've been practicing wandless levitation and summoning too."

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"Quite a bit ahead of the curve, then."

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"Can't let you down in front of all your friends, can I?"

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She laughs. "I don't think you ever could."

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Anathema flops on Ellie, happy. "We'll also have to talk to our other professors about lesson plans, though..." she says, thoughtfully.

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"Preferably during their office hours."

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"Yeah - be polite and all."

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"Sounds like a tomorrow problem..." Yawn.

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She nods, yawning a bit too.

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"Okay. Off to bed, you two."

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"See you later, Professor." She stands and offers an arm for Anathema.

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"See you, Ellie, Anathema."

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Anathema stands as well - wishes Fay a goodnight - and takes Ellie's arm, beaming at her.

Off to bed, then, before starting on their latest study projects.

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Dumbledore gives the needed permissions, though they're still waiting on the Ministry to confirm their place in the tests at the end of the year. Their professors all seem fairly enthusiastic to help them set up advanced study guides. The History professor's a bit overwhelmed about it, but is complimentary about their progress so far.

Professor McGonagall examines them evenly, then says, "Of course. I was expecting you to ask earlier, honestly - you two are very advanced students. And, in fact, if you do go on to NEWT Transfiguration, I fully expect you both to complete it by the end of your fifth year."

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"Thank you for the vote of confidence, Professor."

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Anathema nods.

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And Professor McGonagall proceeds to go over their OWL revision - they don't actually need as much as in many of their other classes, since much of this was covered by or is related to what they learned for their Animagus transformations.

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Guess it'll be one of the easy ones, then.

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Gives them more time to revise for Herbology and Potions... They haven't been getting as far ahead in those two.

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They're a bit harder without specialized equipment and supplies, after all.

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Less relevant to their special interests, too, and the Animagus potion was kind of off on a tangent...

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So now they've got to make that time up.

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Yeah. They should have the time, though, what with how far ahead they've gotten everywhere else...

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It's balancing out, yeah.

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Plenty enough to keep them busy, then - Anathema doesn't want to cut back Quidditch or hanging out with Elodie, but they have some other social stuff they can skip on if needed...

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They can give everyone else a sneak preview of what they'll be in for next year.

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Heh, yeah.

Speaking of Elodie... What with running around trying to get their schedule in place, they've been neglecting hanging out with her a bit. Time to go find her?

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Elodie is still slightly disgruntled.

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"Everything okay?"

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She curses in French. "I spent six weeks brewing that potion! And they say 'poor planning'. Bah! I told the headmistress, I only want the Phoenicians', but is that what she sends? No! Probably some hagspawn scraped it out of the swamp in the backyard and stuck the fancy label on the jar." Another round of cursing.

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"Aren't store masters supposed to check freshness? Or at least confirm sources..."

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"One would think so, yes! But my dear headmistress assured me the school would cover whatever materials I require. Fille de pute."

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"Is she usually incompetent?"

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"Not brilliant, no, but usually capable."

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"Eesh. Maybe send an angry letter to the school's potions master, then - though it won't fix it now..."

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"Oh, they will all hear about it, do not fear."

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Nod. "The judges also really should've given you more points - having a back up was clever, and it sounds like you recovered really well. Plans kinda just don't go perfectly all the time, and adaptability's important."

"Especially your headmistress, since she knew you'd prepared..." Headmistress Maxime had given the second lowest score, actually.

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Elodie scowls. "Let us speak of something else." Music?

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Music! Anathema mentions they're going to try doing their OWLs early, she's hoping to switch her elective to Music next year and get the OWL for that by graduation... And she of course has thought about points that were left hanging last time...

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A much more pleasant conversation.

Elodie relaxes noticeably over the course of their talk.

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Very good. (She should be happy and relaxed. It's nice when she is.)

(...After, Anathema brings up with Ellie if it's possible Elodie was sabotaged.)

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"Maybe," she says doubtfully, "if she's otherwise confident in her potionmaking skills. But who benefits?"

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"Krum or Diggory, I guess, especially since they were so far behind her, but they'd have had trouble doing it - they could've messed with her potion while it was brewing, but that's probably hard to do non-obviously... Dumbledore wouldn't, but Karkaroff might? If he's taking the tournament way too seriously." Shrug. "I dunno. She seems competent, and it's... Weird."

