The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
Oh damn.
Theo gets out his Key, activates it into a staff, and summons Windy.
"What are we looking at here? Sure, it jumps, but is that it?"
Theo shouts for Windy to follow, then runs after Sadde, catching up and handing over Fly. "Here! You'll probably use it better than me!"
Sadde gives him the card anyway, and chases the bunny.
And he flies up high because humans don't usually look up.
"I didn't mean that!" he shouts back to Kero.
Activating Change, he makes the soles of his shoes a little bouncier. After taking a few strides, he seems to get into the swing of it, and starts moving quite a lot quicker.
"Windy, try to slow Jump down! Hit it with wind or something!"
Theo looks up at Jump, trying to guess where it's going to land, and runs there, trying to use Change on the ground to make it spiky. Maybe this'll stop it.
Dammit. Reapplying the bounce to his shoes, he looks around for an object to use as a weapon. There isn't a convenient bat lying around, is there?
... No, of course not.
So instead he keeps following the Jump, feeling pretty ineffective.
Sadde flies after it, but while people may be willing to ignore the bunny running from the boy (really? are they, like, blind?), they probably wouldn't be willing to do the same to the flying boy.
Also that goddamned bunny is faster than he is.