The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
"Why not? It'd probably suit me better than you, and Fly would suit you better than me."
"... If you're sure. Can I try it some time though? We could test each others' cards, maybe?"
"... Okay. Got any ideas for Windy to try? Apparently I need to vary the things I have her do in order to improve my magical ability."
"Catching more cards and using them helps more. But I still want to know what you're using Change on."
"We could go back to the field I was practising in before? It's pretty out of the way, and no-one ever goes there. And sure, it'd be helpful to find more cards, Kero, but I haven't noticed any and you haven't mentioned it if you have."
"I guess."
He wills Fly to return to card form, and then hands it over to Sadde. She seems nice, for now at least, so hopefully she won't abuse his trust.
She walks to a remote enough spot, holds the card in front of her, closes her eyes and says, "Fly!"
And large wings sprout from her feet, one from each, and she giggles as she takes flight.
"... Oh. Right." he says, looking a little bit sheepish.
"Yeah, no, you're probably better suited to that card than me."