The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
"We don't! But she's already captured one card, and one that can be pretty dangerous for her, and it's not very nice to let her get permanently changed permanently in a permanent way just because she might be evil."
"... I mean, I agree, but for all I know you were about to start talking about strengths and weaknesses of my cards, since you two seemed to be getting along so well."
"Okay, just... I hope she's good and all, but how about we just try to see what she's like before we get too attached?"
Sadde has apparently been having a nice nonverbal chat with Windy. "It's no trouble! So, what is she? And what are these card thingies? I found mine in my room and it—did stuff."
"How did they start? What do they do? Who made them? How do they work? How many are there? Why was there one in my room? How do you find more? Are they people? Windy acted a bit not like a person, and Change was definitely not a person. Can they talk? Can you make more? Are there multiple cards of the same type? Why is there a 'guardian' for the cards? How did you find them? Why is the guardian with you? Did you make them?" She runs out of breath then.
"Whoa, slow down! No, I didn't make them. They can't talk, at least not the ones I've met, but they can understand people, and I found Windy in a museum; Fly sorta found me. Kero came knocking at my window when he was looking for Windy."
"A lot of them can talk," Kero supplies. "And I was looking for all the cards. There are fifty-three, by the way."
"Apparently there are two called 'Song' and 'Voice' that have better control over sound than Windy does... I think there were also some water and fire ones?"
"Arrow, Big, Bubbles, Change, Cloud, Create, Dark, Dash, Dream..." he starts listing.
And of course he lists them for her, alphabetically, but giving an idea of some of the more powerful and some of the weaker cards for Theo would be too much effort.
"So yeah, you get the idea," he interrupts.
"So you found two cards, I have one, there are fifty others, do other people have them? Are they all, like, lost somewhere?"
"Yes, Theo did. Accidentally. Apparently the cards will stay inactive for a bit, for different times, so for now they're not doing anything."
"Catastrophe? What kind of catastrophe? How can we stop it?"
Because it's definitely 'we,' now.
Of course it is. Hopefully it'll be for the better.
"The cards apparently cause damage while out in the wild with no instruction, because they just use their powers, not exactly taking care not to harm things, and some of the powers are pretty destructive. I think it's just that with a lot of them, that destruction adds up?"