The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
Theo has a quick look at his watch, then looks back over at Cerberus, then realises what the watch actually showed.
"Oh, crap! Right, I've got to go for school – can you just wait here and not... do anything?" He starts moving around the room, collecting his stuff together, finding the staff gets in the way a little. "And how do I shrink this back to a key?"
"...what, all day?"
And apparently Theo is willing the staff back into a key with enough strength, for that's what it does.
"Well unless you can turn invisible and plan on hanging out around me all day? I'm sure you know how to open a window, anyway, so you can go fly around outside for a bit?"
Yep, so it does. He shoves it into his pocket.
"And you think that'll be more interesting, cooped up in a small bag all day, than staying in my room and maybe flying outside? Really? Do you think you can be quiet for that long?"
It's pretty clear Theo doesn't have much confidence in the idea.
... Of course.
Well, what's the worst that can happen? People find him and just think Theo has a weird toy in his bag that's making noises? That's not too bad, and it would be pretty terrible if he encountered a card without any help.
"I guess that's okay. C'mon, hurry up."
Meanwhile, Theo's gone down to the kitchen for some toast. Breakfast: a necessity.
When he comes back upstairs, he grabs his bag, tells Cerberus one more time: "Make sure you're quiet," and then proceeds schoolwards.
Cerberus was good for most of the day, but there was an incident at lunch in which Theo's bag was tipped over when the bear complained about not being given any food.
Theo was right next to his bag at lunch, and quickly moved to pick up his stuff when it tipped over, looking a bit anxious, which is somewhat out of character for him. If a sandwich happened to be dropped into his bag afterwards, it was probably just an accident, not in response to the request of any magical, winged bear or anything.
... Obviously.
The completely nonexistent winged bear is most definitely not making some soft appreciative munchy noises in his bag. Because there's no such winged bear.
And the day continues with no problems.
Theo's just making his way out the front gates of the school, saying goodbye to a couple of friends.
Oh, that's curious.
He can't really tell much more than... that there's a something.
Now past the gates and away from other people, he nudges Cerberus through his bag. "Hey, Cerberus... do you feel that?"
...a very loud noise like a bird—an eagle—can be heard in the distance.
No one else seems to hear it.
"Oh, this is ridiculous!"
He grabs out his key. "The Key which hides the powers of the Dark, show your true powers before me. I, Theo, command you under our contract. Release!" He tries to get through it as quickly as possible, then grabs Windy from his bag.
"Do you know what card it is? What can it do?"
A very large bird appears overhead, the flap of its wings creating very strong winds.
(No, seriously, it's incredibly large. Beak to toe, it's more than forty feet long, with long legs and a long neck, uniformly bluish-white and made of wispy magic similar to Windy.)
"Fly? What the hell kind of powers does it have?"
Placing Windy in front of him, he summons her and taps the card with his staff. "Windy! Stop the winds that Fly's creating, and try to bring it down!"
Windy is summoned from the card, and flies after the giant freaking bird, trying to undo the winds it's creating—