This might also be Anathema's mild infatuation though. Elodie seems - not as amazing as Ellie but definitely amazing.

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"A bit. Getting her potion to where it would fail halfway instead of outright seems pretty hard."

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"Some potions are finicky in weird ways, but yeah ours tend to just explode when messed with." Pause. "Though that might just be us."

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"More you than me."

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Giggle. "Okay, explosions might be just who I am as a person, then."

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Nod. "Self-acceptance is very important."

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Giggle. "Explosions are fun... I just need to control when they happen a bit better."

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"Just a little."

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"As long as I don't damage your pretty face, I think we're good."

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"What about the rest of my pretty me?"

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She kisses Ellie's cheek. "I'll keep the rest of your pretty you safe, too," she teases. "Though a few choice scars might enhance things..."

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"Already got one of those."

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"I'm not sure under your fringe counts. It's not really enhancing your features properly."

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"Oh? Then where would you put them?"

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She hums, thoughtfully, and taps her chin. "Well... A small one along your cheek here could enhance your features, but risks making them more rugged than ethereal..." She traces one finger down Ellie's face, suggestively. "I think any more highlights would run on similar principles..."

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"I think I'd rather be ethereal than rugged."

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"Fair. You are very gorgeous as-is..." Grin. "Though depending on your tastes, I might not mind some scars or tattoos highlighting my features."

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"Mmm, tattoos, maybe. I don't want to let anyone scar you and I certainly couldn't do it myself."

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"Not even if I asked nicely?"

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"You would have to ask exceedingly nicely."

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"Hm... I'll think about it. And maybe we can figure out what tattoos I should get... And if there's any nice places for a scar to ask exceedingly nicely for."

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"I'd probably have to, ah, explore a bit."

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She giggles, almost shyly. "Some first forays, maybe, and... Think about more."

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"Take it slow."

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"Venture cautiously into the unknown."

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"Well, not completely unknown..."

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Smile. "We'll see."

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The study guides they have set them on a pretty intense course, taking up a lot of their free time - especially when they dip into some NEWT Defense points, ranging from spells to magical creature knowledge to prepare Ellie for the Third Task. Anathema has them using the Chamber of Secrets for a lot of the training - no one will interrupt or spy on them down here, after all, and then they can spend time with Gormlaith (who is often - and increasingly - agitated, but the basilisk can never articulate exactly why, and nothing seems strange to the girls when they look around).

They're allowed to sit their OWLs with the fifth years, and even get special permission to also sit the exam for the other's magical elective despite never having taken the class. The exams are much harder than their end of year tests have been so far, and they won't get results back until summer break, but they both feel pretty confident. 

And then there's a week after OWLs before the Third Task, which seems to be approaching surrealy fast - a week isn't long to learn a new spell, and Professor Reynolds ends up insisting on spending most of that week dueling Ellie, quizzing her during rest periods. The day before, Professor Reynolds suggests Ellie rest and empty her mind - focus on mediating, get herself calm and centered - and she suggests spending the day of the Task in light activity, mostly stretching and walking. 

The Third Task itself starts after dinner at sunset. Ellie will be entering first, an entire sixteen minutes before Victor Krum - the Cedric Diggory two minutes after him, followed by Elodie Delacour another two minutes later. The maze is huge, and their goal is to reach the Triwizard Cup at the center and be the first to touch it. They're allowed to duel each other if they encounter each other in the maze. There's no time limit, but the tournament ends when the cup is claimed. 

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Ellie is... as prepared as she can be, really. She's got her cloak, her wands, some miscellaneous plausibly helpful supplies, and practice dueling Professor Reynolds. This can't possibly be as difficult as that last. And after this, it'll all be over.

When the start is called, she moves into the maze at a quick pace.

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The maze shifts around her, rustling - making navigation hard as pathways close behind her or open suddenly - she can't hear anything she can't see, and it's darker than the setting sun suggests it should be. 

The first threat she comes on -

A sphinx, sitting calmly in the path as Ellie rounds a corner. The hedge shifts closed behind her - the only way is forward, now, past the sphinx, unless she can get through the hedge itself. 

"Good evening," the sphinx says, stretching languidly. Her eyes are odd - a lion's eyes in a human face - and they focus intently on Ellie.

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"Do you want to get past me?"

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"That'd be nice, yeah. Do I have to answer a riddle?"

