The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
Eventually, Theo stops for lunch. Getting his food out of his bag, he asks Sadde, "Having fun there?"
He slowly emerges, then grins. "Yes! Fly is adorable, and I like Windy. And I don't have food."
"I like Windy too. And maybe we should go buy some food in that case - I'm fine with that."
"Yeah, Change is great. It's so much easier to think of things to do with a vague concept."
"So... Whaddya like to do with your time?" asks Theo, somewhat lamely. Oh no, dreaded smalltalk.
Sadde giggles. "School. Walking around the city. Going out with friends. Using magic as of yesterday. Using less powerful magic as of always."
"Well, I didn't quite call it magic, I was just inexplicably good at changing my appearance in very unsubtle ways. Not as good as Change is, but."
"Oh, cool. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I had nothing like that. Magic seems kinda like it doesn't know whether it likes me or hates me yet."
"Could be because it's envious of your stellar personality, self-assuredness, security, and care with its feelings."
Om nom.
Sadde reaches for their soda. Sadde accidentally bumps their soda and it's falling off the table oh nooo
Theo –
reaches down and effortlessly catches it out of the air, handing it back to Sadde.
"Try not to do that again, yeah? What is it with people dropping things around me?"