The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
"Yes, you did. So, tell me more about yourself, since we're apparently going to become magic buddies."
"There are usually more things to know about a person than their names! Like what they do on their free time, their favourite subjects at school, who they live with, what their plans are after they obtain enough magic to take over the world..."
"Really. The biography of Theo would be limited to listening to music and maths being okay."
"Parents! Siblings! Friends! Books! Movies! Come on, give me something, here, we're gonna spend a long time together preventing the apocalypse."
"I live with my dad, I'm an only child, I have a few friends at school but I'm not part of any clique or whatever, I sometimes read, I sometimes watch films..."
"...right. Guess we'll figure it out with time, then." She lies down on the grass. "I don't have food for you, or money to buy it, Kero. Sorry."
"... I still have a sandwich left," admits Theo, and he grabs it and gives it to Cerberus.
"I liked Harry Potter," he says, making an effort.
She sits up. "There we go! Progress! Harry Potter was fun, but I wouldn't say it's my favourite book ever. Mmm, I don't know what I would say my favourite book ever is... I like Terry Pratchett, for sure."
"I read a few of the books, but they were a bit weird, and I couldn't work out how they fit together.
"What about Garth Nix? Have you read any of his books?"
"I liked the Keys to the Kingdom series when I read it, but that was a few years ago now; it's a bit more childish than the Abhorsen books."
"Basically, a kid named Arthur sees a weird building on the way back from school one day. It's huge, and it seems to have replaced a residential estate.... that was there just the day before. He goes exploring, finds that it's a weird separate world, with each of the seven sections controlled by a different person, named after the days of the week, and they have a sort of magic by ruling over the different areas. He disagrees with the management, and takes over."
"Yeah, he definitely improved the place. The people in the other world, 'denizens' were different from humans; they had blue blood, literally, and I think they lacked proper creativity. It was a bit weird, and it's definitely aimed at kids younger than us, but the series was good."
"Sounds cute. If I could take over the world I prooobably would, and these cards look like a good way to do it."
"I'd want to make sure that a better system was implemented than whatever was there before, but I'm not sure I'd be the best person for it."