The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
Turning back into a card is somewhat less spectacular than the converse: tendrils of magic air leave Windy's body as she dissolves, reconvening in a glowing card-shaped patch of nothing that eventually becomes the card again.
...Cerberus floats up to him, his wings flapping in a movement that had nothing to do with how he's flying. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I guess, I just... It seems sad? Like they're some sort of helpless creature, that just causes damage without meaning to, and she seemed so nice!"
He's definitely going to be sad for a while, but there might be some guilt creeping in for the way he treated Cerberus earlier.
Cerberus nods. "That's what I meant. They are what they are, you don't blame the wind for toppling a building, you don't blame the water for drowning someone."
"Can we maybe continue this some other time? I will help you, I get what you mean about it needing to be done, but I just need a bit."
He opens the window for Cerberus, then returns to his bed, this time curling up. This day's been a pretty big shock.
Theo's not going to get to sleep for a bit, but if it's quiet long enough, he'll eventually fall asleep.
And in the morning, Theo wakes up, though he's quite quiet about it, then decides he's a bit more okay than he was last night.
He checks to see if Cerberus is awake yet.
"Not really, if the cards are dormant they can't be found." He looks up. "But when they show up, as Cardcaptor it's your responsibility to find and capture them."
He shakes his head. "None you'll notice now. You already had magical aptitude, before, and it'll only grow as you capture more cards, but other than sometimes having prophetic dreams you won't feel any differences."
"You'll have dreams of things that haven't happened yet. Pictures and pieces, nothing complete, and learning to interpret them is part of your magical training."
"Yes! And you need to learn how to use your powers." He points at the small key that used to be Theo's staff. "You should always have that close to you."
"Why?" he asks as he goes to pick it up. "In case I get attacked a random card? Or decide to attack one, I suppose..."