The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
"... The hell? I just reached down and caught it, it wasn't anything special. Are you sure?"
"I... Why would it choose now to happen? Seriously?" he asks rhetorically. "Or have I secretly been doing superspeed for years, but only ever in response to dropped objects?" he laughs.
"Seriously? Maybe it's just me then. Maybe the magic was like 'well, we'll be nice', and I somehow screwed it over along the way. It seems like I'm just messing everything up."
"Aw no, you're not messing everything up! You did great with the Change over there, and if the superspeed didn't really feel like anything you can't be blamed for not noticing it."
"Thanks," he says a bit wryly. "Kero, can you check if there are any more active cards?"
"Yeah, me too. Finding out I have superspeed was nice, though. I wonder if I can just do it whenever."
"Yeah, sure. Can you check? In case I don't notice it again."
Seeing as they're not yet at the field, it's still kinda crowded. He walks into a sidestreet and tries running faster than normal.
He, at least, doesn't notice anything different.
Then he gives Sadde something to throw, and tries catching that instead.
Theo runs to get in position, and then grabs it out of the air, seemingly much less smoothly than before. What just happened?
Eh. He jogs back over to Sadde, moving weirdly, then continues on towards the field, not noticing anything amiss.