The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
"... A bunny-shaped jumping Clow Card happened to be in a toy store we walked past on Easter Sunday when we went to go fetch chocolate Easter eggs. Do you not see anything coincidental there?"
"The cards won't have run too far. Even if you scattered them, they're attracted to magic, and will want to challenge you."
"... Ok."
Seeing that no-one has any other input, he suggests, "How about we go to the field? I can try out Jump."
So off they go to the supermarket, getting a chocolate egg for each of them, and then they proceed fieldwards.
Theo gets out his staff, taps the Jump card with it, and says "Jump", not totally sure what's going to happen next. He's been sorta cautious with trying new cards up until now, but really, with a card called Jump? What's the worst that could happen?
"Well, that's... not as bad as Fly," he says, a bit begrudgingly.
Can he feel that the wings are attached? Does he have some weird reverse-phantom-limb feeling? No, of course not. So he decides to try jumping.
He really hopes it cushions his landing. It should, right? Because wings?
... He's sure Cerberus would have warned him if this were dangerous.
Woo! No broken bones for Theo!
"Well, this seems like it could be fun," he says, and then proceeds to use Jump a bit more. Bounce bounce bounce.
Well Sadde has just been booped, so he goes after Theo and "You're it!"
Theo's jumps are faster than Sadde, but Sadde can go higher.
Just because Sadde's nice and is letting him. Because he finds this unutterably precious.
Aand Theo may be cheating a little. Windy's still out, of course, so if she's been given instructions to help him boop Sadde, that's totally not Theo's fault.