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The sphinx grins, slow and lazy. "Why, of course." A small hum, and, in a grim tone:  

"This thing all things devours:

Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

Gnaws iron, bites steel;

Grinds hard stones to meal;

Slays king, ruins town,

And beats high mountain down."

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"Hmm. I'm going to say the answer is 'time'."

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"Very good," the sphinx says, bowing and then leaping aside. 

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More maze - the most common hazards seem to be assorted plants. Patches of grass that release toxic spores when walked on. Strangling vines trailing along the ground. Sections of carnivorous hedge. Creatures, too - an acromantula, red caps... Items here and there, some innocuous, some cursed, many hard to avoid approaching. The hedge regrows and turns aggressive if damaged. 

She still can't hear anything elsewhere in the maze, but partway through a large shower of sparks goes off from a distance - one of the Champions has tapped out.

The level of danger seems to be increasing the further she goes - the maze feels like it's herding her, and her navigation spells seem to indicate she's making her way steadily toward the center. 

It's an exhausting trek -

But she gets past one last guardian (stone lions), and sees a clearing with a stone pedestal and a golden cup. She's been going nearly two hours by now.

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A headstart counts for something after all. Time to end this little game.

She approaches the cup to take it.

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Nothing jumps out at her. 

The cup is cold under her hand - and then there's a yank behind her belly button, the world spinning around her -

Her feet are suddenly on uneven ground, the hedge maze replaced by a rocky field at the base of a hill, heavy with mist.

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A portkey-?

She shakes off the disorientation and looks around, wand up.

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"Hello, Ellie," a smooth voice says from behind her. Light - amused. There's a soft sound like scales on stone.

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She whips around, a hex on her lips-

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Her body freezes before she can finish.

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She growls.

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"So unhappy to see me? And here I spent so much effort setting up our little reunion."

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He shrugs. "Your mother's protection is quite obnoxious, you know." Smirk. "So... Here I was thinking, why not kill three birds with one stone?"

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"I'll kill you."

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"Then why aren't you?"

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She snarls-

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And leaps, all teeth and claws.

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He laughs and twists to the side, casting a spell at her chest with the goal of knocking her back.

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She is knocked flying, limbs tangled.

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She shifts back and spits curses.

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"Clever girl. But unfortunately winning requires more than cleverness."

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She tries to hex him again.

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He bats it aside. "If that's the best you can do... I think I'm bored."

He turns a bit, and, dismissively, "Bella, if you would..."

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A footfall, quiet - 

And ropes lance up, trying to entangle Ellie's limbs.

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The ropes bind Ellie tightly, dragging her down to her knees.

It does seem to be Bellatrix - she steps into Ellie's line of sight, walking toward her. But - something's wrong. Her pace is weird, the paranoid and anxious posture she'd held the entire time Ellie new her gone in favor of an odd languidness. Her expression is blank, gaze distant, eyes - focused, but she doesn't seem to actually see Ellie.

She's keeping her wand - the same crooked branch wand she'd had last year - trained on Ellie. She flicks it, and Ellie rises into the air.

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"Bellatrix? What are- Why are you helping him?"

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She looks at Ellie, brow furrowed, as she slowly floats her over to - what seems to be a large flat circle on the ground, actually.

"What a strange thing to ask," she says.

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Okay this is not good.

She shifts forms to try to get out of the ropes.

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The ropes shift to accommodate her - and she can't reach to bring her claws to bear on any, though she might be able to chew on some.

Bellatrix floats her over the border of the circle.

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Nope, okay, maybe- break line of sight? Can't reach her cloak but she's been working on summons so she can call it out of her bag-

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Ellie's lowered to the center - her bag rocks, the cloak slithering out and falling over her. It's not covering her well enough to make her invisible, but maybe with some nudging - 

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Voldemort seems to be ignoring her, at least. He's currently got his hand raised palm up before him, an odd green light glinting between his curled fingers, as he starts a murmuring chant in Parseltongue - 

It's hard to hear, weirdly, like someone facing away from her, speaking far away. He's - calling, maybe, addressing something, and his speech sounds oddly formal and archaic. The shadow, the taker, the ender, the whisper, the silent rider - 

An odd feeling builds around Ellie. The air's cold and thin - harsh enough breathing hurts - her vision's going strange, blurry, and her eardrums feel on the verge of popping - 

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She pulls frantically at the cloak with her magic.

