The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
Kero nods. "And they get more powerful the longer they're active for. If Windy went wild for a year, there would be daily hurricanes all over the world."
"They can be stopped, though, if you capture them, and used in a controlled manner if they accept you as their master," he adds, saying the last part a bit pointedly.
"With your magic levels, you need a special artefact to capture them. They'll accept you as their master if you prove yourself to them, develop a good relationship with them, make them trust you. Signing your name on the card also helps."
"If you sign your name on the card, you bind it to your identity, and it's harder for it to do something against you."
"Oh, of course it is. Of course it does. Anything else you might think to mention, that you've perhaps forgotten to tell me?" He grabs out a pen and writes his name at the top of Fly's card.
"Well, if I could remember what I had forgotten I wouldn't have forgotten it," Kero says reasonably.
"It's a huge bird that just sits in the middle of a field, not listening to me, apparently. And it also makes my staff sprout wings."
"It makes things fly, not as precisely as Float but faster. And Theo hurt its feelings."
"And the beak, and the wings, and it's not exactly the most comfortable way to fly."
"Oh my god it's no wonder it doesn't like you! Sshhh don't worry Fly he doesn't know what he's talking about, he's just a silly little boy who's not secure in his masculinity."