The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
"Oh, it's mostly based on a religious thing. The main religion in the UK and America is Christianity – at least, I think it is, in America – and one of their religious figures apparently died for their sins about 2000 years ago. It's also celebrated by non-religious people in a secular way, with chocolate eggs and bunnies and things, because of spring."
"... That may be what Sadde's taking us shopping for," says Theo, trying not to let Cerberus get too excited just yet. Hyper stuffed bear. Eugh.
"I'm sure she... they'll be happy you said that," he says, looking briefly confused.
Theo goes downstairs and opens the door. "Hey! Kero and I were just talking about you."
Theo doesn't really know how to respond to that.
"Uh... thanks?" he tries. Well, it is a pretty nice place.
"Yeah, magnificent."
He looks at the store window. "That bunny is... not the most attractive of Easter bunnies."