Hide, she needs to hide-

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It moves almost like a living thing, shrouding her. The world's normally a bit strange through it, a bit washed out, oddly stark and sharp. This time - 

The world looks... Misty. Gray. Like a ghost of itself, overlaid with all the other selves it's ever been. This is a graveyard - she knows in her bones, she can see the traces of bones, the echoes of Death - this has been a graveyard for a very long time. The Death of this place wends toward and around Voldemort, never quite touching him. 

The same odd misty coldness swirls around Bellatrix's wand - flinches from Voldemort's, sheathed ignored at his waist - blazes from the stone in his hand, radiating with a searing harshness - 

Flows gently, calmly, around Ellie. Her cloak ripples over her. 

(Something is watching her. The knowledge ripples cold up her spine.)

The world goes entirely, impossibly quiet.

The spell unravels. Blasts out - the bright stone in Voldemort's hand flashes to a sudden dark.

The bonds on Ellie break.

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Voldemort drops the stone - it bounces into the circle - and falls back, hand going for his wand as he stumbles and falls - catches himself barely on one knee.

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Bellatrix stares forward, her fixed and distant expression suddenly terrified.

Her eyes are fixed on something - invisible, but there's a pressure in Ellie's head - 

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Ellie grits her teeth and swings upright, darting at the stone-

If Voldemort was using it she doesn't want him to continue to have it.

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It's cold and heavier than it should be, but she's able to get to it.

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"Stop her."

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Bellatrix frowns, opening her mouth a bit - 

" - Who - is she - "

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"Anathema's friend!"

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" - Who - "

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She doesn't have time for this, she has to get away, get out before Voldemort recovers.

She makes a break out of the circle.

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Voldemort rolls into enough of a crouch to start casting blindly in her general direction.

The spells don't look particularly pleasant to get hit by.

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Hopefully the combination of cloak and dodging will let her avoid having that happen to her.

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A few clip the edges of her cloak - Voldemort's now cursing at her, trying to raise lines of fire in her possible paths - none of the spells that clip her do damage.

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Fuck fuck fuck-

She trips over the discarded tournament cup.

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Another yank behind her navel - another lurch in the world - 

And she seems to be on the grass outside the Quidditch Pitch, except for how usually it looks a lot less like someone fought a major battle here - the ground's scorched, shallow blasts scored through the dirt in some places, and there's distant flashes of spells in the night, a moody glow like fire on the horizon, dissipating wisps of sickly green smoke in the air.

She's still under the cloak, though there's no one right around her.

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Oh what the hell.

"Point me Fay Reynolds," she whispers.

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Over near the part of the Lake between Hogwarts and the gate. Towards the most intense spell flashes, actually.

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And Anathema?

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...The spell has no clue! But it seems to be a similar level of 'no clue' that Ellie gets when Anathema's in the Chamber of Secrets, not a 'target invalid' sort of 'no clue.'

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She hesitates for moment.

But Fay can handle herself and she's the only other person who can get into the Chamber (apart from Voldemort isn't that a cheerful thing to realize) and Anathema's her girlfriend and will need the backup more. She starts moving for the Chamber.

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There's fortunately a little side entrance just inside the nearest side door to Hogwarts they discovered on accident one day - Ellie encounters no one else on her way, and the door folds open for her.

The tunnels into the Chamber are as dark as always, and - 

There's something a lot like the sounds of battle and a very angry basilisk ahead of her.

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She breaks into a run.

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Gormlaith seems to be fighting - 

Headmistress Maxime?

Whose eyes are currently bright gold and who's making no attempt to avoid meeting the basilisk's gaze. Still, there's a pretty intense battle raging - Gormlaith's hide turns away spells, and the Chamber seems to have animated against the headmistress - 

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Who is being additionally harried by the occasional spell - one that looks suspiciously like a killing curse lances out, misses - 

Though Anathema seems to be focusing on something other than the fight. She's currently on the other side of a wall, it seems - she has a tiny arrow-slit to fire through - and she's hissing under her breath at something.

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Ellie sneaks around the side to get a clear shot on the headmistress, staying out Anathema's line of fire, and tosses her own Killing Curse at the imposter.

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She twists out of the way again - but she's scowling, and as Anathema gives a small 'hah' and the Chamber starts to almost shiver she begins to fall back toward the Lake exit. 

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Ellie harasses her until she gets out of sight.

