The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
"I'm not the best person to decide what's best, but I think I'm able to discard ideas that are really bad. I'm not just gonna do it off-hand; I'd want to actually get your reasoning."
"I told you, I'm a Pratchett girl," she laughs. "I really like Stephen King's The Dark Tower series."
"Oh right, yeah, but other than Pratchett is what I meant. I haven't actually read any Stephen King."
"Other than Dark Tower I read this and that, but it doesn't really compare. And it's weird, and breaks the fourth wall a bit, but so my thing. And the ending is frustrating, but good frustrating."
"Hah, okay. I don't like unhappy endings, so if it's that kind of frustrating, I wouldn't like it."
"Hmmm, not exactly unhappy? Kinda unhappy. But I don't wanna spoil. The story is about this Earth—at least I think—in the far future where reality's falling apart at the seams, and society has changed a bunch, and this gunslinger called Roland needs to find The Dark Tower to make the world stop falling apart. And then there are these magical doors that take him to other Earths and he gets companions from those Earths and there's a boy and a drug addict and a paraplegic lady and they all become gunslingers and it's great."
"Yeah I suppose. It's really surreal, fantasy meets sci fi meets unspeakable horrors meets time travel."
"Okay, but there was so much more than just pretty lights! The whole world was so... detailed and nice!"
Another shrug. "My thing's musicals. And Avatar felt like Pocahontas without the songs."