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Gormlaith helps! And, soon enough, she's gone, the basilisk slithering in pursuit.

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Ellie pulls the cloak off.


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Muffled cursing, then: "Ellie, over here - " as the walls shudder and flow back to their usual arrangement - opening a path to Anathema.

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She runs over.

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"Wait - I - prove you're Ellie."

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"It's me," she says in Parseltongue.

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"Ellie," and, with a tiger-y wail, she jumps forward -

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And turns back to human, wrapping her arms around Ellie's neck.

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"What happened here?"

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" - Voldemort had been messing with the Chamber. I think it's really tied into the wards, and I think he's been the Beauxbatons headmistress the whole time, or controlling her or something. Elodie sent me a paper butterfly right after the Task started that warned me something was up and her headmistress was evil and I needed to look out for imposters and also Voldemort had a hostage over her, so I told Fay, and - things really spiraled from there, Voldemort had snuck in a lot of his supporters in the Beauxbatons guests, I dunno where he got that many but I don't think most of them were English or - his old supporters - and something was really wrong with the wards and Dumbledore was having trouble rousing the castle so Fay sent me to check here and - I started fixing them, but that was taking forever and then Voldemort showed up - I'd been holding back Gormlaith 'cause I figured she'd make the whole mess up on the surface worse so she attacked him, and."

She sniffles.

"I was worried about you, even though we thought you'd be safer in the maze than out here..."

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"The cup was a portkey. It took me to a- graveyard, and Voldemort was there too. He wanted to do some kind of ritual, said something about my mother's protection and three birds with one stone."

"Bellatrix was there. Helping him. And... she didn't recognize your name."

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She makes a distressed noise, hugging Ellie harder, and starts crying. "You - you're okay though - "

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"Yeah. I'm fine."

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"Then - we'll figure it out. Together."

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Hug. "Yeah."

"Did you- finish fixing things here?"

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She nods, rubbing at her eyes a bit.

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"We should probably go help the others, then."

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"...Yeah. Fay's - gonna be fighting." Deep breath. "Let's go."

Back to the surface? Not via the Lake; Anathema doesn't want to risk running back into Voldemort with fewer walls protecting her.

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Sounds good.

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The fighting's died down a bit by the time they're up - it looks like the enemy's retreating - but Anathema throws herself into hexing some of them, helping get some of the pressure off of Hogwarts' defenders - especially focusing on giving enough breathing room around the wounded for house elves to retreat with them.

Still - it's over quickly, the last of the enemies fleeing past the wards and Apparating away.

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And Fay comes to find them.

"Anathema, Ellie - are you two alright?" she asks.

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"Somehow, yeah."

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She hugs them. "Let's get you two inside." To Anathema: "Is the Chamber secure?"

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"Yeah. Though Voldemort might've gotten away."

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Nod. "You did well. We'll handle any fall out later."

And: back to the castle (after Fay helps establish watches on the perimeter).

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Where's Gormlaith?

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Sulking back into the Chamber - it sounds like she chased Voldemort through the Lake out past the edge of the wards, but didn't catch him.

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Still alive, good.

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Basilisks are fortunately hard to kill...

Anathema spends a little time petting Gormlaith and promising she can eat Voldemort next time, then back to the surface so they can be counted properly and no one thinks they've gotten lost or kidnapped.

No one's entirely sure what all happened - it sounds like things got chaotic fast - and Anathema's. Just.


She finds a corner near Fay to sit curled up in.

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Pat pat.

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She... Kind of just wants to hide through the backlash from this.

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But... Ellie should maybe talk to Fay about what she saw in the graveyard.

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...Anathema thinks she wants to be there for that.

So - to Fay's room, to wait for Fay to be done?

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Yeah. Best to be private.

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She snuggles Ellie while they wait.

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Fay doesn't get back to her rooms until well after midnight. She looks exhausted, but she sits across from the girls all the same.

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"The Triwizard Cup was a portkey," she begins. "When I touched it, it took me to a graveyard. Voldemort was there."

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She takes in a sharp breath, then stills herself, and asks for details of what happened.

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Ellie gives all the details she can, what Voldemort looked like, what he said, what the ritual circle looked like. Bellatrix and her strange behavior. The stone, which she shows.

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She sighs. "This is - a lot. I don't know the stone's significance - though you should hide it. It seems... Likely to be important. And your cloak behaved oddly as well..."

"Bellatrix's behavior... Later, it'd be good if I could view those memories directly in a pensieve. But from your description it sounds like - Obliviation, or something related to that, possibly with false memories inserted."

"It's also troubling to me that Voldemort can now apparently be in two locations."

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"Yeah. That's- I don't know."

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"...It's possible in your first year that's what he was trying to do with that circlet."

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"The circlet disappeared after..."

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She nods. "It seems to have grabbed hold of the house elf who was taking it away, and we lost track of it... We never saw a circlet on the headmistress but it could've been hidden."

Frown. "The diary you destroyed also acted a lot like - it could've caused a fork - "

Deeper frown. "...I need to contact some people."

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She sighs. "You both did really well. I'm - terrified for you in retrospect, I don't like that I didn't know you were in danger - but. You got yourself out, you thought on your feet. You paid attention to what you needed to. You - did get lucky," shaky breath, "But you took advantage of that." She presses the heel of her hand to her forehead.

"...I want to - take you both away. Somewhere safe. Wrap you up where - nothing like this can touch you." Deep breath. "I don't know that there's - anywhere this wouldn't follow us, at least not until we kill him."

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"We have to fight."

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She nods, firmly.

"Take the war to him."

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"And rescue Bellatrix." Anathema curls in on herself. "We can't do that if we run."

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"Of course."

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"We're going to have to get a lot better. I could barely touch him."

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"All of us," she says. "I've held him off - I've never beat him."

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"If we stick together, though - if we're clever, we can probably get my mom without confronting him directly, and she's powerful - we don't have to fight him head on, not right away, we have to isolate him. Dig out his base."

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She smiles. It's not a pleasant expression. "Yes. War is another matter than dueling. We don't have to fight fair."

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"Even so, we'll have to be careful."

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Serious nod. "We don't want to lose anything more than we have, or make more enemies than we need to. Getting Bellatrix out will be tricky, and runs the highest chance of alienating potential allies... We'll also need to find allies carefully - more people can be trusted to oppose Voldemort than to support us."

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"Can we do- separate groups of allies?"

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She nods. "We'd have to compartmentalize some - but, yes, that's fairly normal. Different people would be better specialized for different tasks regardless."

"Most of my existing local allies are also Dumbledore's, though, and - while I'm fairly sure he'd look the other way on Bellatrix, he won't prioritize any individual's safety for reasons other than strategic."

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"So we can't trust him all the way with any of us."

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Nod. "But he's not an enemy, and he understands his allies have other priorities... And I don't think we'd be endangered if he knew, in that..." Frown. "My experience has been that he wouldn't use that as blackmail against us, he'd take it into account as a strategic concern, and knowing our priorities makes him more likely to fulfill those when it's convenient - and with Bellatrix specifically, turning her is immensely useful for purely strategic reasons. Dumbledore's flipped enemy agents before - I objected to him putting Snape in charge of children, but not to him shielding Snape from Ministry retribution and continuing to retain him in his service." She rubs at her forehead. "While I doubt Bellatrix would enjoy owing Dumbledore a favor - getting her to fuck off to another continent would be a win all on its own, even if she doesn't stick around to help us, and I can convince Dumbledore not to push for more. Dumbledore's also our best bet to keep the Ministry off Bellatrix's back. The only question would be - risk versus effort versus reward, and I think I can bring that down on it being rewarding to help us."

"But - he won't let the world burn to save our lives."

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"We should look for other allies, too. Ones who aren't that entrenched with power we don't have. Like - some of the other students whose parents broke away from Death Eaters. I bet Serpens' mom's going to be in trouble from Voldemort. Or all the muggle-borns. Or - or Elodie, Voldemort threatened her, she's not one of his, and she's not one of Dumbledore's, but she's strong..."

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"That's a good idea."

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Nod. "Networks are often built on personal relationships - your friends are a good place to start. And they'll bring friends of their own."

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It's really, really late, and Anathema falls asleep on the couch soon enough - and doesn't want to go back to the dorm even if shaken awake.

Still, in the morning - she wants to go find Elodie, if their friend hasn't already left Hogwarts.

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Not yet, though she is preparing to.

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"Are you and your sister alright?"

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"Yes, thanks to your timely actions. You have my gratitude."

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She nods. "I couldn't do anything else."

"Thank you for warning me."

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"This Voldemort of yours is now an international problem. What do you intend to do next?"

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"...Fudge will probably keep being useless. But - me and Ellie and Fay, we're going to take the fight to Voldemort, as best we can." She bites her lip. "Is this a safe place to talk?"

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"I have not yet dismantled my wards. I am reasonably confident no one is eavesdropping at the moment."

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"I... Want to know if you'd be interested in helping us oppose him, first. There's stuff you should know either way, but..." She hugs herself a bit. "We. Could use allies."

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"Yes. I am. He has insulted me and threatened my family. He must die."

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"He's done the same to us."

She sits down.


"To start - I was being misdirecting when I implied I couldn't possibly be descended from Slytherin. I am." Her hands clench the fabric of her robes, tightly. "Voldemort is my father. My mother was one of his Death Eaters. I've hidden this, from everyone but Fay, Ellie, and now you, though I'm pretty sure Dumbledore knows."

"This is important, because - strategically, he can get at some of the things Slytherin left behind. I've seized some of those from him, and I can fight him over the others - yesterday, he went after the portion of the wards Slytherin was responsible for, I think mostly related to keeping Hogwarts secret and unplottable. If those came down, the castle would be visible and findable to everyone - muggles included - and I think it'd also bring down the anti-Apparition wards. I reversed his changes to the wards and kept him out. Two years ago, a - artifact or something - that he left behind possessed a classmate of mine and tried to set a basilisk on the school. I convinced the basilisk to side with me instead, and we destroyed the artifact, but - there's a lot more ongoing threats like that I don't know about yet."


"My mother is Bellatrix Black. She escaped from Azkaban last year. She - "

Deep, shaky breath.

"She wanted to side with me over him. There was - we were attacked by Dementors, and she led them off, and we lost track of her, and - Voldemort's got her again, we think he might've Obliviated her or. Something. So I want to rescue her."

"Strategically - Voldemort has some way of making... Artifacts that can act like him. The thing that released the basilisk was one. We think the thing that let him possess your headmistress was another. We encountered one in my first year. Voldemort possessed me, and put a circlet on Ellie that tried to possess her. It failed because of a ward Ellie's mother laid on her, and Fay drove Voldemort out of me, but. The circlet possessed the house elf that tried to secure it, and we lost track of it, and we don't know if Voldemort has more things like that."

"And, yesterday - Ellie wasn't safe in the maze. The. The cup was a portkey. It took her to a graveyard where Voldemort was - which means he's able to be in two locations at once now, since your headmistress was definitely interacting with the Chamber in a way only Voldemort can. Voldemort tried to use Ellie in a ritual, possibly sacrificially, though we don't know for what. My mother was there - that's how we know she's still alive, and she didn't recognize Ellie or my name. The ritual failed kind of explosively, though we don't know why, and Ellie managed to get back to the cup, which was set up as a double portkey apparently, because it dropped her back at Hogwarts."

"He keeps threatening us. Keeps trying to hurt or kill me and Ellie. He killed Ellie's parents, and he's enslaved my mom. We can't live until he's dead."

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"I see."

"I need to assist in setting up protections at home, but once that is done, I will be available to assist you here."

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She nods, sharply.


"I - thanks."

She's been crying a lot since yesterday and she would like to not start crying again now.

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Elodie pats her on the shoulder.

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She leans a bit. "I - shouldn't keep you too long."

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"I can spare a few moments more, if you need them."

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"You're a good friend, and. I'm really glad I started talking to you."

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She grins. "I wanna keep up as friends, not just as - soldiers in the same war. You're neat."

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"That would be enjoyable."

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" - Owls are kind of inconvenient for talking internationally, but - I could get us some paired mirrors." Like what she has with Ellie - and Anathema needs to get used to those existing, she's always with Ellie and keeps forgetting about that gift from first year...

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"Those are convenient, if you can get them."

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"I can, yeah, though we'd need slightly bigger ones for good reception... I'll see about sending an owl with half of a pair, though."

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"I will await it with bated breath."

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Giggle. "I'll try not to take too long finding a good one, then."

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"Indeed. But I must return to work. A pleasure speaking with you, as always."

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And back to find Ellie.

There's - not much, now, other than making sure their friends are okay - Serpens has already left, Anathema makes a note to owl her - 

School's already over.

It's time to go home, she thinks.